Jow Forums
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International #909
Her skin is white, so she is white
/ita/ - il filo
So…are they really white????
Sverigetråden - Semesterupplagan v2
Innocent Native Americans
Post people wearing traditional clothes from your country
Draw your country from memory
Hilo lat/ANO/
Blue eyes and Green eyes
1. Your country
International beauty standards thread
Are you an alpha male or incel?
Born female
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Woman survives from 1200 meters drop!
Am I considered white lads?
Why don't you have a gun, Jow Forums? How can you even defend your lolis if you don't even have a gun?
American culture is so beautiful
Culture Pals /cp/
Would you date her?
How much people from your country came to Russia?
There is no more peripheral part of the world than southern South America
What are chicanas like?
Should north-africans be put into concentration camps and genocided?
25% of young Italians are NEETs!!!
Be shit at F1
Right after defeating Nazi Germany in 1945...
/Cosplay/ ehemals /Deutsch/
The match Portugal vs Spain ended with a tie
1. Your country
Sverigetråden - Fredagsnatten
What happens here?
Tell me one thing that you love about the United Sates
Boomers in your country worked for $30/month for most of their life
We are not an ethnic group. Us, French Canadians are subhumans
Nice ship, Argentina
Your country
Why are Americans like this?
U ready to be CHI you japs? This is the mutt century now
Do they feel English?
Are we respected as a country again?
I'm opposed to high-speed rail in America
Hilo latino
Post cherrypicked girls from ur country
Why do you hate America?
/ita/ il filo di umaru
/fr/ - le francofil
Soccer? Do you mean football?
The EU is literally about to ban, anime, memes and be unable o even access Jow Forums
/mämmi/ - Édition de la maison de la chef
>>>Jow Forums175305950
ITT we post the most American images we can find
Haha russia what is this?
Now that Russia is not communist anymore I wanna learn Russian
What is Finnish culture? Is there such a thing?
Wtf shitaly
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
He can grow a full Beard but has a high pitched voice
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
1-Your country
One of these men is greek the other is turkish. Which is which?
/balk/ Tourist Edition
Guess ethnicity
Come to the UK and have a laugh, we're up for anything. Mad lads desu
Sverigetråden - Baserade upplagan
Us is in trade war currently with:
1. Your cunt
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What is America?
I'm about to eat a seasonal cake with strawberries + a bottle of carrot juice
Why can't poles collect gay water?
Je suis désolé, mais je ne parle pas français
Why is Ecuador so hung?
/cuckolding/ ehemals /Deutsch/
Be Ukraine
What do you think of Swedish women?
We fired our guns and the British kept a-coming
Adopt capitalism they said, you won't build commieblocks anymore they said
Look at pictures of the Russian fan fests
Tfw not in the World Cup
America is the continent for people with native american blood
/ita/ - il filo
EMBT, the new German-French tank
German girls look like this?
Daily reminder:
How do Germans feel about their country
One day Catalans will have the right to choose
Trump will be canonized as a saint
This is a 10/10 in Greece
/Bimbos/ ehemals /Deutsch/
How much do you sleep each night? What's your bedtime?
The country of the poster below you is where your waifu/husbando will be from
Finland-Sweden Friendship Thread
The greatest fear of Korean travelers in Europe
What was the last country to betray you?
Goodbye european """"union""""
Sverigetråden - Fredagsfest
This is the king of Sweden and his heiresses presumptive
Loved by the people, persecuted by the aristocrats, like Cesa
Watching world cup now
How do you call this in your country?
What are the most common racist slurs in your country?
Does China really think that they have a chance against France in a modern war ?
Can you fucking incels keep your opinions to yourselves?
Bunch of Slavs BTFO the biggest game companies in the world
/fr/ - le fil francophone
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Pretty politician in your country
/ita/ - Il filo
/dixie/ - Southern US and Friends
PSA Group (Peugeot Citroën DS) is the second largest automaker. in Europe and has many subdivision as Opel or Vauxhall
This is Warsaw, the capital of Poland
Room for rent 10 july - 3 August €600
Why is he so swarthy? just a quirk of genetics or too much danish DNA?
Can someone recommend me good documental films or podcast about Vietnam War? Preferably...
