Okay, this is epic

Okay, this is epic.

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>le spiderman
reddit the country

OK, so now it will be thousands of this starting right now. Who doesn't want a citizenship.


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Ikr it's,supposed to be l'homme araignée

>Save a Frenchman
>get French citizenship in return
Does that sound bad or something? The man did something good for France, and he gets compensated with full citizen rights.

if you put away narratives and political tribalism you'd see that this man is a hero
you can say the same about the nigger too, he based

Please don't set houses on fire so you can "save" the people in it Ivan

pollute the genepool, and it is irrelevant how many babies you save

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That dude is fucking climbed 3 stories in under 30 seconds

His name is Ivan? Looks more like Akhmed.
Did you ever seen any 'refugees' of white Russian Christian origin in the western Europe, Pierre? Me neither. Because it's not possible for us, you want only Africans.

Ukrainian refugees in Poland

ok but then if you kill a frenchman you lose citizenship
if we did this, somehow i already know there'd be much more losses than gains

We used to get a lot of Eastern Europeans in the early 2000s.

Why give him citizenship and not permanent residency?

I don't asked about churkas, albanians, or other akhmeds, Pierre. You said 'Ivan', how many of them had that name?
>of white Russian Christian origin
How many of them?

>ok but then if you kill a frenchman you lose citizenship
Selling hard drugs on the street counts? Because that's what he will continue to do.

i am of white christian russian origin
grandparents were from a tsarist family and fled communism as kids

it should
i bet you if we enacted this there would be 1 citizenship given for every 100 000 citizenships taken away

Apparently, he'll join the firefighters


Did he really save the kid though? I'm not diminishing his effort or his worthiness or anything but wasn't there a guy in the video ready to rescue the kid?

there was a guy with a ladder, but I coulden't see how close he was

I'm not him

"white christians" aren't the ones trying to cross the border en masse. The russian diaspora in France is probably must be made of churkas and jews, but also christians since a lot of them fled from the commies back then

He's about to join the firefighters

Stop being so racist Ivan

>if you kill a frenchman you lose citizenship
On what basis? One of the founding principles of France is that all Frenchmen are equal, regardless of origin. If a French-born person killed another French-born person, would you strip away their nationality too? If you wouldn't, congratulation, you've violated the first article of the 1789 declaration of human rights. If you would, congratulation, you've violated international law (i.e. treaties signed by France), by which you can't make someone end up with no citizenship from any country.

>genes are things that can be polluted
back to biology 101


I wish all immigrants were like him, blacks are brotier, arabs are shit

>He's about to join the firefighters
Check him again in a half of year, Paul.

There was a guy ready to grab the kid by the time he got up there though when he started he wasn't to know that. He is a hero but i think it's questionable whether he really saved the kid.

None of them are refugees.
All of them are lawful immigrants

>One of the founding principles of France
no, of the french republic , huge difference

Looks reasonable.

Don't ask that racist questions, it's against the Good Narrative.

Does it matter tbqh, the point is that he risked his life trying

that could be true,
then you have to go back to basics and think about if that makes the act any less worthy of praise
do we care about outcomes or intentions, which is a debate philosophy fags still fight over
if we meet in the middle, it deters to some degree if what he did was for nothing, but it's still worth praising

It doesn't really matter but i think if i were him i'd be annoyed about such reporting.

Not really though, after the USSR fell, we got a lot of everything coming from the east, and most illegaly

How the fuck did he even climb?

Zero difference unless you're a retard who unironically shills for monarchist France, and thus belongs on Jow Forums.

dunno, it just seems pointless arguing over a hypothetical

The Jow Forums leaf is here, abort the thread

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imagine being so racist you cant even accept calling a man who risked his life to save an unknown baby a hero

you people are sad

Video if you haven't seen it

I dont think the neighbour had it under control though, from the other balcony, pulling the kid at your maximum reach would have been pretty tricky, whereas this guy could do it way easier from his side.

reminds me of an old french movie where a bunch of black people climbed all over the place, they all had indian(usa) names and the main guy was called the sitting bull

The difference is that the French Republic matters. The French, the group that Napoleon was emperor of, can go fuck themselves. The Republic and the Revolution is what matters, not the nation. France the nation is just another generic European people, not really anything special.

You cringey fucking redditor, fuck off.

Well done Finland, you understood everything about the Republique, and why it is evil

you fat neckbeards are really shit, this dude achieved more in his life than you will ever do, i dont like negroes or anything but i wouldnt have done that for a random kiddo, he got rewarded for it, i see no reason hows that bad

Napoleon is part of the revolution though, what you are saying doesnt make sense

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>On what basis?
On the same basis of your logic that you would give citizenship for doing something good, you would take it away for doing something bad. This is called demonstration by the absurd.

