How hard is it to make Lean in your country?

How hard is it to make Lean in your country?

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You need a prescription to buy Codeine here. They just changed the laws last year.

They did the same here

Depends on the state, where I live I'm pretty sure you just have to be over 21 to buy Codeine.

It doesn't. Codeine is a controlled substance federally, you can't get it without a script.
It's also weak as shit and cough syrup is a complete meme. Just take some oxy and have a soda.

this shit looks so stupid

i'll take a shot of dope instead

What is this?

purple drank

redpill us

Sounds disgusting. What's wrong with regular drugs all of a sudden?

Codeine cough syrup mixed with soda.

sprite, mixed with high codeine cough syrup

it's a southern black thing

>tfw no more deux deux deux

sounds like a drink for subhumans

You can buy Romilar (DXM) without prescription. Not sure if it counts as Lean though

I've never liked the effects of opiates, if I want to get stupidly high I would go for some kind psychedelic or other stimulant.

I made it twice, not with cough syrup but with tablets. I extracted the codiene and mixed it with sprite.
Honestly opiate highs are shithouse. Prefer a night on booze, pot or psychedelics than that trash.

Lean is a production philosophy, not a goddamn drink!

Why are you guys that depressed ?

How does it feel ? Thought process, body movement and all

I used to take codeine during finals week, partially from wrist cramps after having to write 2000 words during 3 or 4 finals, but there's a mild euphoria that helps with nerves

then someone stole my bottle that I stole from a dead relative and I'm not jumping through hoops to get more codeine

>Future, gucci mane and chief keef drink that!! I wanna do the same coz its so swag!!!

The state of this """drink""", only subhumans without personality drink that

did you ever read one flew over the cuckoo's nest?
it has popularity with whites too