Whats your dinner tonight?

Whats your dinner tonight?

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Looks like shit macacao.

i thought BRs were all starving now

Why the butthurt belt is always butthurt?


Because you're a jungle Russian and accept the facts, your food looks like shit.

So you're butthurt towards us because we looks like tropical Russians?

smoked gouda and butter on white bread

don't judge

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I ate some buns with filet americain and a beer.

Gonna have 200g oats and 80g cashews.

God damn it man, you have good cheese, so do something better with it than that.


Sopa de macaco.

I'm waiting for japanese food

>butthurt towards
Why do all brazilians on Jow Forums have broken english

will be ordering a pizza from a new place i just discovered


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Why did you drop a bread roll on top of rice?

>pão de alho and rice


a bag of dicks

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No it doesn't. You are just an edgy faggot

wouldn't be my top choice but sounds ok to me.