His language is only spoken in one country
Has anyone been to Cesme in Turkey here? Would you recommend a vacation there?
Me and my Swedish Internet girlfriend finally met each other on Zakynthos and since then she wants to live with me in...
Future of relationship between China and Russia
Ask a Tatar anything
Russia is SO based! They will save the white race!
Jow Forums - why koreans are jew in here ?
Do you like soviet themed media?
I'm considering moving to the Czech republic for 6 months
Why is japanese art so bad?
How do we get rid of animefaggots and fembots from lolcow here?
Tell me why Belgium is not a real country
Australians are about to censor another game
We can't compete with this. We should just give up. The age of China is here
This woman is half Geat and half Hun
You have 18 seconds to explain why your country is such a shithole
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Australian soldiers flew Nazi swastika flag from vehicle in Afghanistan
Is it rude to say "excuse me, let me pass" ?
/brit/ kids see ghosts edition
I want an African (BLACK) gf so badly
Always hear about the Vietnam War
Wh*Toids unironically love eating this shit
German friend
‘Crimea is Russian because everyone there speaks Russian,’ Trump reportedly tells G7 leaders
Which race of Asian is the most aesthetic, Jow Forums?
Post thinkers from your country that are widely respected by your countrymen but hated abroad
What the hell are White people doing to their countries?
My parents promised me an Arab 3D wife. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE خر ب دينك و دين الخلافك
What would you give to leave your shithole country and move to mine right now?
Trump gets Nobel Peace prize for NK
Let's see how much Jow Forums trusts the US
Kurva anyátok
/balk/: Eid edition
"if we bomb pearl harbour we will lose the war"
He suffers in first world
Is there some good country where i wouldn't be discriminated if i went there?
Why is there so much hate for America on this board?
/Hilo Latino/
Finland has 132 police officers per 100,000 people
Dating in America is suffering. All the single women are fat or have kids and all the qts are taken
Are Somalis Arab?
Americans aren't allowed to collect their own rainwater
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Is pic related the best world leader of the 21st century?
Which country would you rather live in?
Why are German people so prone to genocidal, warmongering and sadistic behavior, what do you think?
Tell me a little known fact about your country
Tfw all the promiscous sluts you see on the street will have their own kids one day
Are all Indians doing this?
Patrilineal Line Ancestors Thread
ITT things Americans will never understand
Mfw Norway's the biggest non-country in the West and people actually think it's worth a shit
Azn pusy
How do you think about the Korean Goverment
Russia has a town named gay
Why do protestants like Swedes...
Soccer sucks
How will Americans justify tearing families appart?
Are Hispanics in the US just as bad as Blacks?
Is it gay if i get an erection from staring at my penis?
For any Americans who have moved out of the U.S, is the grass greener on the other side?
Why are mexicans falling for the free shit meme?
What can be done about this?
Criticise your own Country
English should convert to Runes
1. your country
If you aren't on here, you are irrelevant
Describe Jews in 2 words
Hilo latino /lat/
Woah, Russia is powerful
What is the shittiest climate zone and why is it Cfb?
Hello user ! You're a Med right? You know I can't date anyone besides Southern Europeans...
It's at 5.2 billion now lol
Tfw i listen to Bach
/Harry Hasler/ ehemals /deutsch/
The Culture of Critique in Poland
How do we fix America?
When did exactly Albania become a muslim country? All the albanian/albanian descendants people I know are christian...
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2009
Mfw commie spics, niggers and chinks were just Russian puppets
Does he speak english?
America's only Roman Catholic president
Thick-boned Asian females (especially Koreans) with proper mongol features make me want to breed more than anything else
/ita/ - Il filo
Reminder that if your country is in red you are not human
I'm a Chinese tourist
This is Warsaw, the capital of Poland
ITT say something positive about Sweden
I'm in my 20s and live in the suburbs
Why are Meds so lazy, is it African admixture?
Fuck all non-gamers
You done fucked up, Norway
Things Europeans will never understand
Who are the most criminal people in your country?
Why do Slavs on this board deny being Mongoloid racially?
Post QTs from your country. Bonus points if they have a qt accent
Tfw no gf
1. Your cunt
Do you want a lesbian gf
Sverigetråden - SD2D-upplagan
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Hometown thread
Why are Greeks so degenerate?
