
The cuddle buddy edition.

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There is a condom, it means it's completely wholesome.

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And she has gloves on too!

i love that pic

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Have fun then

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Extra wholesome.. but that maybe flow back into lewd again...
I know right!
It's too good.
It's not mine sadly.
But it is an /ausnz/ posters..
Although I wouldn't know what the two of them would use a condom for...

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Oh ye I recall that image.

Water balloon fights probably

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What do you do in Hungary buddy?
Seems a bit unfair seeing as there is only one...

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Some fights are very unfair

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>What do you do in Hungary
remove kebab

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At the moment sitting in bed.But if you mean in general then I am studying. Can't wait to be able to put weight on my leg so I can go up to my room and have some fun. This laptop wasn't designed for anything more than internet and office.

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Instead we are filled with gyros places. Fair trade.

>Some fights are very unfair
Especially seeing as one it roped up...
Although some people are into that.
do they eat em
lol get it!
they're hungary!
>sitting in bed
Same except not the same because I'm laying in bed, it's nice and cozy.
>so I can go up to my room and have some fun
Ohhh what sorta fun...
I'm just shitposting on a laptop myself.

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Sleepy time now

Vidya. And maybe something else.

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Good night

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don't you have crutches or something?

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This is the series I was talking about earlier btw westy
night night cutie

I do, but the stairs are too tall to bear. Plus going down is even riskier than going up. And I don't have much else to hold onto while walking the stairs.

>Sleepy time now
Good night.
Sleep tight.
Don't let the be bugs bite.
What game ya thinking of playing?
>maybe something else
Hmm what could that be.
Thats the one I was watching!

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I bought witcher 3 last november and still didn't finish it. Nier automata is also on my list.

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you can grab on to me, i'll help you get up the stairs

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Please do

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Is it gay if the balls touch?

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it's only gay if they can make you cum

t. pro

>Nier automata
I wanna play that but I've got a shit box...
Tough times.
Yes, but just touch them twice to even it out.
Always make sure they touch an even amount of times or you're gay.

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Well I got a pc and I got the advice to use a controller instead but I never had one in my hand before.

Ah yes. Speaking from experience I see.

Ok. I can now rape cute boys in peace

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Do you have a controller?
>I never had one in my hand before.
I swear.. I'm starting to lewd things everywhere now...
>cute boys
Ahh you see the gay rules don't apply then, you have free rein.
They're cute so how could you not frick em

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You have a bright mind my frien. I agree

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I don't. And I didn't have the object in your lewd thoughts in my hand before besides mine.

>putting 3 vocaburary books together into a heap of note book sheets
like what the fuck are those words...
i like the word "susceptibility" btw

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Good luck desu!

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basato magyar bro thx

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No problem!

Good evening friends.

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hey qt

and yes, I do workout

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Pick me up in your strong arms.

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Heyo Flip-Kun!

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Why do you call this the aus/nz thread when it consists primarily of non australian/new zealand degenerates posting anime shit?

why do you care

Hi there, are you enjoying your stay here?
C-conway that's embarrassing
Hi westy how are you tonight?

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Because it's night and all the native posters are asleep.
>degenerates posting anime
Thats mostly whats /ausnz/ is when the natives are posting anyway.

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why do you care that I care?

>that's embarrassing
not for me it isn't!

what's such a cute boi doing up so late?

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See? The only way to save the board is to redo /bantz/

I am really loving it!

i'm nosy like that

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why do you care that he cares that you care?

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i'm loving you!

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>Hi westy how are you tonight?
Very jolly!
How are you my cutie?
Still raining your ways.

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Oh my

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oh, my food is done, gotta go get it
*leaves you in the middle of the stairs*

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Nuuu come back if I fall I will break even more bones

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*picks him back up*
hehe mine now.

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do you like anime hungary-kun? me and some /ausnz/ bros watch anime movies together every weekend, wanna join?

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Uh not quite sure I can make it but I might come.


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what's wrong qt

What's wrong?

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Are you alright cataqt?

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Not at all desu
I have no idea.

>Not at all desu
Not in a good mood buddy?
Awww.. thats no good.
What can we do to cheer you up ?

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tell us about what is troubling you catabro, maybe we can help you or atleast give you some support

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I did something embarrassing and I can't sleep because of it.
Its still raining here desu

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You can be honest with us we can probably help you.

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you want to tell us about it? we all do embarrassing stuff from time to time

>I did something embarrassing
What did you do flip-kun?
>Its still raining here
Give me the rain, I want some rain now!
Send it over here okay?

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I don't know, I feel lost. Don't know what to do, both rn and in the long run. the anxiety that usually keeps me going in the right direction is nowhere to be seen. There's no meaning.

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I know a guy that felt just like you, ending himself made him much happier

The long run is tough but when I don't know what to do atm I usually distract myself with something I haven't done for a while.

i feel the same way bro, only thing that is keeping me going is working out, I dont have anything else. We're all gonna make it somehow.

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you aren't that good at pushing people into suicide. People who want to die don't care about being happy, so "made him much happier" doesn't really help your case. If you wanted to get me to kill myself you should say "your family will be much happier","you'll stop disturbing everyone around you"... things like that.
I don't do anything.
don't really like the idea of working out, but thank you.

Well a psychiatrist managed to help me but I had more than just not doing anything.

I tried to tease my highschool crush by asking her to head pat me. When she called me an idiot I stop, but out of nowhere she suddenly pat me with a red face.

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that's really cute

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You still going to uni?



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then don't look too far into the future and just make it your ultimate goal to finish uni first, or even just the next semester.

I fucked up hard and wasted 4 semesters, just stopped going because of depression and shit and im starting from 0 again now.

I should bury myself in a hole i shouldn't have done that.

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Are you on the spectrum?

It's the only thing I do, so failing isn't an option.

you're really cute and i just want to hold and kiss you until you're red as a cherry

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No, just helping you do your job right.

you said lifting wasn't your thing, what about other kind of exercise, do you do anything like that?
I know I sound like one of those motivation faggots when saying this, but exercising does atleast give you a nice endorphine boost.

The joke was you cant be happy when youre dead and you sperged about depression. Yeah youre autistic alright

maybe I should go running in the morning

You can try regular exercises like Situps and stuff.

i would suggest c25k if you're just starting, it has a nice progression and goals to work towards

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I'll do everything in my power to hide from you and overpower you. I'll go down fighting.

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>and overpower you
yes please...

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