Do you have men in your country who have sex with multiple tourist women?

Do you have men in your country who have sex with multiple tourist women?
In Greece they are called Kamakis. They have sex with Swedish and other young white women every summer.

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>inb4 virgin freaks claiming left is better

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She unironically does look better before though. Yes, the acne is bad, but she looks kind of cute if you ignore it. She looks like some fucking trashy mexican or something on the right.

>Do you have men in your country who have sex with multiple tourist women?
No. Our "men" are too undesirable and uncompetitive for that.
It's mostly the girls here who are obsessed with foreign guys and often kind of hunt them.

In my country we call them Tyrones. They're athletic black men with large penises that customarily deflower a white girl on their prom night while a white man is held down and raped.

>In my country we call them Tyrones
absolutely no one would ever sat this you virgin nutcase

>In Greece they are called Kamakis.
No they are not, fucking cringe, since you don't know the damn language iki, why you try so hard to imitate it.

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Kamaki means harpoon in Greek.

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are you the autist with german flag that made 20+ greece vs netherlands threads yersteday?

I've banged: Argies, Brazilians, Chileans, Paraguayans, one Danish girl on exchange a couple of years ago, one American nigress that was pretty funny, and last summer I added a Canadian and a German girl to my nation profile

all you gotta do is have a nice shack in one of our hipster tourist traps and A LOT of weed

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It doesn't count unless you made them pregnant.


why would I want to do that

Yes, they are called galebi (seagulls)

To become true alpha and conquer other races.

that's just retarded
stop browsing Jow Forums

Seagulls in Croatia at the beaches, horseflies here at river beaches.

oh fuck I hate your river banks
i mean for swimming nature&everything is better than seaside
But when you're from abroad , the whole carsija knows "ta mala izvani" and people autimatically want to flirt with you because eh, you're emancipated there, right

Aren't kamakis the obnoxious faggots standing outside of restaurants and bars trying to lure you inside? Swedes always boycott those places because we see it as rude behavior.

they boycott those places...

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Avoid the islamic places, avoid the cockchafers (islamic horseflies).
When you see a tan strong and muscular man with a wooden cross (not gold or silver) around his neck, short hair (not that sideways homosexual haircut from the western world), cheap shorts just above his knees and a towel hanged on his neck, that will be a horsefly, looking at the river (mostly fast flowing) if there is someone inexperienced being taken by the center current.
They are more polite and less annoying

Lol speak for yourself cuccboii

We both know i am right.
What's more important is that EVERYONE knows that.

Based Swedes.
I was made to be a kamaki once, but I just gave away cards.
It is shit and pointless.

Me next

>just be yourself

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No, kamaki (lit. Harpoon) means semi-agro flirting. Now if this term is used for those annoying restaurant faggots at monastiraki, then it is erroneously used.

pretty boy

>(lit. Harpoon)
Seems like it fits anyway since they try to pull you in towards a certain place.

Here we call them italians

Those are albanians, they lure kids to their ice cream shops

do they pretend to be italians in croatia too?

Yeah but it's just... wrong. No Greek would say that those people are "doing kamaki" so no foreigners should either.

What do you call them?

it would he if she took care of that acne

dude, I can't look at the guys there. I mean , they are certainly good looking compared to most of the europe , but stndabl till the point they open their mouth

She'd easily be a 6-7 with clear skin. Her acne isn't even that severe and there doesn't seem to be any kind of other inflammation like eczema, so she'd be totally fine once she got rid of the acne.

kek most times i do the same
why shop owners keep doing it is beyond me

No idea if they have a proper name. I'd call them just "yellers" (kράχτες).