Why do we allow non-whites to breathe? We could easily extinguish this burning plague in, yet we chose to let them be?

Why do we allow non-whites to breathe? We could easily extinguish this burning plague in, yet we chose to let them be?
Why? They are not people like us, if you could even call them that

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You're posting on Jow Forums, we're not 'allowing' anyone do anything bud


we pure whites should arise

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Wrong board neet

Cool poster tbqh

i'm with you lad

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You failed doing so in Latin America

I'd slap a Finn.

What were white people doing at this juncture?

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That one lies souly one the Cuckl*th church

*solely on
Lol, think im tired

Imagine a world where only white people lived in. Everybody else extinct. No matter the hardships it would be a paradise

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>Sailor Haumea is actually a faggot that posts on Jow Forums
How's life on Rizon

Who the fuck are you?

You would need to successfully engage in nuclear terrorism my dude. The ZOG spread equality propaganda already, so the masses wont support you anymore. They would support the establishment. So you gotta knock that down first.

I don't know if this is in jest, but this is exactly why racists in general but particularly European ones are frowned upon as mentally deficient and an embarrassment. Somewhere out there, at every second of your life that you have taken a breath, is a thousand white people who will take no hesitation - none - to inflict homosexual torture upon you all day and all night and when you scream and beg for mercy, will cook you up and eat you as a sandwich, savoring the brain, but that's alright! That's not the "real problem" with the world! No no no, let's shake his hand, maybe hug and give flattering compliments because hey, just look at him, even though you havent seen his tiny smegma-infested penis just yet, at least he's not one of those stinky awful AWFUL people who invented houses, because every day you sit there drinking your delicious steaming coffee (which is totally European) and you rest your arm on that wood and you watch that TV and go "damn, look at those Turks. Look at those New Swedes. Look at their skin. It just stands out, it's just so... so BROWN. Damn, you've gotta imagine those guys smell like SHIT. FILTHY, CAMEL-STEPPING SHIT. Imagine not having to live with those guys. Let's go shake hands with some more reasonable, virtuous neighbors. Let's go shake hands and spend a good afternoon with gentle-looking, soft-spoken white boy, and maybe one day we can build a paradise." Faggots, all of you.

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Because you are pussies lol

didn't read lol

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Racists eternally destroyed with one simple post

I could finish off half of your nation of manlets with a single swing of my arm. That is the power of aryan blood blessed by the non-semetic gods.

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I'm just doing my job.

Let's kill the non-whites

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>Why do we allow non-whites to breathe?

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>People who don't want to genocide every different race are brainwashed by propaganda
You're a sociopath.

Neck yourself you mong

Let me repost:
Red/leftist politics are bullshit. People arent equal. There are no arguments against exploitation. Nature is exploitative, reds/leftists should rage against gravity as well. Automation is making workers obsolete. More and more people are self employed, they are workers and the bosses at the same time. Everyone is a capitalist.

All Marxist talking points are obsolete. No one works with a sickle or a hammer anymore. Industrial societies arent feudal backwards illiterate empires anymore. People struggle each against each, and there's not enough resources for everyone, and not everyone struggles equally well.

This also goes for race. Raw, physical resources are limited. Shortages occur. Competitions happen. Just between whole peoples instead of workers/bosses in this post.

Why do we allow fennosw*des to breathe? We could easily extinguish this burning plague in, yet we chose to let them be?
Why? They are not people like us, if you could even call them that

Reminder that Finns are not white and German soldiers were highly discouraged from having sexual intercourse with Finnish females.

white should be killed

Here's a Mongol shaking a hand with the white man.

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Mongles at the train station in the Germany.

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the world's three largest economies and most powerful countries
usa: mutt race
china: chink race
japan: yamato race

really makes me think

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why do we allow Jow Forumsards to breathe?

Seriously keep your bullshit in your containment board

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awwwww the hamster chimping out again, how cute :3

That girl is unironically ugly af.

a wall of retarded drivel that says nothing.
truly a fine mutt specimen

The Khan is ashamed of you.

Hol up hol up. Looks like dis whiteboi needs a lesson on life. Bend over and bite the pillow bitch becaue Ima go in raw

new new newfag

>magine a world where only white people lived in

There is a movie like that its called Hard To Be A God.


The USA was built by whites. Non whites just came along to enjoy what was built by whites

The USA was unironically built off of black labour and white sociopathy.

Rough term to use there pal. If owning slaves is socially acceptable you aren't a sociopath for owning them

Less than 2% of whites ever owned slaves and you had to own a fortune to be able to afford them. And I meant in the case of the constant warmongering that was going on in this country for years on end.

whites would just snow nigger out and start genociding eachother