Thank you Sweden for snus

Thank you Sweden for snus

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du är vällkommen. but don't snus white. that's for women.

literal mouth cancer

gave me sores in less than 1 pack

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it does not cause mouth cancer.
and the sores go away after a while.

Yes only men put brown things in the mouth here. Kill yourself sven

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Because if you don't snus....

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All we have in America is General's white portion and these horrible things.
I placed an order for the good stuff though.

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Doesn't snus give you mouth cancer?


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You lose

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Even if it didn't
Imagine swallowing that shite every now and then. Truly disgusting.

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>every now and then.
You swallow it all the time. only mutt-snus is for spitting.
And it tastes great. Been snusing since 2008. Never regretted it.

Jeder Schuss ein snus

>He fell for the tobacco swede.


Go home, shitskin.

What's your favorite?
Trying out new stuff

Yet everyone here uses that white Odens that rips jonnes apart. Though I guess it's because it's cheap on your side and you can still sell it to teenagers for good profits

The only confirmed health risk is a 70% increase risk for type 2-diabetes, as far as I know.


A friend of mine sometimes has that shit. It's good