Italy wants to play the tough guy against France.
Be careful Italy bro, if EU is the class in high school, France woulb be the bully and Italy the effeminate homosexual who is very talkative
Italy wants to play the tough guy against France.
Be careful Italy bro, if EU is the class in high school, France woulb be the bully and Italy the effeminate homosexual who is very talkative
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how about you stop playing tough guy on the internet and go back to choke on some nigger dick LMFAO
Shitalians are shitskins, what'd you expect
>t.Giuseppe living in France who has an italian grandpa
be careful france
new axis is soon be formed, but first merkel must be replaced with seehofer.
why do you people always make such cringy threads
I knew frenchies were cucked but wanting thousands of niggers to come to their country seems a bit extreme
One blitzkrieg wasn't enough
not again...
considering the current state of your militaries, France could invade all three of you in one night
the only thing holding us back is muh multilateral order, but get cheeky and you'll regret it because we're going to make austerlitz look like child's play
We can
Fuck off frog eater
We fuck you up anytime
Actually, frenchs are acting like jews. They closed their borders and ports and are calling us evil for doing the same.
I'll collaborate
>They closed their borders and ports
If only
stop being autistic
try and stop us you little froggy bois
pls gibe italian gf
you'll have to settle for nigerian bf
Daily reminder that the French are just brain damaged Italians.
I'm cringing hard
based french are brain damaged italians poster
i always voted left but he's unironically right this time, frogs need a genocide
my guts always told me, frogs must die
>i always voted left
nice samefag
Go back to listen France Culture.
>more EU infighting
Just what we need rn
Having fun with your proxy?
wtf i love sweden now
it's genuine anti-french brotherhood
Fuck you this is our thing.
>American in charge of KILLEM meme
>English in charge of food
>German in charge of humor
>Italian in charge of honor
>froggo in charge of NOT sucking a BBC
>be a frog
>get cucked by a nigger
>be Italian
>be a nigger
we are blessed by KARA BOGA unlike you ugly little wh*te monkeys
We don't have black in metropolitan France. Our blacks live in our islands in Carraibean or Indian ocean
hummm excuse me my wife's bull is very black and we all live in metropolitan france
>be a frog
>lie on the internet
>be Italian
>be actually nice guy
>have great culture
>be based
Why do you always choose wrong allies you glorious macaroni-eaters? Even now you are working with austria and some german cuck instead of us...
we should join V4 honestly
your people always shit on us to be fair, the gibs boost made you kinda presumptous
Poland needs the EU, youre the beggar
You should know your place
We shit on Italians? Too much Jow Forums. Slavs always joke about meds becouse you have gennerally different character then us but shiting? BS
V4 is only a concept (at least for now). Mabey if we had a powersfull ally it would change.
You too, your place is on your knees, begging pakis to stop raping your daughter. Honestly br*ts should be banned from Jow Forums, you are most worthless posters here.
Pls Italy annex Corsica
>instead of us...
People usually don't associate with gibs dependant leeches willingly.
And still all teutons welcome niggers and arabs with open arms.
>you are most worthless posters here.
What do polish posters contribute? Always arrogant, always holier than thou, always angry over inferiorty complex CONSTANT need for attention and aprroval etc..
Just like in the EU you take everything for free and only bitch and complain like a mother in law
>muh brown ppl
That's not how it works. Kurz will be elected as our Führer.
what's the difference?
You are angry because you know that Austria is rightful Czech clay.
Can also only tell lame jokes...
For your info we were against you joining the EU. The only one's to realize you'll only live off our pockets just like the refugees.
no difference my friend
>thinks he is worth more than Germany and Austria
Why are you still crying ?
Don't forget that you started WW2, dumb pole.
Why is Italy complaining when most niggers don't stay there because it's a shithole and they all want the UK /France /Germany gibs ?
You only hate us because were sucessful and you come to do our menial jobs. How about you develop and then stop taking welfare from the EU?
this is perhaps the most dire attempt at banter i have seen in all my years
Italians and Greeks are utter subhumans.
They should be groveling on the ground and kissing the feet of every other European nation has kept their unproductive dogshit countries afloat, they've done grievous harm to the rest of Europe because they can't manage their own states.
Instead they pretend they're somehow the victims and aren't ENTIRELY responsible for the state of their countries.
Fuck off libshit. Italy is based
France has more niggers per square chicken than Mississippi.
I fucked 4 danish girls in my 23 years old life.
Unlike you virgin NEET who can't even talk to a ghirl without cocaine and will not pass his genes to the next generations
That's just because they all got enslaved and shot by the resident goblinos.
NYC has more niggers than entire France, french overseas territories included
agreed. We should just join V4 and party together.
>Ooga booga me strong silverback! Me mate with many female! Oog Oog!
Yup, just about the kind of behavior I'd expect from an Italian.
Wrong. And this can be proven due to the prevalence of Sickle Cell in France. What with collecting racial data being fucking illegal, and France claiming that there are no White/European French as a distinct ethnic group.
just the region of lombardy makes more than your country gdp lmao. Fucking countrilets being arrogant. You're nothing.
>tells niggers to go drown in the mediterranean
>allows a shitskin rapper to sing about Jihad in the stage where they literally did jihad on innocent bystanders
Who should I support?
1/3....which is a guess because official collection of relevant data is illegal, and it doesn't count them all, and its before the recent horde of rapefugees.
You forgot Spain who allows the boat to enter in spanish port, the only country who accepted this.
Northern Italy can declare independence if it wants to judged on it's own, until that happens you're one country and you'll be judged as one country and Italy, as a country, is an economic sinkhole. It's less than nothing, it's a drain on the world.
Yes, our countries are going to drown together in a sea of shitskins soon.
Italy show us the way.
>t. albo subhuman doomed by his inbred genetics
You aren't greek if you hate italy, nigger.
You're still a NEET loser who can't talk without a qwerty and will not find a single girl.
Bye hey ''loook look i've wait skeen look look''. Autism over 9000
Btw i'm not even ''ethnic'' italian since i'm from the provençal minrity in the Alpes
I'm north italian with brown eyes therefore germanic get cancer faggot.
But the irony is that Spain is also allowing nigs to invade Europe.
Anyway, ITALY >>>>>>>>>> dogshit > France
If Italy really meant it, they would open fire on all rapefugee invasion vessels.
You forgot your daily Ritalin and Seroquel?
swedish women are exclusively for big italian cock
She's 16 years old maximum
She is Norwegian.
how about her
all nordic women are for italian cock
stop with your cuck fantasies
in our anthem theres a phrase when italy and poland kick russians and austrian asses
Notice how whenever you meet someone who's part italian it's always the father.
Fuck, the Italians make me piss of laughter.
Yes you have migrants arriving by your sea coast.
But what you forget to say is that some of them were arriving at the migrants, you gave them the pass to circulate across Europe without taking the time to check the situation of the migrants, and moreover you complain migrants except that most do not want to stay in Italy!
They are aimed at Germany, France or the United Kingdom, or the Scandinavian countries.
And finally, there is nothing hypocritical to say that you do not respect international law like sons of whores. And indeed by migrating we know each other, since the 70s, we have regularly, and in France we manage one of the most migratory flows in the world, Calais.
I have never seen one.
That's a really difficult one.
>>Notice how whenever you meet someone who's part italian it's always the father.
this doesn't ring true for me but meybe that's because in the UK there are many people who look "darker but still white" already
This place is riddled with scat and ntr fetishists. There's no stopping them.