Tell me about Enver Pasha.
fuck anime
can't imagine myself of any of my friends doing that
>crashes your currency
As a Greek i can tell you with 100% certainty
He is Greek
Greece is a gay
lmao is this really him? he does look like your average scrawny shqwiplet
Hospitals scare me because I overheard a nurse making fun of the size of my penis when I was staying at a hospital.
>he opens thread AGAIN before the bump limit
i usually get dizzy when they stick needles in me, so every time the nurses bring me water and lay me down and mommy me, feels good
Hey kazanboy, why do you have pictures of naked Italian men saved on your computer?
worth it for the kebab removal
I'm fine with needles, but I don't like the idea of general anesthetic to be honest
>CIA ditches Shitfia for based Skopje because Americans feel at home in the 1st world
Nothing wrong with that
This is the first time I've seen Zaev look white. Serbs taking care of our image
Your mom didn't mind when I pierced her vagina LMAOO KID
zaev looks like a mediterranean greek man, why would he want to be demoted to a lowly whiteoid?
Because only Bulgarians let gypsies run their country
who mentioned gypsies?
Oi, watch it
>t. srpski angel
Apply soothing salve to anus area and drink a 50:50 mix of Russian and albo sperm.
Пичкa Кoшкa
t. Boyko Internet defense forces
Boring thread full of boring subhumans
Going to superior /ex-yu/
don't come back, dirty yugomongrel
oпeт=пaк=again=once more
>Seeing AT LEAST one sub-saharan African a day now
>Last year it was every 6 months
pls dont tell me aerodrom, centar i understant, but aerodrom is supposed to be pure
I always greet them with a nazi salute.
Seriously guys
>the jews own the media
thing just a meme?
or is it a real thing that we need to worry about?
The amazing part are the comments, because everybody seems to know who owns the media, but yet it appears to be socially unacceptable 'to go there'. Sad
Guess where I live
My dad and sister got kicked out by my mother because they kept having sex, so I think I agree. (inb4 hot, my dad is a bald fat manlet who is aways wearing 2002 world cup england football shirts and my sister is an obese chain smoker with several missing teeth at the age of 24)
Its pretty disgusting desu, I don't live at home anymore but they used to be very unashamed about it, my dad would 'talk dirty' with things like 'Oh yeah lass, give me that daughter water, i'd water down my lager with that sweet sticky stuff' and you could hear them through the walls. mum only snapped because they started doing it when she was trying to cook them fish fingers for dinner.
One can only hope this is fake
>give me that daughter water
hahahahh what the fuck
Why? It's hot
Did you know that Greeks in Gayreece ridicule other Greek that are successful abroad, but only when it benefits them? Greeks are like Jews but without the intelligence nor the unity, they will always try to kill eachother and have no sense in unity. Greeks during the War of Independence had a Civil War because they all wanted power. Never trust a Greek.
While unimaginable for most of this wouldn't surprise me when the UK lower classes are brought in the equation.
Illegal Malian migrant climbs up French building to save kid - now he is French
22yr old illegal migrant Mamoudou Gassama has illegally entered France some time ago and asked for asylum. He is a citizen of Mali.
For unknown reasons, a 4yr old was hanging from the 4th floor of a building. The African illegals managed to climb up and save the kid. He has now had the honor of meeting the French president and will be made a French citizen.
Should people receive citizenship for being good lads?
Its not hot if the described are the ones practicing it.
Yeah...the swede one is probably correct though, incest and pedophilia is what is next on the Soros agenda, make it normal make it daily make it acceptable. Not even memeing
greeks made bugari tribe and rasha chr*Stian so they would not invade and pillage them
truly the jews of balkans
Fucking swede just writing one comment but not posting his sister
this thread sucks
it is, the same way everything fyromians say or claim is fake
it's in their blood
Toвa нopмaлнo ли e?
Пpoтaгoниcт paзбиpa ce бpъcнaтa глaвa, нямa кaк дa e инaчe. Дeбeлa cвиня, пиян дo кoзиpкaтa, и yчитeлкa кoятo дaвa пpимep зa кypвeнcкo дъpжaниe. Дaнo cи зaгyби paбoтaтa
Its from the incest thread you flaming subhuman
Wait, so your father and sister aren't fucking?