>One of the founding principles of France is that all Frenchmen are equal, regardless of origin. If a French-born person killed another French-born person, would you strip away their nationality too? If you wouldn't, congratulation, you've violated the first article of the 1789 declaration of human rights.
I shit on equality and i shit on 1789 declaration of human rights. We made it and so we can unmake it. It was a mistake, it is an outdated constitution full of naivety and do-goodism and not realistic in the slightest.

>If you would, congratulation, you've violated international law (i.e. treaties signed by France), by which you can't make someone end up with no citizenship from any country.
The solution in this case is something called the bagne which is a remote island in which those people are supposed to be sent, technically not removing nationality but physical removal from the territory, which has the same effect.

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you are a shit human being, end yourself

Spotted the darkie

Here in Sweden we award rapists and child molesters with citizenships.

I didn't know actual good people was awarded with citizenships.

not an argument

get that nigga rex

>pipo dat ar bad should loze citisenship

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As i said it is a demonstration by the absurd, this is not what i believe at all.
What i actually believe is that foreign undesirable elements that are harmful to society do NOT deserve the mercy of being allowed back in their home country. They should be trialed in France because they have wronged the people of France. Death penalty should also be restored.

Non-white """""people"""""" shouldnt have it in the first place


ahahahahahha. slavnegroes commit more crime than africans or based romanians

lurk more

>the law should hold up my white ass on a pedestal coz I can't do anything on my own

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it's funny because the law precisely holds up nigger asses on pedestals since they can't do anything on their own

and yet it's not even a success, this place is like south africa and despite white people paying 10 times more taxes to give it to them, niggers are still poor somehow
they are not even competent at leeching free money like jews or asians, how sad is that

This land is mine, god gave it to me.

yes it is an arguement, you are shit, incapable and unsuited to live in human society, thus we give no shits about opinion, be glad we dont have similar beliefs because if we did youd be executed

there is no god

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>there is no god

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>incapable and unsuited to live in human society
Just like niggers and musels and yet here they are.

>you are wrong because you are wrong
I am convinced now

>I shit on equality and i shit on 1789 declaration of human rights.
France shits on you in return. You're actually the one who deserves to be kicked out of such a great country.

>the bagne
But only for some people? Great, you've shat on the principle of equality before the law.

>ethnic natives should be kicked out if they disagree with my soyboy politics

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>1789, enlightenment
>soyboy politics

>if you're not a republican, like me, then you're a far-right faggot who belongs on Jow Forums

Actually, yes. Non-Republican French

Fuck off back to redddit

So what?

>climb three stories to save a child
>people shit on you on Jow Forums

>1789, enlightenment
>not soyboy politics

>France shits on you in return. You're actually the one who deserves to be kicked out of such a great country.
Fine, it's not as if i am planning to stay. Just like everybody else with money and a good diploma i am leaving as soon as i finish studying here.
This is already the 2nd worst country in the world after fucking India in terms of brain drain and it will not get any better.
A few more years and "French people" will realize they are causing their elite to go away, that they have no one to pay their taxes (which are ridiculous btw) and that no one is actually qualified in the country except white people. I don't care. Just don't ask me for charity once France fulfills its vocation of becoming an African country.

>But only for some people? Great, you've shat on the principle of equality before the law.
What ? Equality before the law does not in any way imply all crimes get equal punishment. If your crime is to murder someone you go to jail, if your crime is to go over the speed limit you pay a fine and if your crime is to illegally enter the country then you should be sent back.

more like 2018 interpretation of 1789 enlightenment

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So you're an edgy kid who's just rebelling against what made France the country it is today. You're the epitome of everything anti-French, don't pretend to be defending the country when you want to defend everything the French have fought against for the past 200 years.

>no Qatar
the only frog I've met was an arab that had moved there to work in their universities

That dude is against abortion because he thinks if abortion gets banned then french women will breed more and have 10 kids per family and eventually solve the migration problem. the dude lives in his own planet, he doesn't have common sense if you've noticed.

There was something off about this when the man who was already near the child didn't just pull him up and waited for the nig to come.

We've just seen Ireland, one of the few European nations with a healthy birthrate, allow abortion. I will take a bet of however much you want that in a few years it will plummet.

I heard that there are a lot of athletic thieves climbing building like that just to steal or rape in your country.

>Irish births per 1,000: 14
>French births per 1,000: 12
You sure have opnions that are grounded on reality

I know a few stories about that in my mother's city but they were some sort of eastern euro/gypsy burglars

since when Poland is western Europe?

Everything that made any european country great was white/ethnic nationalism and to claim being against foreigners having the same rights as frenchmen is anti-french would be to be ignorant of history

Yes i do ? How do those stats disprove me ?
Look at this map : in a few years Ireland will be in the red

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since you became rich fucks

France has substancially more Africans and arabs you moron

>poland has abortions banned
>is the same as neighbouring countries
really makes you think

So it's not about abortion, after all?

Ah, yes, all those abortions going on in Poland