Will they be the ones to lead Latin America into prosperity?
Will they be the ones to lead Latin America into prosperity?
but it would be nice to create a common market
less burocracy while moving around
El Salvador
Realistically only you guys could pull that off. Mexico is a complete house fire for the foreseeable future, and nobody else has enough going on or a large enough population.
fucking never
but it would be such a twist, el salvador saves latam
Yes but only if BASED Petro wins this Sunday in Colombia because BASED AMLO is confirmed next president of Mexico but he will need a friendly southern administration which only Petro can fulfill. Next, BASED Lula will have to get out of those bullshit corruption charges and win Brazil again, this will create a huge shift in geopolitics and a Latin America Union would be realistic. Burgers will be BTFO of Latin America if this conditions are met.
>center-left spics
>Center left
mexico is about to elect a socialist that will kill NAFTA and reset their economy to the mid 80s
so, no
define "prosperity"
Brazilians think the government existing is literally communism
A bunch of mountain niggers can't lead shit.
NICE COPE but none of our countries are center left, actually all of them could be considered center right
No one cares about the rest of latam, Alianza del pacifico only cares about themselves, and that's good, I hope that all the rest of you die fucking spics sudacas
They are the good guys.
Based Chilean
panama's inclusion when?
Based Chile will most likely end up like Germany in the Euro zone: envied and hated for being the most prosperous and having to bail out their chimp neighbor Peru at some point
Chile needs to care about the Venezuelans flooding in before they turn your # 1 LatAm economy into a shithole
Makes sense
Kirchnerista detected
Soon, hopefully.
venezuelans that leave venezuela hate socialism
only chile
only "rich" venezuelans can afford a ticket for chile, we get the best inmigrants from there, the trash moves to colombia
They'll make a bunch of money for Chilean and Mexican mineral extraction, car and electronics manufacturers qnd probably allow then to more effectively combat US and Chinese influence.
NAFTA has been already killed by Trump, he killed an already agonozing NAFTA.
AMLO himself has said that he wants to keep NAFTA, if possible. Anyway NAFTA was a fiasco for us.
>Bolivia will NEVER EVER touch the coast
>reminder that chile is growing at 4% GDP
>reminder next year we will hit 5%
based piƱi
Brazil I get things are bad but we're kinda relying on you not exploding.
Their chimp neighbor is actually Bolivia
> A fucking leaf who's never worked a minute in his life shilling socialism
Why do SOuth Americans hate Bolivia?
buckle up buckaroo. We're collapsing soon.
We already have mutts and are willing to ban gun control. We will be the US soon.
Dominica will save Latin America.
Based. Death to spics.
PRI is center right.
PAN is center right
Only MORENA is left wing.
All shitholes except for Chile