Imagine demographic boom in Russia after the World Cup.
What's your excuse for not travel there to plant your seed in some fertile russian female? You could also watch some soccer as a bonus.
Imagine demographic boom in Russia after the World Cup
Other urls found in this thread:
Eastern germanic women were tailor-made for the central germanic BWC
>What's your excuse to not produce more russians
>What's your excuse for not travel there to plant your seed in some fertile russian female?
i don't want a russian female. no offense intended, it's just my preference.
>demographic boom in Russia after the World Cup
>aids and STD boom in foreign countries
When IS the world cup? I wouldn't mind seeing the capital and getting some Russian puss.
Good, please never leave your country.
i don't really need to desu, you're all gonna come here in 2022 anyway :^)