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tfw houses are too expensive


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build one
how's everything going?

get a tiny house

Moving along I guess

get any studying done?

I don't want to live in a cukcshed

Damn checking in first time in a while and I have legit dejavu. The fin and the chi still here. The canadian still complaining about not being able to buy a house. Did time stop for the last few months or something

Only a little, I think i've got an alright grasp on things now but still need some fine tuning so i'll be able to get things right when it counts.

You're on the brink of figuring out something very essential about life, keep at it and you'll be enlightened a little. Pro tip
>Did time stop for the last few months
Think bigger time frames and the nature of everyday life

>Did time stop for the last few months or something
Our housing problems will continue until we expel the Chinese, Indians, Russians, Arabs, Jews and snowbirds

? Por qué los chiacanos de /chi/ nunca hablan en el idioma ?

Did you guys do anything in the last few months? Any accomplishments, aside from whining online all day long?

Sure, not in the last few months though. Those kinds of things are not everything in life you know. Anyways you are way off track in getting it

alright, at least you're working towards the right path
nothing's ever going to change

porque nadie más lo está hablando

El español es un lenguaje muy feo

What do you consider as most important in life then if it's not achieving your goals? I check into this thread once a month or longer or so and it feels like you three are literally always complaining about the same thing.

Yeah nothing changes if u just sit here all day

kek and trumptards are afraid of the spanish invasion when the second and third generation loose it;

I speak it everyday in real life more than english actually
can't do anything else really

>user what is the purpose of life
Good question. Things very much stay the same, even if those kinds of "things" you mention
here (or atleast what I think you mean, you are talking about adventures and other carpe diem seize your dreams kinds of stuff, right?) do bring temporary change to the statues quo. A lot of it is about your mind set and general day to day life, those carpe diem things will be largely lost if things are not alright inside your head and day to day life. Out of curiosity mention a few things that you think are worth while?

No I'm talking about literally anything that can be considered a hobby that makes you happy that isn't whining all day long about how nothing will ever change or about how tired you are of doing the same thing yet doing it anyway

You and the chi are the most pathetic losers ive ever seen in my entire life, at least the others eventually fuck off after a few weeks/months. Hopefully you both kill yourselves and dont take anyone with you

Try to say something concrete, give us an example of you seizing the day lately.

Aside from steadily progressing in mu goals of working, investing and strength training I am enjoying more outdoors activities and working on a few programming projects personally

>mu goals of working
working is useless when no one can afford a house

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what's with you and houses?

Owning a house is retarded right now so that's totally fine for me

Neat, been there done that (apart from the programming). I don't really get why the day to day life of strangers would get under your skin just because it's different from yours, also when things start to go badly they usually stay on that track. Sure things don't have to be like that which is obvious but things also aren't as cut and dry simple as you make them out to be.

Because I find it sad that you'll one day get old and realize you wasted ur time complaining online

Don't worry, i've got plenty of regrets over things i've tried and done so I won't have to only regret the shoulda/woulda/couldas of life.

exams soon so at least i get a break from classes during summer

Why not own a house?
Renting is a waste of money, and I think it's a bit absurd that despite being in the top 10% ( I make over 80k a year) I'm unable to get approved for a mortgage unless I provide a massive down payment ahead of time
That's only because of our fucking governments. If we actually had politicians who cared about us owning a house would be more sensible and affordable.

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>absurd that despite being in the top 10% ( I make over 80k a year) I'm unable to get approved for a mortgage
Also I'm still fucking living in my childhood bedroom

Lol renting isn't a waste of money. At least you dont need to pay property tax, worry about repairs or be tied into paying interest on the mortgage. Just move out and rent, your landlords principal wont even be dented in most cases

Buy stocks that give good dividends and make your money work for you in the hopes that one day you'll be financially independent. I'd also say buy an investment apartment but that would just be rubbing it in wouldn't it. Also canadas housing market is probably in some sort of a bubble right now so the prices might not stay so unreasonable forever. Though who knows, maybe more people who have gotten rich in china will continue to buy 2nd homes in canada and continue to feed the bubble for years to come.

But if you rent you have to live around racial minorities
And you're basically throwing your money away, at least if you buy a house you'll see it's value go up if you do repairs

when are your exams?
I don't think i'll ever have anything in my life tbqh

Rent a nice bachelor apartment in Rosedale for $1500/mo. You'll live next to rich Jews and Whiteys.

Value on average only about matches inflation tbqh by the way, these gains of 20% a year we've been seeing are certainly an anamoly

Rosedale top 10 nonenglish mother tongue languages:

It's good


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>m-mi sufrimiento



How come we never discuss CHI issues or culture.

I mean, it's not much, but if we have a thread, we can at least bring some things up.

go ahead no ones stopping you

Anyone into Chicano rock?


I like rage against the machine


commies get out

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I only listen to martial industrial

I think it's pretty great

Also started listening to a lot of spanish indie music recently, but most of it is from Argentina

calm down


why do you always post this? also have you listened to Mr. Loco?

i only listen to Summer Nights by Lil Rob sometimes when Im feeling nostalgic. Won't listen to anything else by him cus I'm not a sureno gangbanger.

Because the bands have CHIcano in the title
I hadn't but I'm listening to it now, kinda reminds me of Texas Tornados


never heard of them


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I'm a very lazy piece of shit.

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BASED, do you like anyone else?


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