What does Brexit mean?

What does Brexit mean?

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They are surrounded by sea, they could just fish.

What did they eat when UK was under a Napoleon blocus ?

Doesnt mean shit anymore.
They'll be having a second referendum in no time

Oh god not another fishing war with iceland

Does anyone in Europe take news like that serious?

Irish potatoes

they stole their western neighbours' potatos


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As an honorary irish man, I welcome this starvation of britkeks.

But it is already confirmed there will be no doomsday brexit.
They are with us until 2023.

Any nation that cannot supply themselves with food probably shouldn't be a country, like you need to be able to feed yourself if nobody else.

Anyway strong DOUBT that will ever ever happen. We can ship UK food so can everyone else they aren't gonna "run out of food".

This isn't the first they threaten blockades and starving out an entire country.

The e""""u"""" is the true evil empire.

What's an English seven-course meal? A sixpack and a potato.

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Nobody threatens any blockade it was the result of a British government sanctioned research

>t. non-debnts payer

I'm sure the e""""u"""" establishment will not harm the livelihood of not a single Brit.

I agree EU needs a big lesson on what the U stands for. Not a union if stronger countries are allowed to benefit off the back of weaker countries.

We'll get UK food though if it kills us to do so (not that it will come to that). Countries which run out of food like in OP (North Korea, Venezuela) do so because their leaders are too proud to accept aid or because infrastructure is too poor to get it to them. UK won't starve.

this is a good thing
hopefully it'll usher in a new age of anglo-piracy, thieving supplies on the high seas

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I'm working for the R&D unit of a mid-sized supplier to a big German car manufacturer. Everyone is already preparing for maximum impact and the supply chain getting utterly fucked.

t. kraut

Solving the obesity crisis in 1 easy step.

They’re having talks about small percentages man. Only dumb internet right wingers like to blow it up and make it about war and starvation

Still a possible scenario.

What the English should do, is to kill and mutilate any EU national they catch, should the EU officials like Juncker continue to threaten the UK with destruction. Stabbing Czech students to death and causing Polish women to miscarry by kicking them in the stomach was a good start, but the Eurocrats don't care about poor Eastern Euros. You must target Westerners.

There are many young Spanish, Italian, Greek men and women forced to work as waiters etc in Britain due to the economic situation in their countries. They should be raped to send a message. Also, the French, Germans and Irish should be attacked.

Some may point out there are a million British retirees and other expats living in Spain and the rest of the EU who may be subject to retaliation. Let them, they are useless feeders, parasites and probably Remain supporters. But you can kill the young EU nationals in the prime working age, the ones working as bankers in London. This would be more injurious to these countries than the loss of some filthy pensioners in Majorca.

They should totally do that. Next day a million British retirees are found dead in their European homes.
Get a grip idiot

don't understand these empty shelves photos
are they literally starving to death? no they don't
literally two kids standing in front of shelve
well if there is no bread just buy something else it's no 19\early 20 century anymore, bread is not 70% of what regular folks eat, I can see plenty of food around

genuinely angry right now
wish I was nearby and armed with sledgehammer when this photo was taken

It isn’t. The worst the EU can and will do is deny Britain access to the common market meaning they can no longer do any financial services and their exports taxed to hell and back.
They won’t ban selling them food.

slight kek

Hush, little brown monkey, hush.

>The worst the EU can and will do is deny Britain access to the common market meaning they can no longer do any financial services and their exports taxed to hell and back.
Doesn't EU throw a fit when Trump talked about taxing their exports or whatever? Sounds hypocritical if they do that to UK.

That's a pasta
It's an extreme scenario but we know now that you cannot trust the e""""u"""". They will stop at nothing. The only language they understand is power, violence and reprisals and Trump proved that.

The EU has extensive tariffs on american imports but mainly because your food is borderline toxic waste.

lmao I forgot that the EU is afraid of GMOs.

Anyway, you can tariff us (most American economy is domestic and always has been hopefully always will be), I just don't get the hypocrisy in bitching and throwing a fit if you get tariffed back and/or tariffing the UK. Seems to me that EU is very hypocritical on this front.

Biggest uproar here was to do with the chlorine wash for your chicken.

>Doesn't EU throw a fit when Trump talked about taxing their exports or whatever?
because drump is wrong on the point that the usa lose money to the eu, he said that the usa has a high deficit with the eu on trade and that they lose a lot of money to the eu. but he only see or care on goods. the usa has a massive surplus in services and corporate profits. in reality it's the eu that lose money to the usa, no wonder that the eu reacts like that.

Attached: eu-usa current account.jpg (608x450, 81K)

that blockade did not happen

Probably more about them just now having to pay regular no-EU tariffs rather than forcing specific Brit only tariffs.

