Daily reminder that Finns are not Europeans but Northern Eurasians

Daily reminder that Finns are not Europeans but Northern Eurasians

Attached: Ville Haapasalo.jpg (820x902, 129K)

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He's a Russian though

What about Estonians?

does he have fetal alcohol syndrome or is that just what finns look like, or do finns look like that because of fetal alcohol syndrome?

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I would not wonder if he has developed that by himself. That guy drinks. Alot.

Making himself to fame in Russia doesnt close the fact he is Finn.
30% Russians due soviet union, least most of natives iv met could somehow pass as a Finn.

This guy's travel shows are kino
>giving yourself FAS
Impressive dedication to alcoholism

Assuming from your understanding youv mother must drink pretty much

Attached: st_haapasalo_etu_270916_vi.jpg (1024x614, 83K)

I though that he's more popular in Russia but i see picture of him in Finland-threads every week

He is popular in Finland because he is Popular in Russia.

And 4chans International doesnt give you a closest clue what normal Finns are.

Still European. But it's fine to have specificities, let's celebrate and protect European diversity against amerimutt culture and third-world hordes.

You are not doing your best

>he is Popular in Russia.
yes we absolutely love him and Russians take him as an example of a Finn

He is not wrong either, and thats pretty strong commitment from a frenhman too. Id say peoples are starting to wake up again

>not understanding a simple joke
german proxy

>Id say peoples are starting to wake up again
I hope so, I need someplace to move before this rat ship sinks. It could have been fixed in the 1970-1980s but wasn't, and now my generation's left picking up the pieces

Attached: blagojevich_corruption_probe_7264594.jpg (1850x2200, 1.14M)

Finnish drinking habbits*




in the butt

Attached: Sweden2k17.jpg (1050x859, 206K)

t. regular visitor of Club Swagga

It were just a swedish night club trying it markets in Finland, needles to say it dididint work well

wohohohohoho NO NO NO

Cherry picking is hard in this one

And thats why sucking someones dick and calling him desperately faggot is not going to ever work.

He is a Finnish SUPO agent. I remember one episode in which Russian soldiers let him to some forbidden radar installation because he was popular. He is probably in a Satan silo taking pictures.

åhåhåhåhåhå Nej NEJ NEJ
The freaking dance at the end just killed me

Did you actually completely freaked out or got somkind of brain seizure?


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The Finns are their own race, just like Nubians are an inbetween of Arabs and Blacks, Finns are the borderline of Asians and Europeans

shame there isnt undupped version, could watch it without subtitles

Attached: Villehaapasalo.jpg (680x453, 35K)

Finns are pretty much the closest thing of what is an European. Among few others we share the most with ancient Europeans. We are far from anything between. Thinking that heavy dose of African and Middle Eastern genes, and that populations which to large degree are completely interchangeable with Arabs, represent an archetype of an European, is delusional and even batshit crazy.

Attached: Atlantic-Baltic.jpg (995x1484, 309K)

Finns are so gross

He's one of the biggest stallions in 90s and early 2000s Russia. Rumor says he's had sex with over 5000 women.