Best countries rankings

is your country better than usa

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>USA better than us

>Norway at 10

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>Germany better than Norway
>UK better than Germany

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>UK at number 3

>germany and pakist*n


France #1

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>Better than Norway and 9th
France is shit


We are always 1st :^)

you're not even in the list, Italy

>Finland nowhere in the list

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You're not even on there.

Italy is unironically number 1 when it comes to history, arts, culture and food.

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>in top 40


Why wouldn't we be?

shhhhh go back to sleep Stephan

Depends if you live in a city like a subhuman or not Tbh

I live in rural Gloucestershire and its alri

>best countries
in what indicator?

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>depends if you live where most people live


Most people live in China and India too

not my fault

Most cities are nice enough. Inner suburbs (i.e. terraced suburbs and council estates) are probably the worst places to live.

I mean I don't have to worried about getting shot here s that's nice

Best engineering: Germany
Best geography: Norway / Switzerland
Best weather: Spain
Best food: Italy
Best history: Italy / England
Best women: Denmark
Best freedom: America
Best etiquette: Japan
Best whores: Poland
Best quality of life: Norway / Iceland

>we're not in the list
bullshit, 0/10


Best music: England
Best architecture: France

is the freedom part a joke?

Americans have a lot of land and some of those people in the midwest live on farms with massive properties where they can do whatever the fuck they want. America has always been about frontier living, culturally and ideologically

I'm Swiss

>not in the "best history" category

>Best weather: Spain

>can do whatever the fuck they want
>can't collect rainwater

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what is this possibly based off of

Look, I'll defend my country's honour online like any good bongolong but I fail to see in what universe we're the third "best country" in the WORLD.

They can get shot at any time, at school, at encounter with cop, at encounter with nigger
Can you say the same?
That's true freedumb for you

why would the UK and USA ever be among the top 10?

You really think we couldn't hold on to the number 9 and 10 slots?

Why wouldn't we be?