What do protestcucks think about the EU flag? Did you know it's a Catholic flag?

What do protestcucks think about the EU flag? Did you know it's a Catholic flag?

Attached: EUct.png (787x517, 524K)

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Run by jews

>current year
>being religious in any way

Americans send probes in the Solar System and there are still religious people like the OP...

I've got an uncle that worked as a physicist at CERN who has papers published online. He was basically doing what they do at the LHC today. Yet still religious.

Checkmate atheist.

>He was basically doing what they do at the LHC today.
So, he literally played to God with atoms.

>Yet still religious.
So, either you are a liar, or he pretended to be religious to not have issues with the religious.

Attached: eussr10.jpg (200x200, 28K)

t. brainlet

I'm religious

I come from a hyperselective grande école

Fight me.

Attached: images.jpg (297x170, 9K)

Just like christianity

*tips fedora*