Why are YOU not learning Mandarin, user ?

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My time is valuable and I prefer not to waste it.


june 4th Tiananmen Square massacre 六四天安門 事件

I wanna learn russian first but after two years i hadnt still started

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Пoтoмy чтo pyccкий язык вeceлee.

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eta polxha


You just shit your pants by providing wrong translation

Muricunts are dumb as fuq

Stop it, i dont yet even still not the alphabetics.
I need a carrot (Russian qt) for this job

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i started learning but when i got my chance to go to china denied i got very angry and forgot it

Dont you dare learn Russian and speak to Russian maidens you MUTT. Russian maidens are for EVROPEAN bulls only

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You can apply for Chinese entry visa in Shenzhen (borderung HK)

It is valid for 5 days only (afair) and can stay in SZ only.


i don't like how it sounds

That gay is Russian though

nah it was some sort of scholarship from huawei but i didnt make it into the last round,i dont have the money to go there

They chant Down with Murica!

Japan is more cute

Japan have no future.

You can't stop me leaf

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I just started recently. It is more fun to learn Mandarin than Japanese that's for sure.

Try and stop me, leaf

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no point in learning japanese anyways only bout 130 million people speak it. mandarin speak about 1,2 billion

Pls explain why

German is spoken by 80 mln.
Your point is invalidated

I'm learning a special snowflake language that barely anyone speaks. Guess what it is.

Well... At least for now, Japan >>> China is all regards


Oxford English?

Yeah, but I will still stick with Japanese. I'm doing it for my career and I think I will find it useful someday.

The same goes for German.

It has to do mostly with the teachers. My Mandarin teachers were more charismatic and more effective in keeping the classroom focus than the Japanese ones.

Also, the material given by the Mandarin teacher was more principiant-friendly than the Japanese ones. So I could study Mandarin by myself if I felt the need to do so.

Come on! It is just a dialect. Plattdeutsch

are you dumb ? its my mother tongue i didnt chose to learn it. but when you can choose and language you should choose one which is widley spoken. dumb switzerguy

Chinese has got more simple grammar than Japanese. Chinese is straightforward while Japanese is like... spoken French where you are constantly missing the point.

A lot of foreigners learn German because of the content your country provides.

Which content provides China?

i dont give a fuck about people learning german this is about learning mandarin.

China is the future so is mandarin

>At least for now
Even for now.
>all regards
We've yet to know about any crazy growing field of Japanese startups.

porque los chinos son un apilar de wea

China's future is being constructed by Chinese gratuates from universities in the US, Australia, England and even Germany LOL

No need to learn Mandarin if you are going to talk to the upper class instead of "Proleten"

And yes, I write a bit of Chinese just for lulz

You've never been to China. It's rather boring

In fact, it is. But the problem is not the complexity of the language in terms of grammar, the problem is that all of my Japanese materials (even the most basic ones) are only written in Hiragana and Kanji, not a single trace of Romaji.

Also, the instructions in my basic material weren't in English, nor in Spanish so if I wanted to study by myself I had to waste a lot of time searching for words in my Japanese dictionaries, and I didn't have enough time for that.

Don't care about ching-chong languages, but we need to deport all of the chinese immediately

Son, I disappoint!
Hiragana cannot be an obstacle. 42 characters only!

Japanese grammar is not difficult. It is kind of... different. They use to describe thing non-linearly in contrast to the most other languages.

Japanese is easier to hear and speak.


>be Chinese
>cannot into Hanzi
>only have limited vocabulary to express yourself
>not arsed to learn it

>Hiragana cannot be an obstacle. 42 characters only!
Yeah... It is not a problem to read it and write it. The problem was with the Kanji characters and the fact that we weren't taught a good amount of vocabulary in order to understand our books by ourselves.

In fact, I remember that I had to learn Kanji by myself.

Also, I find Mandarin more entertaining in pronunciation for the same reason that it is hard. I like to learn hard stuff regarding languages, so I think that if I were properly introduced to Japanese grammar by my teacher I would be more invested in learning Japanese.

I just hope that my new Japanese teacher is just as good as my Chinese teachers.

Chinese hackers and propagandists, keep talking to me in simple Chinese and English phrases.

I'm 55. If I was 25 I would learn it.

Sino Century is still a century away. :^)

How'd you even find this site m8?

You still have time to learn some chiki-briki cykablyat

That's 3x the average age here.

lol, 这是你的美国梦吗?你必须经梦吧!

惊梦。 不好意思!

What is 惊梦?

to wake up from a dream

I don't want to suport the chinkification of the world

you do by using your PC / Mac etc. Ikea made China great again too by the way. growing domination appears to come this time by hard work.

>leafs LARPing as yuropeein

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I actually have to look it up on Google since it wasn't a common phrase. It feels like one of those ancient classic chinese that contemporary chinese no longer use. It makes sense on it own, 惊 is a verb, 梦 is a noun. Nevertheless, this phrase doesn't fit into your context, what you are trying to say should be something like "你必須要夢醒了!" or "你可是酣夢未醒?" A correct usage for 惊梦 would be something like "喊聲惊梦".


>A lot of foreigners learn German because of the content your country provides.

I tried learning for this slut m.youtube.com/watch?v=5h_JkMvcE8k
Any other content worthy for learn deutsch?

Protestors were armed, over ten officers were killed.

Man I love Russian girls, just the right mix of mongol uralic genes.



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在中國的經驗教訓... 零


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I simply can not comprehend the sentence "說多了都是淚".


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because Chinese are educated enough to speak English. you would be better off learning Turkish my German friend, because there is a whole load of kebab heading towards you

日本語を習って いますよ

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german and french are easier languages and im not a communist

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Gonna find a cute bf in hongkong or taiwan to teach me.

Because jews always win

with that attitude

>This whole thread

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Because as soon people learn that I know Mandaring, they will fucking send me to deal with Chinese customers and they are fucking annoying.
Fuck that, I'm sticking with English and French.

Am i the only one thinks this meme is getting old

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>Learn Mandarin
>Chinese people talk to you in English anyway
Why are YOU not learning Classical Chinese, user?

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Because I'm learning Japanese

also because chinks are subhuman along with their language

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then why are you here?

>there is only 1 country between me and china

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The German flag have many foreigners who don't thank for the new world.
I think that the manner is the cause to throw away your country.

having chinks is better than becoming russia 2.0

The weeb has entered the thread

The Communism do not have freedom of speech. human rights.

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Tones mostly, however, I'm planning on "finishing" Japanese, then moving onto Russian and Arabic, before trying out Mandarin

i was but i was doing it for utility and not interest and i realised if i continued down that road, i was going to kill myself, so i began learning german instead.

Eye kan bearly spik Inglish

>China is the future so is mandarin
The rate at which Chinese people are learning English is WAY higher than the rate of gwailos learning Mandarin. And this trend is only accelerating, as Chinese people become more and more involved in international academia, which is pretty much universally in English.

Mandarin is only useful if you actually plan on working in a Chinese company in China to communicate with Chinese coworkers. But even then, considering how xenophobic Chinese people are, even learning Mandarin won't be enough in that regard.

this is true for 90% of americans so don't feel bad

>learning Russian
>wanting to move to Russia

>Man I love Russian girls, just the right mix of mongol uralic genes.

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