>My phone is vibrating with messages from east slavic girls
Good on him but he'd be better off saving little niglets in Mali. He's obviously a good person but what are the odds that he will be a welfare leech?
What will Bulgarians do once the EU collapses?
i don't care who's fucking who in your family, friend
The EU wont go down anytime soon.
He got a job in the fire department after that so he has a chance to become a contributing member of society.
It's not like every negro out there(in the west) is on welfare.
t. Angel
greeks are turks
shush, fyromian's grapes are the sourest, so let them have their wet dreams
Why tho?
shut your mouth nigger
shut the fuck up fucking faggot before I trace your network and fuck your headless corpse
Imagine being in the EU lmao
Did they reject your pasosh application again?
thank god i don't live in a balkan country
getting rejected at everything is what being a fyromian means
why does the eu trigger bulgaroids that much
is it because they subconsciously know they are its slaves and they can't do anything against its will? (* southstream *)
why are you sucking russian cock so much, even tho they invest 0 money in your shithole, unlike the EU, that actually give you money every year?
Invade Fyrom.
where did i mention russia
right there
from that whole post you focused only on that part?
it's what you based your own shitpost on, holly shit, are you all fyromians that retarded?
also, you didn't answer my question - why do you suck russian cock FOR FREE?
because putin will singlehandedly destroy the evil tatars and make servia great again
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't kazanboy shilling all those pro-EU threads? What the fuck is up with this kid?
Tank you hellas
no i based my post on the fact that bulgaria can't do anything if not approved from its
whereas you try to drag me into the "why are you sucking russian dick" discussion which is barely related to the topic at hand
see for example the italian situation now
this is what i am talking about
i mentioned southstream merely because it's the most prominent example
dunno who you call Kazanboy and don't care, desu
i asked a simple question - why do fyromians suck russian cock for free
EU provide you with money annually like it's pointed here:
but you all hate EU
in the meantime, you are choking on russian cock 24/7 but i fail to find any information about russia giving financial aid to FYROM
i can't even find a statistic on russian investments in FYROM
enlighten me
>be russian gubmint
>sponsor a new government (oresharski) and try to sell the project to the danube gubernia at 3x price while selling them the most expensive gas in europe
>4 underwater pipes
>project will be profitable to host country after 40 years, maybe
>is ok, the bg commies are in power, they loev russia
>mass protests in sofia
>ukrainian happening
>eu intervention
>no deal
>go to to turkey, sell them 2 pipes and a massive discount on ALL gas deliveries, gazprom finances everything
>great victory for tsar putin
Your mom didn't reject me last night tho
it's a simple question
you should've give me a simple answer, but paddling back instead
i'm starting to think that you just like sucking cocks, which is fine by my book - i mean, if that gives you joy who am i to judge?
>it's a simple question
so is mine but you are just trying to pull away
if you don't care then don't reply, no one's forcing you
Your mom sucked my dick last night and she didn't ask for a payment too
Guess I should call her 'Macedonia' LMAOO KID
Generally your posters are incredibly confusing and I'm sure one plays out several characters shilling/flaming for us/serbs/Albos.
Fyrombey was legit anti Bulgarian and there's a pro Bulgarian and a Siptar and then Fulgrim. Is Fyrombey also the tinder make or is this another character?
Fyrombey could very well be Angel
>meanwhile the master does as he pleases
So what ?
i know how things work with Southstream
>russia provides the gas
>pipes are owned by russia
>project will be a great advantage for bulgaria, believe me :DDD
>people forgot 2013 when russia stopped their gas during cold winter and we had to heat ourselves on oil fuel and coal for months, breaking the contract clauses without any consequences for them
i'm just curious why fyromians like that russian semen that much
South stream wasn't build because it had no rentability for either side. But yes, the Germans of course can have their pipelines, for them other rules apply.
>Is Fyrombey also the tinder make
Yes I was, last time I posted 100+ matches in 2 days and deleted the app because I had a gf
I am
There's me: the cool poster everyone likes
There's fyrombei: the autist everyone hates
There's kazanbey: the autist everyone hates
There's sashe: the autist everyone ignores
what about me