White people BTFO
White people BTFO
Lol the advantage of being white is people know when you are sick.
>be wh*Te
>have to be worried about getting caught blushing
Blushing is a meme in my experience. Nobody ever blushes. They FLUSH but they don't blush. Blush is a meme made up by anime dont believe me go find me a video of someone blushing (not flushing).
>Nobody ever blushes
Are Americans this retarded?
>go find me a video of someone blushing (not flushing).
>go find me a video of someone blushing (not flushing).
>go find me a video of someone blushing (not flushing).
Go on....dare you. Show me a movie clip of someone blushing and not flushing. DOesnt exist. Its bs from your kawaii animes and I am here to bust that meme.
When light-skinned people get flustered and blood rushes to their head their skin becomes pink.
Of course an American would never know what that's like
That's flushing. Not Blushing. Blushing is an anime meme where your cheeks get pink because you are just sooo modest or whatever. Doesnt happen IRL.
>be black
>look like a turd your entire life
Blushing is caused by stress or embarrassment, and it's restricted to the face and a subtle coloring caused by adrenaline and being flustered. This comes from mental source such as emotions, feelings and so.
Flushing is when your whole face goes red, even your whole body. And it's caused by physical things like being exposed to heat, blood pressure, exerting physical activity on your body, etc. Like wrestlers who go all red when they're being headlocked or shit.
Now stop being retarded
Good to see its not the entire continent.
>Blushing is caused by stress or embarrassment, and it's restricted to the face and a subtle coloring caused by adrenaline and being flustered. This comes from mental source such as emotions, feelings and so.
Show me the video or its not fucking real. Not ONCE I seen anyone blush where its just in the face. Its always a FLUSH.
Show a video or its not real. People have ghost videos but you cant find a blush video cuz its not real.
>be wh*Te
>look like a mixture of bird piss and shit
What does mixed together bird piss and shit look like?
like the skin of a wh*Toid
That's because both blush and flush require blood to be pumped to tissues, the amount of red an area gets depends on the situation and how your mind deals with that situation.
By evolutionary default blood is pumped to limbs when you are in danger or scared (run or fight). But blushing is just a human reaction, that implies that your mind modificates those natural reactions we have because feelings don't always serve an objective purpose, if you get a flush also when you blush that means you are a beta that gets nervous, your mind senses a fake danger and your body just acts as it should: Pump blood everywhere apart from the face and the dick (thought and fuck), because brain tells me there is also something ''dangerous'' and ''scary''.
There is another explanation, my hypothesis is that whiteys or pale skinned people blush and flush because of their skin color, blood vessels form a big single system and they're all connected, if blood is being pumped to your face to blush the blood from other parts is also being transported and because your skin is so pale you can actually see that process.
Trust me, i have a PhD in mental retardation.
>go find me a video of someone blushing (not flushing).
>go find me a video of someone blushing (not flushing).
>go find me a video of someone blushing (not flushing).
You cant find one cuz it doesnt exist lmao. There is NO SUCH THING AS BLUSHING. ONLY FLUSHING.
>Amerilard ruining a thread again
t. flusher
White people are diverse confirmed