They had the North American colonies to help them

I have no idea what brexit actually means for Britain

other than leaving the EU union and all the trade agreements etc involved

It's not just GMO's, food standards are much lower in the US and Canada than in Europe and your products are much cheaper as a result. Hence the tariffs.

If its true the EU loses money on trade, then shouldn't EU be happy when Trump offered to remove Trade? Instead of buttmad?

Also dumb since not even EU was able to find any evidence the chlorine wash was dangerous, though I guess it sounds yucky (eww chemicals oh no) so good enough for me.

A typical american answer.
Trump's tariffs make a bad deal worse for the EU, where they already lose ground to China and tiger states.

>If its true the EU loses money on trade, then shouldn't EU be happy when Trump offered to remove Trade? Instead of buttmad?

Uhm, yeah that's why they all agreed to lower tariffs during the G7 meeting until Trump left and withdrew his signature of the joint statement later after some advisor or something explained to him that this would mean to abolish American subsidies. You know that the US and the EU were negotiating a Transatlantic FTA until it got suspended by your protectionist government upon being elected, right?

Lowering tariffs doesn't mean removing trade, it means increasing trade. According to your post, EU should be happy to remove trade and increase tariffs all around (like EU apparently wants to do with UK).

> According to your post, EU should be happy to remove trade and increase tariffs all around (like EU apparently wants to do with UK).

I don't really understand how this follows at all. The EU is happy to engage with anyone for new FTAs. It is your government who unilaterally suspended negotiations and provoked the EU by implementing tariffs in violation of international law.

>(like EU apparently wants to do with UK).
What exactly are you talking about? The EU would love to keep the UK within the single market and the customs union to keep frictionless trade. It is the UK that decided to leave and internally they haven't agreed to what status they want to have in the future.

Oh the poor Brits, what are they going to do?

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>The EU is happy to engage with anyone for new FTAs.
Yeah and this seems to contradict what you said in Does trade hurt EU or help EU. If it helps EU why should USA sit around and help EU and prop up EU all day? Why aren't Americans allowed to help themselves for once?

If it hurts EU, then why even bother pestering us for more free trade agreements? Aren't you hurting yourself?

>If its true the EU loses money on trade, then shouldn't EU be happy when Trump offered to remove Trade?
>Lowering tariffs doesn't mean removing trade, it means increasing trade.
no they wouldn't, the eu got there money mainly from 2 sources:
1. From the Member states
2. Tarrifs from Countries outside the EU
if the eu lowers there tarrifs, that would also mean the eu has less money. even when the trade increase doens't mean they would get the money back they would lost. also trump is absolutly untrustworthy. he have proof that on the g7. one tweet from him could blow everything up.

>Yeah and this seems to contradict what you said in

I'm not this poster. Sorry.

It means Brazil exiting the World Cup earlier than last time.

It means England will have no industry because Thatcher didn't protect any of it. The UK will become America's complete bitch in all affairs. Canada will look on morosely but not do anything because their government is cuck tier.

I agree that Trump is 100% untrustworthy and a conman who memed his way into power.

EU needs tariffs to live. That's fine. In that case too, why get mad if USA also uses tariffs? Just sick of hypocrisy here.

i seriously hate this meme

i am all for punishing and starving britain but realisticly there would just be a period of a few days in which some brands would disappear and be replaced by brands from outside the EU. It would make for some flashy news reports but in few months would be all bake to the old status, although likely with a certain price increase for all imported products

>In that case too, why get mad if USA also uses tariffs?
1. his way is against wto rules (trump hates the wto)
2. he only put tarrifs on steel and aluminium in a way, that would mean the eu is a national threat to the usa. completly bullshit. mostly all eu members are part of the nato. how can that explain his tarrifs?
3. if he wants to put tarrifs on, he should do it in the normal way, through the congress. but from what i know the congress would say no to this. specially the republicans are against that, if i remember that correctly.

>EU union
>the European Union union

pls no bully I am drunk

cheeky :)

As per Australian tradition

they just want to milk some money out of people in panic that will stock up tons of food, so they can pay the fee for leaving eu
pretty nice move if you ask me

about to eat some bangas n mash for dinner too

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irish food

During the Napoleonic wars they had 16 millions mouths to feed, today they are 60 million.

Yeah but the green revolution means food production is easier than ever. Plus they have us. 0% worried about UK starving.

just remember that a lot of their former agricultural land is turned into shopping centers and neighbourhoods to house all these people, they actually do depend on food import to feed themselves.

I think the EU shills are really fear mongering when they show pictures of empty store shelves though, I don't worry about it either.

But a "No deal" just means "nothing changes," any kind of deal would change the situation, why the fuck the status quo ante referendum would bring about empty store shelves, or at least emptier shelves than a retarded deal?

Not going to happen, but I wish it were.


"The sky may fall on your head tomorrow, but tomorrow never comes."
Chief Vitalstatistix

Source: en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Asterix
2/10, nice attempt