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Protip: 99% of Finland's population lives in the blue region

How do goverments cuck their popualtion by joining the EU without a referendum ?

Why is Switzerland so against it?

Because it would hurt their banks to join EU?

dumb böndes

This has never happened. It's a requirement to be able to join the EU.

Red area are samoyedic peoples

Swiss have a long tradition of neutrality and non-involvement into European Politics that have served them well over the past several centuries, with the exception of the period of Napoleonic Wars.

Swiss tend to be more conservative.

There is a draft in Switzerland, and most of Swiss men either served in Army or went through alternative service. I think this is important, because people who served, tend to be more conservative in their approach to politics and integration in general.

Swiss have recently voted in several measures to prevent further immigration, and to bring back immigration quotas. Being part of EU means that they would have to remove those quotas and follow EU's lead.

Swiss banking system right now is very independent. And while it did become a bit more open under pressure from US and EU, becoming part of EU would mean changes to the banking laws as well.

Swiss franc is one of the most stable currencies of the world, independently of any other factors. Becoming part of EU would mean becoming part of Euro zone. Recent events with Greece, showed how one member state can affects others. You don't exchange something as good as Swiss franc for something that can be unstable like Euro, because of one irresponsible member. If Swiss had Belorussian rouble as their currency - it would be a different conversation.

Becoming part of EU would mean abandonment of Neutrality and participation in EU's military actions around the world. Even if they are just token missions.

What's interesting is that the people that benefit from the EU, the farmers, are the ones that are against it.