I think we can all agree that Anglos are the master race, right?

I think we can all agree that Anglos are the master race, right?

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You're nigger, leaf, get over it

>Sicilian calling anyone else a nigger

>mutt greentexting with irony

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This makes me erect



Anglos are cancer race

Germanics are unironically best race

Not even 20% of Canada is anglo though. Largest ethnic groups technically are French,Scottish and Irish.

Plus on your flag Irish, Scottish, Weslh, americans, they are all not -Anglos

t.ching chang canadian 3C


Anglos are the past.

>no anglo South african but Rhodesian
definitely made by a shart

>Canada says master race

And Jews are the past, present and future, unfortunately.

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>shit tier cuisine
>no ancient identity
>almost singlehandedly started consumerism and modernity
>been conquered and subjugated by most nations in w. europe
>somehow the masterrace

Master race is the English-French breed

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anti-anglo tears fuel my wank sessions

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>including america and canada

its an anglo world you're just living in it

>Be china
>Invest billions into building pretend cities that no one lives in to make your country appear more attractive to potential investors
>Hope that people will just move to the new ghost towns and make an economy
>No one moves there
>Bribe people from rural areas to move there with free housing
>Economy still fails and people move away because you can't make something from nothing
>Spend billions more demolishing the ghost towns
>Construction contractors literally fight each other and sabotage each others equipment to get the multi million contract

Ah yes. Communism indeed.



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They're literally a mix of Mexicans and Americans.

why doesn't America want you when you have such a big brain

i fucking hate angloids so goddamn much, fucking racist pasty-ass cracker honky peckerwood faggots

>blue eyes
Most of them have brown eyes, black hair and look like hairy, dirty potatoes.

>This is what Yanks actually believe

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>master race of anything except sibling fucking

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user ...

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go get fertilizer bombed again you cunt


About right.

I kind of like Italian, looks nice