Is she gonna watch argentina-iceland's game??

Is she gonna watch argentina-iceland's game??

Attached: bork.jpg (470x470, 92K)

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Who is this abomination?


Attached: 1522860322003.jpg (760x506, 62K)

Shes a moonfaced gook

Bjork's nordic, chicano

sorry is this a finnfugee or an icelander?

I don't understand the fascination with this sami-looking mongoloid.

How can people not know who this is? Underage?

are u gonna watch the game??

oooh look at me using "mongoloid" as a pejorative. FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING PINKOID


hún er annaðhvort á rófinu eða þá að hún gerir sér ekki grein fyrir hversu undarlega og/eða sakleysislega hún hegðar sér í viðtölum

hvort sem það er þá sýnist það hafa verið nóg til að fá fólk víða um heiminn til að dást að henni

She makes good music and she was pretty cute in her prime

she hasn't aged well

no white woman does
yet i still wana fuccc

Do people unironically like her solo work?

I don't listen to music.

I only like her from Debut to Vespertine. 1993-2001.
IIRC, every album of her has sold less than her previous album, but in the 90s those were still pretty good sales. She was commercially successful with music videos often shown on mtv back then.

Afterwards, she got too weird, and not as good. If you look at the critic scores of her albums, she isnt as good as she was in the 90s. Most solo artists have a period of 5-10 years in which they are great and untouchable, but afterwards the decline is huge.

Homogenic from 1998 is most likely her best album, almost perfect.
(I am not op btw)

she *made* good music

bjork is chicano you fucking DORK
the anthem to Aztlan will be Bjork's Homogenic (in its entirety)

you can't make great music forever, there's a time in which you can't hack it anymore

Utopia was good fuck you

Can't believe that guy STANNED himself over her

I agree (I find it weird there are 3 Argentines in this thread). Great solo musicians generally have a period in which they are great and untouchable and make 5/5 albums one after the other, followed by a huge decline in quality from which they never recover.
Think of 70s Stevie Wonder compared to I just called to say I love you Stevie Wonder. Or Joni Mitchell, who was great from her first album in 69 to Hejira around 1977, and hasnt made another great album ever since, often being pure dogshit. Or Elton John.

It also happens to bands in which they only have 1 talented member and songwriter, like Billy Corgan. It must be a biological phenomenon related to the aging process.

utopia sucked ballz but vulnicura was gud

Is this her best song?

argentina confirmed 140 IQ
good to see others with GOOD taste

How could you not know who she is while knowing she's a musician?

By decline I think we all know you mean "Medulla."


medulla is pleb filter
sorry dude

Why is she wearing a strapon