




Attached: 1517555205064.png (949x836, 1.92M)

Other urls found in this thread:


first for /brit/

how does a vpn get blcoked here? i thought private vpns were anonymous

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still laughing at the frog poster who hates destroying the environment yet thinks veganism is good for it


so the guy at the back is the husband, right?

Fortnite is boring

*blows out the candles*
make a wish

He did nought wrong

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you are brit's most boring poster

going out drinking with the gf tonight then we will come home and have sloppy drunk sex

personal anthem

tomato the stick cat

We could've been somebody
Instead you had to tell somebody
Let's take it back to the first party
When you tried your first molly
And came out of your body
And came out of your body
Running naked down the lobby
And you was screamin' that you love me
Before the limelight tore ya
Before the limelight stole ya
Remember we were so young
When I would hold you
Before the glory
I know there ain't wrong with me
Something strange is happening

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It's no surprise to me I am my own worst enemy

They anonymise your IP but they still have to have an IP and when Jow Forums find some retard using it to post illegal content or spam shite they ban the IP. This happens so regularly that almsot all popular VPN's aren't just banned but range banned. However when they do know it's a VPN they allow pass users to bypass it because they know the pass user isn't a rule breaker (or if they are, the ban is tied to the pass ID, not the IP).

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im a weirdo freak

thatchoid grub
step one foot in the north and they'd string you up from the nearest tree

The Smiths are implicately white

>book has over 500 used copies on amazon
must be straight up bookshelf evacuating garbo

we coulda been anything that we wanted to be
with all the talent we had

too warm


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the vpn provider buys an IP range for their service to use, and that range is easy to figure out once it starts getting used on Jow Forums.

irish posters of shit,
nobody likes you

you mean harry potter?

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listen to the song

how the fuck do people fail classes at university? like just show up and do the work, boggles the mind really

>show up and do the work
yeah but if you dont

what about if you're stupid?

>buying vpn
>not going to the actual country and set the own vpn server up there

White folk's guide to self-extermination:

1 We're all individuals
2 Tribalism is evil
3 Babies are terrible
4 Women should work (don't let men have all the fun)
5 Hedonism & materialism are fulfilling
6 If your country needs more people just import non-whites

>In order to understand how Tommy Robinson came to this point, you need to understand Luton, the town where he was born in 1982, where he went to school and where later he formed the EDL. His father was English, his mother Irish. “Everyone in Luton is the son of immigrants,” he says.

Those well known Irish Jews

weirdo fucking freak should just kill my self

prove a single one of these wrong

I should have failed one of my courses this sem because even though I did all the work I went to 6 tutorials instead of the minimum 7 but they didn't even contact me about it or bring it up after lmao

>weirdo fucking freak should just kill my self
do it

economics is astrology for men

my brohter : )


Timmy hates islam
Hes liberal on everything else

Thousands of children, some as young as 4, are being referred to the United Kingdom’s Gender Identity Development Service, creating a waiting list at the National Health Service facility.

The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trusthas revealed in a new report that referrals for children are up 25 percent from just a year earlier.

economics is just an applied mathematics

statistics is palm reading for dwarves


numbers are just letters for pseuds

But why does he like to claim to be Jewish

>Not going to the country
>Not designing and making a custom chip for each country
>Not assembling your own server made from the chips mentioned
>Not writing your own compiler, kernel and operating system for each country visited
>Not writing a network stack for each country visited
Who's the pleb again, me thinks it's you sweaty xx

pooing is weeing for bums

Have never read a single post that contains a word "NHS"

pretty cool with that

I have an executive functioning problem. Which means my brain sucks at prioritizing tasks without external pressure, so instead of doing my homework or studying I'll read random books and browse Jow Forums from morning to night.

just based a guy in dota (sent him back to base (by killing him (in game)))

Any lazy uncle man in?

Genuinely baffled

will elon musk address the jewish question?

found the seething econdrone
your entire field is a joke

I'm a wine aunt

So the evil Chinese will know for sure that I'm using a VPN and I'll be the first to hang in 30 years when they take over Australia?
What's the point in a VPN then?

Imagine pooing out your silly and peeing out your bum

Lads, do people really have a mid life crisis at age 30?

ah yes tommy robinson

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t u n n e l s

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>Hey! I watched your boyfriend play a game in a pub for 10 grand on Saturday! I didn't know youd stand there and take that for several hours! I like how you eventually learn to cross your arms to stop your dress from magically rising! I bet you'd wished he won since you ended up having men line up to do this to you for free!

How would this girl react to this? Would it be more humiliating to pretend to be concerned about it and ask if she's ok and whether she tolerates abuse regularly? I'm not actually going to do this I just like the thought of being able to destroy her in an instant

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catholics are not degener...

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wtf I hate nationalism now

I have consumed far too much phet, been home for hours now and just feels like I'm getting more fucked by the minute, gurning like a spastic. Going to attempt to make a cup of tea and listen to something soothing, morcheeba possibly.

no life, no crisis

always howl when I realise yanks who stuff up uni are literally wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars that their parents saved up over decades to fund their tertiary education

I could drop out tomorrow and never work again but the government would be on the hook for all of my expenses thus far

will you americans hurry up with that white ethnostate business so I can go live there and escape this baby killing hellhole

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They can know you're on a VPN but they can't know what you were doing unless you were connecting to a website they own. All your data is encrypted. they also won't know it is you unless you post or give personal information, you are protected they just see a 'user' is coming via a VPN.

He's obviously joking

imagine actually using a vpn
virgin freak

rollercoaster of a post

if you're buying the VPN for going to china then you are fucked, it might work for like 2 hours before they block it. only way to get VPNs working there is to actually understand what you're doing.

why wouldn't you use a vpn? ah yes just let the authorities bend me over and farm my personal info what could go wrong

Love using a VPN to see hidden camgirls from Australia. Haha

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I'm poor so the uni and government pay for my education.

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just designed a shift register named BR1T for my vpn server in britain lads


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people who've done nothing wrong have nothing to hide simple as. you're actually implicitly admitting that you've broken the law with that post

So they can tell that I paid for one using my credit card, but they don't know which IP I paid for.
Fucking gookmoot, I'd still want to give you guys some education, but a VPN will stop me

irish aren't white


oh no not my personal information!!
how dare my government know that I masturbate to tranny porn!!!

more irish babies that are never born the better i say

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Good luck becoming an EDL politician now lad

exactly i am glad they voted yes

Wish I wasn't born.

what the FUCK is wrong with your country. I wanted to get some Irish women preggers knowing that they'll be unable to abort it.

don't care
never will
send the bill

what does a foetus and an irishman have in common?
neither are human

Same been thinking bout the ol cide recently

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