
british culture edition

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excellent thread

poo stink fart?


surprised the frog is still showing his face round these parts after he got agincourted

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willy wank poo shit fuck nigger cunt paki

any tights man in

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why has the wojack gull got a beak and a mouth
very very unsettling

I hope soon. This way all the third world subhumans wouldn’t be able to understand us and all the nonwhites wouldn’t be able to defile our spiritual verbal communication system

would prefer if /brit/ was just british and irish flags with the occasional aus flag rest can fuck off

*raises paw*

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definitely in

what the fuck

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union jack flags and the irish
a perfect thread

pygmalion > souvlaki

haha x

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>fully germanic english

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Oh fuck it I'm going to start drinking now, nothing to lose

you're entitled to that opinion

not sure how I feel about double belly button piercings, can't decide if it's really hot or just a bit silly

im here don't worry lol

what are you doing in here haha idiots
we're literally still in here:

no we're not
be quiet

My dick can't even get past her buttcheeks

Update: have eaten the salmon

the incident

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Need a fit gf
2 bad I'm an ugly loser hahah

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giorgi good choice yank i'm impressed


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Whats the most english thing to say?

liverpool twat looks like he hooked madrid with his arm and took him down
can't see because mboko is in the way

pure chhhhooOOOOoooooOoOnn



cor blimey

because its correct

he does initiate the arm link but ramos intentionally locks it

my British citizenship application got rejected

prefer women with no arse and big chebs

uh huh, uh huh, yep


did we all watch the final yesterday?

If I see you in my streets again I'll slash ya, and it'll be an 'undred times fuckin' worse, alright? Now run 'ome, cuz mummy's cookin' curry. Go on.

good. jog on jappy

fuck off we're full

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it's raining lads

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that is just a simple "nice" not a "nooooice"
fuck you and the perosn who uploaded and titled that video

slag off you incorrigible old bore

maybe you should stop filling in the form in crayon

>tee hee i'm an ironic weeb xd
why do americans do this?

not related to british culture

That's unfortunate. I hope that when my country is independent of the UK we can welcome you with open arms, friend.

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sis keeps trying to distract me from /brit/

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have you tried being an anti-west muslim terrorist?
they seem to have no problem

*takes a sip from my pint*
Any of you lot tried simply ignoring things that annoy you?



uguu senpai notice me x3

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deepseated guilt over breaking Japan's collective brain with atomic weapons


does cutting yourself actually help or is it just for attention
considering giving it a go but not sure if I can handle pain

is there wee wee in that cup

>wanting to live in the UK when you already live in a first world country
why? our cities are what americans think russia looks like, and our countryside is a hidden gem nobody outside of britain knows about

Me on the left.

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are you talking to me?

trying this with work emails

>first world
doin a think

based americans

I drove past lockerbie once, there is almost nothing there, amazingly bad luck the plane landed on houses instead of the endless miles of feilds or moorland

if the girl at work wasn't fat and didn't have a kid she'd be my gf by now

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wish she'd grabbed her chebs

pay nigger

it's literally about being able to handle the pain

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Alright Grandad, don't you have some Glenn Miller records to listen to?

anyone got people in their life they viscerally dislike?

i have two:
a friend of a friend who is living in the same city as me. hanged around with him a few times.he random lies and makes up stories, he is obsessed with going out and getting drunk, he tries to get me to do favours for him. he's a slob and he only cares about going out and getting wasted. he talks about money alot and about his own success. he can't carry a convesration but for some reason really wants me to hang out with him and invites me out all the time even though i rarely do end up actually going out with him

some lady at work who just looks really sickly. she's a vegan/gluten free person or whatever. she is just undescribably boring and often comes to the office sick and spreads her ailments. she also opines on health things despite being sickly herself - eg will see me eating stuff for gym and comment about how she read animal products are carcinogenic. despite being completely unhealthy herself.

not good to despise people, but i can't help but be annoyed by these.

not reading this steaming lump of shite sorry

yeah you

depending on who you ask it either makes you focus on the pain so you forget about whatever else or it gives you some good chemical reaction


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live and work in a flight path lads
reckon I have an order of magnitude more risk of copping the ol' Donnie Darko than your average punter

Boring bastard you are mate

i did but i cut them out

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no u

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the plan: spend my life savings on heroin and spend the rest of my days hooked up to a makeshift IV on my sofa

my older brother, honestly just one of the most pretentious mentally ill people i've ever come across
i want to murder him most of the time but he's my brother

love planes

shall be reversing this edit
very disrespectful

sadpanda license top-up please m8

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maybe she's coeliac and her immune system's compromised

What should I bring for my family when I go to England in the summer? I was thinking about some real Gouda cheese and Gouda syrup waffles. That's food that was invented in the town where I'm from.

i like sitcoms to be funny and acerbic

What will you tell your grandchildren when they ask why you didn't invest in the glasgow spaceport
