America and Britain declares war on Germany during WW1 and then forces them to pay ridicoulus reparations

>America and Britain declares war on Germany during WW1 and then forces them to pay ridicoulus reparations
>America and Britain declares war on Germany during WW2 and removes the national socialists, the last bastion against bolshevism
>America and Britain destabilizes the Middle East, resulting in millions of refugees flooding into Germany

How do we solve the Anglo question?

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Simple: Advocate for more bolshevism

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You supported the Brits and gave them supplies, as I recalled

You also sanctioned the Japanese which forced them to attack you


Tbh we had it coming in both wars, we conducted attacks the UK clearly said they wouldn't tolerate. Also we declared war on the US in WW2, although whether their entry in WW1 was justified is debatable as far as I can tell.

>WW1 ends
>Wilson begs allies to be nice to poor Germany, American investment rushes in to rebuild Germany in the interwar years
>WW2 ends
>Truman spends millions rebuilding Germany, sends American troops to defend their former enemies and half of Germany's debt was forgiven even though they started the war
>Soviets block western ground and water access to West Berlin, America and Britain risk war with USSR to supply West Berlin entirely by air with four planes landing every minute loaded with food and supplies and airmen even personally buy and drop candy for the children
>Cold War ends
>Thatcher, Mitterrand, and Gorby all are against German reunification, but Bush convinces them to accept it
>Germany has the lowest support of the USA out of all EU nations and all NATO countries save Turkey
>American soldiers are on German soil pledged to give up their LIVES for a country that hates them while Germany's leader calls America an unreliable ally
>meanwhile America nuked Japan and dropped more explosives on Vietnam than were used in all of WW2 but they still like America more than Germans do
>Britain also helped them a ton after having been attacked by Germany in two wars but now 90% of Germans want to hurt Britain in the Brexit negotiations

Why are Germans such ungrateful, mean, and self-righteous people?

But if Germany won either wars, Europe wouldn't be in this mess right now

The Anglos are responsible

And the Nazis sure as fuck weren't thr "last bastion against bolshevism", ffs they partitioned Eastern Europe with the Soviets and conducted the suicidal attack that ensured Soviet hegemony over Eastern Europe
Only your last point is maybe reasonable, however it was our politicians' decision to actually open the borders of Germany
How old are you?

You just want Germany to be your puppet. The Allies bombed Germany into oblivion and you think you can just be friends after that?

I just want to not be hated

because the reparations fucked the economy for almost a decade before completly buttfucking it with the tried take over of the rheinland
people had to burn money for heat because it was cheaper than firewood

America declared war on Germany because they collaborated with Mexico for an invasion against us and also sank our civilian boats with their subs.

In WW2 Germany declared war on us.

Both times we advocated for far more leniency than what their European peers advocated for.

Then stay out of other nation's bussines

Wtf are you on about Hans

Well the Mexicans are invading you now anyway

Meh, the widespread support of anti-democratic parties still isn't excusable in my book, although mlst couldn't have guessed what it would actually mean a few years down the line
Whitewashing your history because you dislike it isn't helpful

democracy is a meme

You're a meme

Then it would be the time to bomb the fuck out of G*rmany again

But we're not often given the choice, like when germany declared war on us

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You CHOSE to support the Allies with supplies and sanctioned Japan

Well it's the same in Italy you know. Ever been near Camp Darby? Dude I have friends that used to throw over the walled fence Heineken bottles filled with piss

Nazi Germany was an expansionist and genocidal regime, as was Imperial Japan
If you seriously believe supporting their opponents is a morally bad thing you need to reconsider your worldview

>be germany in ww1
>hey hans let's sink those neutral boats lol
>oh no usa don't join the war please
everything that happened to you during ww1 and ww2 are deserved


>gets attacked by Japan
>gets declared on by Germany
>chose to be with allies
Lol ok Frederick

>germany declares war on the entire world and loses
>germany declares war on the entire world and loses, but this time with genocide
>naziboos continue to whine to this day

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Read about Q-Ships, the Baralong incident, the sinking of the Lusitania and how the Brits deceived civilians to effectively use them as human shields for weapons transports
I know Germany in WW1 was also in the wrong most of the time but on this topic it isn't as easy

The Allies brainwashed you to sympathise with them. Take a look at the situation Europe is in right now and tell me it wouldn't be better if Imperial Germany won WW1

I LOVE germany. It CANNOT be away from us. We must make it a state. I want Germany to be with us forever. I want US and Germany to be in LOVE. FOREVER.


