Is libertarianism popular in your cunt? Unfortunately in Canada, it's less common than in the states...

Is libertarianism popular in your cunt? Unfortunately in Canada, it's less common than in the states, and I struggle to find a mainstream political party to support.

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I see you’re mentally retarded as well

party wise no, but there's a few liberty minded people in republican party surprisingly even the the party as whole is pretty shit
Libertarian party is shit
in the general sense there are a lot of libertarians

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Canadian in Greece here. I pray to Keynes everyday and thank him for subduing libertarianism in our country. There is no more cancerous, retarded ideology that loves oligarchy with an almost sexual fervour. Libertarianism is, and always has been, a Trojan horse of the ultra-rich.

I just posted the ancap flag to get peoples attention. I identify mostly as a small l libertarian


Not an argument.

Then what system do you prefer?

outstanding post

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We only have classical liberals here, but they are roughly the same anyway.
They got around 5-6% in the last election.

He’s a social democrat you autist

Italy is a crypto-commie state.

No, mostly just edgy faggots in university. There are a handful of libertarian-minded people in the Conservative Party, but they're also fags (Bernier is okay tho)


Nah, many people have got an higher education here. Though, we have an "minarchist" or smth like that party called "5.10".

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Authoritarian republicanism, like that of FDR, but less bennies for fat people and immigrants

Literally had no idea what he was doing, I will never understand why anyone idolizes this man.

There is a libertarian party but it's kind of a joke to be honest. Doesn't even have proper representation in government

Not at all, we don't even have libertarians here. Even our "liberals" are more left wing than anything. What you can vote for her is "do you want a a lot of government intervention or a shitton of government intervention?".

But hey, at least we have high economic freedom on meme indeces because our companies are barely taxed. It's instead the common worker who has to pay 36% taxes in the LOWEST income bracket.

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He LITERALLY saved the USA, read some history you idiot oligarch pawn

FDR, the only social democrat to actually be in charge of the USA?
He was bretty gud. Not gonna lie

based as fuck

Fucking Dropped

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>Libertarianism is, and always has been, a Trojan horse of the ultra-rich.

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Authoritarian like FDR, with principles and checks and balances
Not authoritarian like all of the chink Me Smol Peni dictators in east asia


>Won World War II
>got us out of the Depression
>elected to more terms than anyone else
>created very basic social safety nets that improved tens of millions of lives

Based and redpilled

Well, we have pic-rel gentleman, but that's about it.

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>Shipped the Gommunist millions of tons of fuel oil, food, trucks and trains
>Sent Britain literally anything
>Didn't declare war on the Soviet Union as well
>Didn't let the Soviet Union get weakened by mass starvation and even harsher economic collapse
>Produced pro-commie war propaganda
>Didn't use the oversized USN procurements to smash the British navy like the IJN one and use our own subs to blockade it.


from a purely game-theoretic point of view there is no hope for libertarism

because when u give the option to the average joe to choose between socialistic gibs or cutting gibs guess what he'll chose

Not under this name, but there is a party with an uncommonly high support here compared to what such cultists usually get. Managed to push a representative into European parliament on last euro-election

Best post ITT desu

This. Libertarianism is basicly pure communism (anarcho-capitalism).

Full circle of dialectics.

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The ultra rich are in bed with the government. Ironically, social democracy is their best friend.

I think we're the country where its mostly widespread now. Next election were having 2 new libertarian parties, great chances we finally become first world.

Because he's the closet thing to a commie and communism is a fad now.

Excuse me, I have a privately issued deed saying I'm the property owner of this thread. Please leave the thread or else I will have to use force since this is a violation of the NAP.

This country was founded by men with right wing libertarian principles.

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I have noticed that libertarianism is gaining a following, through lots of younger men. At least in my area

unfortunately there are some fucking retards who agree with it but not many

Rude. Its arguably better than c*mmunism, which most teenagers seem to support

Not really. Local libertarians are just a pack of cucks, who are barely capable of political activity outside of visiting someone else's mass events, like "Manifestations against internet-censorship", which was their largest (and only) success.
Dog bless.
> I struggle to find a mainstream political party to support.
You sorry outsider

>Libertarianism is basicly pure communism (anarcho-capitalism).
Capitalism is the economical formation that has classes and that features private property on the means of production.
Class societies always give birth to the states, in order to protect the status-quo and to keep the sources of wealth in the hands of the capitalists.

See no synthesis here

Yeah they're useful idiots for corporatists.

>Didn't declare war on the Soviet Union as well
I wonder why
it's almost like he died before the war was out, retard

>owned slaves

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The ultra rich abominate anarcho-capitalism and libertarianism, because it is the government with it's bureaucracy and legislature that helps them become ultra rich in the first place. Take copyright infringement and intellectual property laws for example, it's said that these kind of laws exist to prevent people from stealing someone else's work, but you can't steal an idea, for ideas aren't physical and thus not scarce resources, the concept of stealing being applied to abstractions like ideas is an absurd and the people who were already rich and connected to the state forced this idea to basically prevent other people from using knowledge.

In an ANCAP society there would be no such thing as copyright or intellectual property laws, and thus it'd be impossible for someone to buy the "rights" to a certain medicine and force everyone to pay an absurd price for it, like that guy tried to do a few years ago and everyone tried to blame the free market and calling for government intervention, when things like that happen EXACTLY because of government intervention and because the market is NOT free.

You are an idiot, but not because you clearly don't understand anything about the free market and ANCAP, you are an idiot because you hold very strong opinions on something you don't understand and doesn't even try to, all the while proudly shouting them out to everyone.

growing in popularity in my state

no, libertarians (i.e. the retarded mutt kind) are viewed as memes and enjoy very very little political representation. Libertarian socialists get more traction

excellent post Stavros

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>misusing the idea of the dialectical triad
>le epic horseshoe theory
checks out

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>pro-germanic regional hegemonist
>doesn't realized all those things were done, but in a different order to maintain the european balance of power and minimize US costs

Not popular but there are a few. Unfortunatly they are mostly part of the conspiracy theory crowd here. Moonlanding is false and stuff like that.

Unfortunately it's not very popular here. We do have a libertarian party but it's a joke and it will never get any seats in the parilament.

99% of people here are brainwashed idiots who believe social democracy is the best thing ever.

anarcho-capitalism folds itself back to government when people organize themselves and live under social contracts