Do Americans really eat like this? It looks so stupid

Do Americans really eat like this? It looks so stupid

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No one does this

>tfw someone points their blade towards you and you gotta shoot them all up in self defense
Those school mass shooters did nothing wrong.

but as it is the american etiquette, it must mean you two are poorly raised then

It's certainly not done with whatever that is in the image. And I don't think people put down a utensil they're about to use again either.

but that IS the american etiquette. just google american dining etiquette and that's all there is.

you do that weird put the knife down and switch fork from left to right hand-thing.
they even commented on it at the royal wedding, how american did that.

The vast majority of americans couldn't give a fuck about dining etiquette. Unless i'm eating a meat, then i just use the side of my fork to cut my food

Yeah, how else would you eat?

Some people do prefer to cut their meat up first and then eat solely with the fork, but there's certainly no concrete rule about doing it, and I've never seen anyone do so for fruit or anything besides meat.

my american mom taught me to eat this way
minus the knife blade pointing at other people thing though

I’m a dual US-UK citizen. This is the correct American etiquette with the transfer of the fork.

British etiquette is to keep the fork in the same hand.

But why though?

i think it stems from some old idea that keeping a knife in your hand as you dine is threatening and hence rude
basically, you have low trust in each other in the US

never seen this before in my life

maybe you dont move in sophisticated circles

or maybe its just not common at all

Yes but mostly for meat
Cut meat with knife in right hand and left hold it down
Then you put the knife away, I was taught wrong I guess because I was told the knife points down towards you
Right hand is for eating, many cultures eat solely with right because it’s dominant

>let me tell you about your country

I can understand depositing the knife, like for example if you don't have to use the knife for your next bite because it doesn't need to be cut (i.e. peas). The knifie not facing others sounds like some medieval shit though. But the most mindblowing thing about all this is the fork switching hand in order to bring it to your mouth. How bad can your dexterity be if you can't lift a fork properly with your bad hand? (if that is the reason, because I can't think of anything else)

i just cut with the knife in my left hand and bring the food to my mouth with the fork in my right hand like a civilized human

>I know more about your country than you do, because I googled it

I use my fork with my left and my knife with my right. I keep hold of the knife. Never know when you might need it.

emergency circumcisions are a thing

genital mutilation is barbaric.

Thats the formal way of eating, yes, and I do that if I am in a formal setting HOWEVER in casual setting I just use my fork to cut and eat like that. Using fork and knife in your hand at same time makes you look like a hungry animal that learned to use forks.

Having phimosis is inhumane.

>chop off all foreskins for some malformation 0.1% of people get
So we should cut off all women's breasts preemptively so they don't get breast cancer? Don't lash out here, just confront your parents on why they decided to mutilate you.

I saw a video about this:

Seems so clunky having to switch utensils between hands like that

This is the type of people it matters to. Like those upper class cunts in Borat teaching him about etiquette. You have to search real good to find such people these days, they're a rare sight.

Nice strawman there, god tier.

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>I use fork and knife to eat stuff that can be easily eaten using just my bare hands

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Not a strawman, he literally said that the low possibility of phimosis is justification enough for circumcision.

I'm sure those are the official rules but I've never seen anyone eat like that. Even at formal occasions people aren't that autistic. The only time I've done it was at cotillion.

I just cut stuff with the edge of my fork usually lol

I've only seen children do it that way.

do you hold your wine glasses like savages too

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>let me tell you about your country
that is american etiquette but if you didnt need a reservation you're not expected to use it

why would we trust each other

>The Virgin two finger grip
Looks dainty, can only take small sips
>The chad whole hand grip
Full control over wineglass, ability to take large gulps with ease

we drink to get drunk and thats faster

then why do you drink watered piss beer and not vodka?

So you can drink something enjoyable and still get drunk

wine would be more enjoyable if you didn't warm it up with your filthy hand grip

fucking weird

never seen a single american even mention this sort of thing lel

It is.

Phimosis can almost always be cured by manual tugging. When that fails, prepuioplasty can cure phimosis surgically without removing any tissue.

Also, phimosis can not exist unless you are at least 13 years old. The foreskin is fused to your glans when you are born, and it separates after around 3 years at the earliest, around 10 years on average, and sometimes later into puberty. Not being able to retract your foreskin before then is not phimosis, it's normal.

>you know so little about your country you need to google it to prove I know all of your country

Have we reached peak yurpoorness?

>let me tell you about your country, don't argue with me I read this on the Internet.

because it's common sense.

That's how I've always done it.

Yes it is.

t. stupid Paco

Lol, very autistic if true

so where should i point the gun?

I've never seen anybody eat like this, so no americans don't eat in this way

Like 200 years ago maybe? Never seen this autism in my life, and I've seen a lot of American autism.


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Prescriptive bullshit that has nothing to do with how people actually eat.

I know it's strange for you to see people using utensils, Muhammad.

This is the proper etiquette, but only whiteoids are taught etiquette

Etiquette is just a meme that parents teach their young children

You keep that concealed unless you feel your life is in danger.


I do this

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that's how you hold red wine you fucking snob, at least learn about the subject you're criticising

no it is not
you ALWAYS hold wine glasses by the stem

I was taught to eat like this a little but not so complicated

Chilefag is right, Magnus.

Do greeks eat eggs with their hands?

except he's not, Deborah

red wine you don't, only white wine and champagne that needs to remain cold, the worst about you fuckers is that you think that you have class, but you just dress and act like you're told by GQ, that's why you come out as a bunch of faggots, you have zero understanding about traditions, function before fad you cuck

All of these skinfags wished they had clean circumcised cocks

you don't drink red wine at body temperature, you idiot, you should drink it just shy of room temperature

and either way, as you say - traditions. that's what etiquette are, it isn't all practical. so you never hold a wine glass by anything other than the stem.

yeah teach a chilean how wine is to be consumed, what's next, you'll teach tacos to mexicans or burgers how to shoot schools? come one man, the wine won't reach 36° by holding the glass to drink it, you need to do it so it doesn't lose the appropriate temp

>touching red wine through glass means you're heating it to body temperature

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>yeah teach a chilean how wine is to be consumed
Yes I agree what he is trying to do is like teaching a dog how to do calculus.
Complete waste of time.

You were literally harvested to make skin treatments for rich women.

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stay classy man

>experts at wine

His country produces far better wine than Sweden

difference is, i've never claimed to be an expert wine producer. but i know how to hold a wine glass like a proper person because i know basic etiquette.

He has explained to you why you can hold red wine with a full grip

i can also chew with my mouth open, but i shouldn't

Looks very inconvinient.

very wrong

Shut up you fucking pathetic manchild.

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