I do feel like we got a bit carried away with bombing the Germans, feel a bit guilty about it tbqh.
The UK was innocent in the Great War though.

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To be fair in regards to WW1 the US pulled a Hamas and and thought hiding weapons on a passenger ship full of civilians using civilians would deter German attacks.

No. I can learn about history myself, thank you. The state Europe is in right now (I suppose you mean mainly immigrants) is due to post-WW2 politics, it's got little to do with either war.
Y-you too

>ridicoulus reparations
>national socialists, the last bastion against bolshevism
Like how they cooperated with Bolshevism to partition Poland?
>resulting in millions of refugees flooding into Germany
Germany is willingly letting them in, and it isn't like Germany hasn't also contributed to it. Many if not most refugees aren't even from the Middle East anyway.

>"hon hon hon let's declare war on Germany!"

>"hon hon hon let's force Germany to pay huge reparations"


>"hon hon hon let's annex Alsace-Lorraine"

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Agree on your points except it actually is that Germany hasn't contributed to it. We neither bombed Saddam, nor Ghaddafi, nor Assad, nor are we supplying insurgents and rebels everywhere in the ME.
Germany declared war on france in WW1, the reparations therefore were justified

Chances are Hitler would have muslims flooding Europe anyway. You lose no matter what with Germany.

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Why do you hate your own country so much? It's pathetic

I don't, I love my country. I just don't see the point in denying the mistakes we made, it's childish and helps nobody.


Why do you think spreading lies makes you love your country

It was a weird time though, listen to the Mannerheim tapes where Hitler himself says that they had no idea what they were dealing with in the Soviet Union(30K tanks)

Germany and Sweden need to rise up and take back control of our countries. It's the only way to save Europe


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>except it actually is that Germany hasn't contributed to it

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We didn't want the war to begin with. Our diplomat at the time did everything possible to stop it from breaking out.

Look up who those weapons are delivered to, we consider that more carefully than almost everybody else
Also its not like other countries wouldn't gladly step in if we stopped our weapons exports
On this regard we really aren't the responsibles.

traitorous italian

>"lets declare var on france und invade through neutral belgium"
>"britain declared var on us for invading neutral belgium und calling the treaty a scrap of paper? how perfidious!"
>*opens fire on civilians, dragging the US into the war*

>begins paying fair reparations for warmongering

>"ve vill violate this treaty und invade defenseless nations and genocide their people, and vill make agreements with the bolsheviks and claim to be the bastion against bolshevism!"


Eat shit

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>man with crusty ass stock
>woman about to discover the spiders hiding in her ceiling
>man chopping shit load of trees for no other purpose than deforestation
>the roads of europe are clogged with sheep and children cannot get to school


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the mutt doesn't understand beauty and culture

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>the french one disappears during the fight


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>literally hordes of sheep blocking the road
btw that picture is inaccurate i don't have chest hair

Stay mad

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Nazis were expansionist and genocidal true but so were all the other major european powers at the time. America should have just stayed completely out of the european theater. Japan though unironically did nothing wrong. They were being sandwiched between the imperialist genocidal europeans to the south and imperialist bolsheviks to the north. Even in the 1930s Japan was very reliant on trade and it would have been very easy to starve the island into capitulation by starving the people out once either force decided it was time to stamp out Japan. So the japs were just trying to secure resources so they could withstand the communist expansion which actually did happen after WW2 so Japan was right all along.

Well till recently there was no blocking of the exports to Saudi-Arabia, it happened in times of Schröder already and continued only until suddently there were "concerns" about the bombing in Yemen. Not to mention that H&K and others are selling one certificate after another to other countries to let them build their arsenal of machineguns etc.
>Also its not like other countries wouldn't gladly step in if we stopped our weapons exports
And? That doesn't make you a non-contributing nation.