Do you wish the christians in your country were as passionate as american christians?
Hilo latino
What etnicity are they?
Do you have a token black friend?
Do you support albania or Serbia?
Are scandinavian countries as comfy as they seem?
My American meal
The new Renault Alpine a110 will cost about 60 000 euros. I'm too poor for this shit, I thought about 30 000 at first
How much of a fucking failure is your life?
Literally every russian streamer is a 10/10 girl
Russians, why is this Commie tank still one of your most mass produced. Get rid of the retarded T-72...
Why is Portugal a poor country? They located in Western Europe with small population...
Moving to Hungary?
Hey yes im a conservative
94% of Dutch people speak English
Polish inventor, Mikołaj Teslowski
Are anglos Germanic or Celtic?
What will you do when the war for EVROPA occurs?
/ita/ - il filo
His country isn't playing in the world cup
Why do slavs always look so deformed? whats wrong with them?
Are Nordic people really as attractive as everyone says they are?
Which one were you at school?
Your cunt
Anyone else find american/canadian accents on women cute?
Wow, beautiful
Do you like Japan?
When are the Italians going to get around to fixing this thing? Not like they haven't had plenty of time!
I can be proud even if my team loses because at least I know aussies played can france say the same?
Sverigetråden - Semesterupplagan
How common is the med phenotype in the UK?
Greeks would sit down next to the blonde
Latin american spanish
Your cunt
/brit/ - im gtb till i rip
Tell us about racism in bears land
Do German people understand the concept of individualism? Why are they so aggressively conformist and narrow-minded?
Isn't eastern europe as equally shitty as latinoamerica?
Vocaroo thread. Yesterday I started the thread a bit late so the Yuros couldn't participate...
Confess my Jow Forums son. No need to hold back. It's just you and God now
Is libertarianism popular in your cunt? Unfortunately in Canada, it's less common than in the states...
Why did europeans never develop a form of writing on their own?
Post ur fridge
Why is it that European people are attractive and look sharp white the rest of the world look like fucking goblins?
ITT: we sing the British National Anthem one word at a time. I'll start
/fr/ - le francofil
1. Your cunt
Who is this absolute unit?
Tfw you will never be a cute depressed russian girl
From Russia With Love is how the saying goes - and one politician is trying to make this a reality at the World Cup
/ita/ il filo
Why Europe flourished so much? I'm not saying the rest of the world is worthless...
Im not racist but i hate niggers
Yo, Jow Forums, spit a verse
Feel free to ask anything about pic related
How are Trump supporters viewed in your country...
I hate the Portuguese
How do you say "polar bear" in your lingua?
Do you have this problem every time after peeing?
100 % Italian
Are you a butt guy??
Worlds most expensive snus
Why are Europeans such bullies?
Should Germany pay $850 billion of reparations to Poland?
1. Clitoris
Sverigetråden - Middagsupplagan
Anyone else live with cool roommates? mine are all bros and we have big family style meals together often
Tell me about tourists who visit your country
Post a nice thing your country makes
It's 2 am
Is it true that Swedish men and women are shy and afraid if we Greeks stand next to, let alone talk to them?
How do you say "he is masturbating" informally/slang in your country and what does it literally mean?
Imagine being Taiwanese
How come MENA girls are so irresistible to European boys?
Nowadays even to play video games you need friends...
I want my country in the world cup
I'm starting to think that maybe China is the answer
Is the evil eye a problem in your country?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
ITT: countries that shouldn't exist
Let's laugh about this
Rivalry and Friendship thread
Guys dont get a four CHAN girlfriend it will make u miserable
Who /watching world cup opening/ here?
No small talk
What's the most sensitive flag on Jow Forums? My bet is on Pooland
Prove me wrong
How old are you physically?
What are some posters you dont like?
/fr/ - Fil Francophone
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
After 24 hours of discussion in the Parlament, abortion is legal, universal and free in Argentina
Most Dutch, Germans, Swedes and other protestants love eating trash like this
How many posters under Western flags are actual ethnic people?
Just went out to get my antidepressants and buying a good old Döner Kebab
/ita/ - il filo
/lat/ - hilo latino
Do you want to find love in korea?
