Why aren't you immigrating to Australia?
Why aren't you immigrating to Australia?
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That's not so simple to do.
I will.
He will.
No you won't.
You won't too.
Fuck off we're full
Im fine here :3
Because it's not the 60's anymore.
>Fuck off we're full
I have a friend whose half Maltese, he's a ranga
What is that?
But we know Haskell.
Australia is the only Anglo c*nt that's worse than America
if I have English citizenship can I immigrate easily? I want to be part of the Aussie punk scene
He's a redhead
Didn't steal any corn
He got that from his non-Maltese part, that's for sure.
immigrants receive free education in australia, just saying
That's pretty stupid. Australia is created by God Almighty for one single purpose - to make it easier for us Russian people to obtain UK passport.
Chinese starting immigrating here not long after the second fleet, what would you expect?
Australians hate French people because retarded normies fall for the surfer meme and go there
Why so many Italians in Australia?
>Why aren't you immigrating to Australia?
I don't know if I'd get along with Chinese.
is it stupid that I kind of want to live in Russia is a small commieblock working retail or some other small work where I'll spend my life without anything ever really happening
what primary and highschool, what country doesn't do that.
tons came post ww2
ew, why are so many chimpleans in australia?
>The recording, broadcast by the Nine Network on Wednesday evening, has Dastyari saying: “The Chinese integrity of its borders is a matter for China, and the role that Australia should be playing as a friend is to know that we think several thousand years of history, thousands of years of history, when it is and isn’t our place to be involved.
>“As a supporter of China and a friend of China, the Australian Labor party is playing an important role in maintaining that relationship and the best way of maintaining that relationship is knowing when it is and isn’t our place to be involved.”
university too
also the australian government literally pay people to immigrate and make housing more affordable if you are foreign
immigrants from countries with a gdp per capita lower than $5000 also get their own car
he was later found out to be an actual chinese snitch. he told a chink that the room was bugged
>I kind of want to live in Russia is a small commieblock working retail or some other small work where I'll spend my life without anything ever really happening
You cannot be more wrong about life in Russia, dude. It's not a banana republic for you where everything is chill and just falling from the sky. It's actually never ending hardcore quest, you better have good surveying skills here.
Because I would literally melt
>never ending hardcore quest
I guess I don't really want to then, Russian is hard to learn anyway......
Don't think there are, I've never met one.
Dastyari is telling of Australia's future. He rose quickly through Labor's ranks and took money and favours from the chinese (businessmen linked to the party) in exchange for giving them information and support. He was found out and was forced out of parliament after a public outcry.
Really it's nothing different to what America's been doing for years, and we had people selling out Australia to the brits before it was the Americans.
Our foreign policy has always been to suck the dick of a foreign superpower, but some people take it too far and end up literally selling out to them.
What are the British immigrants in Australia like? Pretty sure we still make up the biggest immigrant group.
I value my personal rights and privacy
But that would be a unique experience, dude. If you could managed to live in Russia, every other place in the world become no problem for you. If will be seasoned surveyor dude, and the sky is the limit for you in any 1st world cunt.
basically just middle class English people, theres hardly any regional accents for some reason. apart from random banter nobody cares because we're the same ethnicity anyway
Is our relationship really that exploitive? It seems benign or at least somewhat mutually beneficial to me but I don't really know any better
Mixed bag. I know a couple and they're good people, one is my cousin's boyfriend. But I've met some that were awful to be around. Overall pretty good though, lots of professionals and people who aren't closed minded cunts. Those kind of people tend not to immigrate.
Last time I went camping I met a group of about 15 brits, almost all of whom were doctors. They said many medicine graduates in britain come out here to work because your government keeps fucking over the NHS and making the work conditions atrocious.
It would be a adventure I'd remember, but is Russia really a good place for a skinny American English only statistician? I probably couldn't survive Russia
it is my long term dream to do so, but I keep sabotaging myself and never will
it's pretty much we folow you into everything and let your businesses dominate because they have a goblin tier population behind them and in exchange America will probably stop somebody invading if its still in their interests
Australia is just England but more relaxed because it's hotter
I don't have the money
Would do so in a heartbeat though
australia should be the white homeland
>American English only statistician
It depends on how modern your other skills are. Have you learned python, R, maybe even Scala? If yes, you are good.
It's not THAT exploitative, since we have similar ideals and we do want america's help because we've also historically been afraid of either the yellow peril (asians in general) or the red peril (commies). After WW2 we decided britain were useless (which they are) and went full on America. We willingly sent troops to fight with you in Korea, Vietnam and Iraq, in reality we have probably actually been America's most steadfast ally. In large part because our interests generally do align and because we want to be under your nuclear umbrella.
But at the same time, in the 70s the CIA was making plans meddle in our democracy (and as a last resort assassinate our prime minister) because he wanted to stop the vietnam war and institute some very popular socialist policies.
So while generally not exploitative, in reality we have to be aware that to America, we are very important disposable asset, not a valued ally to be protected at great cost.
This. We're absolutely chockers
no....more of a charts and data analysis statistician,
That would be problematic then.
Why don't you learn modern tools by the way? Nowadays it's clondike for data scientists.
rigged statistics, there's like only 47k of us living in Australia
because I'm a idiot, which is why I wanted to live in Russia doing some sort of service job and live in a cheap shitty apartment
>But at the same time, in the 70s the CIA was making plans meddle in our democracy (and as a last resort assassinate our prime minister) because he wanted to stop the vietnam war and institute some very popular socialist policies.
Not quite that dramatic, but still interesting and new to me
I think Serbia have the way of life you think about.
But they don't love Americans much, you know.
yeah this user linked a simple article I may have got the assassination part wrong, I can't find proofs of that, I thought I remembered reading they planned it but maybe I'm mistaken.
Here's some more in depth links if you wanna read it though.
I'm too scared of Emus.
They're full
don't want to get my balls bitten off by a snake while i'm shitting in the toilet
thankyou for understanding
that's only ever happened to me once
I have over a hundred reasons but I can sum them all up by saying they have something to do with animals and venom/poison.
Are you people really so afraid of our wildlife? People very rarely die from animal bites here. Respect nature and it respects you ya pussies.
Not really.
In the end it's actually just the boring reason of not knowing what I should do there in terms of job.
Because New Zealand is better
this is behind a paywall
Too hot
Australians are moving here. Just last week saw a documentary about a family from Perth with 2 kids who bought a house in a village near Veliko Tarnovo (they called it VT, cute)
Are Bulgarians a tolerant people?
tolerant of whites yes. We're also forced to be tolerant with gyps or they'll cut off our EU gibs