Japs were just a mirror of Nazi Germany. Nazis claimed to be saving Europe from jewish bolshevism, and Japs claimed to be saving Asia from European colonialism. But in reality both were exterminating other Europeans/Asians respectively to make way for colonization into the rest of their continents. The japanese had complex plans to recolonize asia with japanese people. Plus they racked up quadruple the body count of the holocaust

Fair point on the Saudis, however all they're doing with our weapons for now is supporting Yemen's legal government in the civil war against Iran-backed insurgents, afaik no German weapons were delivered to Saudi proxies in the region. However we should reevaluate arms deliveries to SA, I agree.
>And? That doesn't make you a non-contributing nation.
True but our "contribution" to the destabilisation of the ME is laughably small and hard to determine as obvious cause compared to all other influential countries.

>in reality both were exterminating other Europeans/Asians respectively to make way for colonization into the rest of their continents
Allied propaganda.

Ridiculous reparations.
What they could do after Britain denied anything to be done for Germans in Poland.
No country is willingly letting them in.

>source: Jow Forums - Politically Incorrect

>Wilson begs allies to be nice to poor Germany
How do we solve the American problem? Europe could've been saved if not for those meddling Yanks and their lapdog!

source: your ass

I mean, I'm not going to say "GERMANY WAS LE ORIGINAL EVIL" because Hitler pretty much plagirized "Lebensraum" from America's Manifest Destiny. A lot of Hitler's ideas came straight out of America- everything from eugenics (Sweden was a major center for eugenics as well) to crushing the savages (Native Americans and Slavs respectively). All Hitler did was mix it up with some European ultranationalism and winded up with the biggest meme in the 20th century

>no u

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>be american
>vassalize germany
>send the niggers in to rape civilians
>send the cia to murder all politicians who want more than 3 soldiers and 1 tank for the whole german armed forces
>send cia to arrest 80 year olds for wrong opinions on social media
>promote "all races are equal, genes dont real" propaganda for 100 years

>>>hurr durrr we rebuilt germany
anglos are just american puppets
go for the source
amerimutts (and israel)

I'd like to add, that history really is written be the victors. Not defending Nazi Germany in any way, but if they won like America won against the Native Americans in Manifest Destiny, the whole story would be different. We look at America's genocide of natives with "well, that happened I guess", but because Germany lost, they are "LE EVILIST!"

if you want to be in the good light... win

Or you know, they are doing it backdoor.
Where do you think did the Milan-Missiles for example, used by the Libyan and Syrian "rebels" and partly funded by German cooperation, came from?
Hint: There were exports to Gaddafi-era Lybia and Qatar

>How do we solve the Anglo question camerades?

Attached: grossgermanium.jpg (640x480, 18K)

Britain and especially America were against harsh punishments for Germany though. Nice Wikipedia education you have, Sven.

>posts a Slav

yes, all bald chinlets are "Slavs"

Can you tell me whether our government reevaluated arms deliveries to Quatar if these things are definitely found to be true? Because I would think they'd do so. And we can hardly be held responsible for the fact that rebels looted ex-Ghaddaffi army equipment

Also the Milan is a Franco-German weapon, and the French aren't exactly known for their reluctance with arms deals

>Can you tell me whether our government reevaluated arms deliveries to Quatar if these things are definitely found to be true?
lel no, they just recently made another deal with them selling the eurofighter-jets (which are, obviously, hard to smuggle to "rebels")

>And we can hardly be held responsible for the fact that rebels looted ex-Ghaddaffi army equipment
... you do know that rebels can just take the weapons from the governmental forces right? With what weapons do you think are "our soldiers" killed in Afghanistan or Pakistan?
Or do you want to weasel you out with: "We just sold weapons, they pulled the trigger?"

1. we defended our front in ww1, and won through alliances which isn't a problem because it's an integral part of warfare
2. what makes you think our annexation of alsace lorraine was not justified when its population at the time ww2 wanted to be part of france, and you annexed it during the war?

>Chose to support the allies
The US was making money from trade, why should the US take the economic hit from a European war.
The "aid" was simply doing business, and the US remained pretty much neutral until the Nazis started with their expansionist policy.

The same goes for Japan. The US had threatened with an Embargo for years, almost a decade. The Japanese continued their expansion to Indochina, and this expansion and was fueled by American oil, and American steel. The US cut it.