Why are Italian Americans so cool but regular Italians don't seem to be?
Literally sending women to fight in their imperialistic conquest war
/Fiqqhuren/ ehemals /Deutsch/
Is your country ruled by village idiots?
Do you believe in your country's gods?
Which is the most civilized? Which is the most uncivilized?
Zainichis go home. You are not welcome here
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
Russian government has decided to raise age of retirement to 65 for males and to 63 for women
Are they really East Asian?
He's gay
Be butthurt about Turkey
Daily reminder that if your country uses the English name for it in Japanese, your country is irrelevant
Be American
Just realized that there's only 8 million of us in the world, we're going extinct, slowly but surely
"Macron the traitor"
Einstein's travel diaries reveal 'shocking' xenophobia
How do we stop them from destroying europe?
Crazy bitch confronted
How do Chinese decide what names or place names to translate literally and what to transliterate phonetically?
Why aren't you watching the world cup right now
Today is her birthday, say something nice to her
Do you know that many Nordic girls colour their hair dark to avoid getting noticed by somali niggers and arabs at night?
Do you love Belgium?
I just fixed Europe
Always was
Describe yourself using 5 or fewer words
Post your faces, Jow Forums. Don't be scared, it's okay to be (non)white
Why are black people or niggers as I like to call them, so racist? How did she get away with this
Koshka tred
Do you love Japan?
Interracial sex is not recommended in Russia during WC-2018
You can only post in this thread if you live in a place with legal marijuana
/v4/ + friends
Culture Pals /cp/
Do you live in a desert city, Jow Forums? Do you want to?
What are some notable video game characters from your country?
My female neighbor gave me entire jar of homemade honey for free
He doesn't live in a top 20 economy country
Should I (try to) learn Arabic, Hebrew or Russian?
1. Your country
Are women in your country so extremely bad at driving?
Cold comfy or hot?
/brit/ flamingo edition
Why these amerimutts trailer trashs think they are aryans?
I am planning an expedition to the ice wall. The same one that holds our oceans in...
/ITA/ - il filo cCc
Daily reminder that Finns are not Europeans but Northern Eurasians
What Are We (Culturally)?
Kurva anyátok
1. Country
Why 99% of asians are naturally so disgusting?
Chinese tourists
We had plans to use 9 nukes along with chemical and possibly biological weapons during the invasion of Kyushu
21st century culture
"what a fucking nigger"
/fr/ - le francofil
Why is it whenever I show interest in Russia or Russian language I get a (You) from a self hating Russian talking about...
Hilo latino /lat/
I don't like canadians ewwwwwwwwww they nasty :(
How popular are burgers in your country?
Greeks are better than other humans
RIP florida
Daily reminder to stop replying to jap posters
Conscription general
El gobli-
Korea is finished
Why do White people do this?
NASA warns about ecological disaster
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
What should this country be called?
What does the average person in your region look like?
Is this normal in Fatland?
What country are you rooting for Jow Forums?
Am I the only Africaboo on Jow Forums?
This is my hometown, Puerto Vallarta, say something nice about it
Why are Chinese people the absolute worst tourists?
Americans think this is all one country
What happens here, I've never seen them post before
/mena/ - The Arabian Knight edition
Is this the worst country in Europe? I can't think of a more pathetic country in the EU
Hilo latino jajaja
What's the number 1 thing destroying America right now?
Tell me why Mississippi appears at or near the bottom of so many U.S. statistics. Is it its massive black population?
I'm personally migrating to Japan as a ""worker""...
What's your favourite Centroamerican country?
Do you like america?
Your country's general is filled with gay weebs cybering with other gay weebs
Stupid fucking zipperhead ching chong gook koreans gtfo my country stop exporting your dumbass shit culture
Wake up
Major Ethnic Groups in LATAM by country
Ltt: Countries that can't be fixed
Is there any reason for my African-American brothers to be patriotic about their country?
/brit/ america the great satan edition
Serious question
/fiqqhuren2.0/ ehemals /deutsch/
Just asked a girl out...she responded and i'm afraid to open the message. What do?
Your cunt
Help me int skmethinf is down thw kitchen floor in the purgatory secret room they play music and dance theu will come...
Is she gonna watch argentina-iceland's game??
