I'm getting cosmetic toe surgery tomorrow

I'm getting cosmetic toe surgery tomorrow.

It will cost me €30 in total, basically an admin fee.

How much would it cost in your country?

Attached: Cox.jpg (1200x1600, 235K)

Medicare doesn't cover cosmetic surgery, so it would be in the thousands

Fucking wh*te people are disgusting

we've got this thing called "ticket" that you need to pay for most medical procedures and prescriptions, it goes from being free for low income households to around €120/150 for >100k incomes. Counting all the visits and prescriptions it could go from like €50 to €300/€500 if you're particularly wealthy or you don't want to disclose your earnings. Also if you want to chose your doctor you can pay for private doctors to operate in a public hospital but that's a whole other deal, there are some guidelines for prices i think but they can vary according to how good or famous the doctor is


You pay for the consumables in cosmetic surgeries here, so... probably US$100?

>bragging about free healthcare
>gets cancer

socialists, lmfao :))))

What this? Illness, I mean.

do you even have private healthcare in brazil? Or is it just fake clinics where you can get industrial silicone pumped in your ass

Hammer toe and bunion

Well over 10k. I can't go to the dentist without having to fork over $100 just for the fucking visit. Fuck insurance.

Socialism is human

jesus christ what have you done to your feet?

Yikes! Looks painful...

fingers crossed, OP

Wouldn't be that expensive. Probably one hand.

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Paying 30% of the total fee for everything in Japan as long as it's a thing that must be cured to live normally
Won't work if you didn't pay the yen to Abe


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Thousands upon thousands unless you can prove it's affecting your life negatively.

If it's cosmetic only, it costs.

Hockey accident

is that yur toe?

looks like it just out of socket, move it into place and get some tape around it so it cant move for a week or two.
or get doctor to do it, still costs 0.