How arrogant and outright stupid do you have to be to put the fate of your entire empire, on trade with one country?
It's the US fault? How about Japan and Germany just do things right. You expand slowly.

The UK built their empire for over 200 years, and Japan thought they would get everything and encroach on American territories in the east with no resistance?

Also, the Japanese had bombed American navy ships on the Yangtze river, and American ships had already been sunk by U-boats before American decided to side with the allies.

It's like a bully crying once someone steps in to stop their bullshit. PATHETIC.

>America should have just stayed completely out of the european theater.
I agree, and it would have turned out this way had it not been for Hitler.
The absolute FUCKING moron decided to declare war, when the tripartite pact didn't force him to do it, as it was a defensive alliance.
He got fucked in the end.

>Japan did nothing wrong
How so?
You think nobody is going to stand in your way if you decided to expand that quickly?
America didn't even commit an act of war against them. It basically told them to fuck off, and took the oil and iron away.
Embargoes aren't acts of war, they weren't then, and still aren't today.

Britain doesn't care about Europe, we haven't given a shit about European soil in the last 500 years. When it comes to Europe, everything we have done has been self defence

It's the French, Germans, Turks and Russians who always fucked everything up, brought war to Europe and invaded their neighbours. Blame them for the sorry state of Europe today. We just wanted to trade and maintain our power.

They are, especially during a war were neutral parties are supposed to be neutral.

It isn't.
read the Geneva convention, the section referring to acts of war.
Embargoes aren't acts of war, they weren't then and aren't today.

>A neutral State must never assist a party to the armed conflict, in particular
it must not supply warships, ammunition or other war materials
directly or indirectly to a belligerent power, but otherwise its trade with
the belligerent States remains unaffected.

The US by supplying japan with oil and steel was actually helping japan. Taking all that away was a way of securing its neutrality.

And EVEN if America had taken sides, and had shown its support to China, that still does not constitute a declaration nor act of war.

Saying, I'm not selling you shit isn't an act of war, neither is feeling sympathetic to the Chinese war effort.

>the last bastion against bolshevism
I don't think you know what "last bastion" means because the West stood tall and defeated it.

>the last bastion against bolshevism
Bolshevism is Good and you are Evil.
Forces of Light were destined to defeat the Evil ones.

>ridicoulus reparations
Kill yourself you subhuman krautboo nigger. What the Krautniggers did to Romania and Russia during WW1 was MUCH worse than what was done onto them by the Versaille treaty.

Alsace-Lorraine was REINTEGRATED in 1919, not 1944, and by 1870 when Prussia invaded it, it had been French since the 17th century or so

It is, made up arbitrary rules major powers don't really abide to are nothing but post war whining.

Germans haven't done anything worse than other countries in the world.
War crime, wars of aggression and genocide have been and still are practiced by pretty much every country that can afford it. Hell, even Iraq gave it a try in 1980.

>post-war whining
So, the 1970 US oil embargo was an act of war?
You are telling me that the US had the right to go fuck up SA because of the embargo?

Embargoes are not the same as blockades, maybe you are mistaking them, I'm not sure.
Embargoes have taken place multiple times in history, and they aren't acts of war.

What was declaring war going to do to fix the embargo? Nothing. Unless Japan was planning on invading the texas oil fields, they weren't getting a drop of oil, and there was nothing that they could do.

Declaring war was not only illegal under such circumstances but highly illogical.

Germans are subhumans and should be killed and Wehraboos should be killed with them

t. der Gobliner

Was it a middle of a world war where the US was not being neutral with their trade? No.

>ve deserve our place unt zie sun ja Deutches reich buer allis
>gets fucked off
>ve deserve our place unt zie sun ja Deutches reich buer allis
>gets fucked off again and raped by russians

>Was it a middle of a world war where the US was not being neutral with their trade? No.
So? You are saying that embargoes are acts of war no? If it's legal to go to war over an embargo, then it's legal always.
Don't come with you bullshit now.
Read act 6 and 7.
The US wasn't forced to change its trade initially, but it could have if it wanted as laid under the duties of neutral nations. Signed 1907. So way before the war.

Choosing who you will supply during a war is clearly taking sides, and you will keep bringing useless laws that are not even respected by the US.