Vocaroo thread. I'll start with a little French passage
Pay thousands of $ to fly overseas to visit stuff like this
Native American Population:
I HATE the subtle racism in Japan
ITT: Times you revealed your Jow Forums power level
Why are Asian-Americans so much more handsome than the average Asians?
Violence is not the answer
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
European sphere of influence
Cousin just sent me this
Sverigetråden - Skånska upplagan
Would you suck a dick for $1000?
Why are European cities so ugly?
/brit/ fortnite vs money edition
/lat/ hilo latino
American who has backpacked in India for the last 2 months here, AMA
Why are you guys so obsessed with italy?
/brit/ gamers rise up edition
Ancient, blessed culture of skilled workers and scientists and resisted against the ar*b menace
Be american
Does Jow Forums like sex?
How many americanos it take to screw in light bulb?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????...
Your country
Defend this shit
/sino/ - 中文
No other race can compete with white archite-
What ethnicity am I?
Why are wh*Tes so evil?
In an interview with Govorit Moskva radio, Pletnyova, chairwoman of the Family, Women...
1. Your cunt
Say my name Jow Forums
/ita/ - il filo
Modern black millenial americans are so pussies. What is the cause ? Webm related
/fr/ - le francofil
Will they be the ones to lead Latin America into prosperity?
What will you do when she finally croaks?
Of these twenty-three finalist North American cities, sixteen will host 2026 FIFA World Cup matches...
Poland BTFO
You're a Southern European user right? You speak a Romance language? Because I don't date non-meds
Dubz decide what language I learn
Dubs decide what I do with the flag
Unironically being an atheist in the year of our lord 2018
In Moscow, stray dogs have learned how to ride the metro
Is this common in your cunt?
Did you know Buddha was better and smarter than Jesus and Mohammed?
Allahu Akbar, Italy is for Italians like me
Your country
What city people do at their spare time in different countries...
Why don't danes pronounce words as they are written?
What do French people think of them?
This is fucking true
Most evil countries in history
I love russia. Russians are very nice people and i honestly feel pretty bad for them...
Recht lustige /deutsch/-Ausgabe
Sverigetråden - nattupplagan
/ita/ - il filo (+/deutsch/+/rus/+/brit/+/balt/+/luso/+/balk/+/polska/+/mämmi/+/fr/+/asean/)
Mods pls sticky
Who is your cunts greatest intellectual
Hilo latino
What country do you want a wife from?
Why are YOU not learning Mandarin, user ?
What are your thoughts on how freedom of speech rights are treated in your country?
Can a russian here or someone else who knows russian identify this song...
How do I acquire a Finnish girlfriend as a 1.6m manlet?
I listen to
I do nothing meaningful. Each and every one of my days are wasted
Who will win this world cup?
Two of these countries will defend you
Italy wants to play the tough guy against France
Post yours
I browse Jow Forums, Jow Forums, /tv/ and /v/
/fr/ - le fil francophone
*meaningless guttural sounds*
Hundreds years of normal relations between Germany and Russia. And then they like - you are subhumans now, come to oven
I'm getting cosmetic toe surgery tomorrow
How are French people perceived in your country?
ITT: Jow Forums in 1997
Do French cars have a bad reputation in your country? In Lithuania...
Culture Pals /cp/
What is up with the rampant anti-semitism on this board?
Daily reminder: the plane crash that killed the Polish President in 2010 was due to weather error. It wasn't shot down
My car is not german
Why are they so uniquely incapable/unmotivated to learn proper English...
I drink one or two beers every day
/Fiqqhuren/ ehemals /Deutsch/
What country is the evil version of yours?
Ah was pissing by da dour
Do you have a neighbour country that is similar to yours but inferior at everything?
Sverigetråden -Drumpfupplagan
I thought the Wermacht was supposed to have been better than the US Army, just overwhelmed by numbers...
Post pictures of parasites living in your country
What does Brexit mean?
N-no. no. this cannot be happening to me. save me tommeh. saaaaaaaaaaaave me
The country of the poster below you is where your next girlfriend will be from
/ita/ - IL FILO
Do English people have mind?
Since we were forced to change our name, when do we get the gibs?
*eats popcorn*
I love Finland so much
What happens here, except for drugs?
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship