Your cunt

>your cunt
>is jaywalking legal or illegal?
>does it happen often?

Attached: jaywalking.jpg (1000x636, 96K)

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its the norm

Maybe in terronia

Legal and black people do it is a living

Jaywalking should be punishable by death.

With the car as executioner

>autistic german obsessed with order
what about small cities where theres not that much traffic?

It happens a lot, hardly causes trouble when natives do it, we generally know when it's safe to cross.
We have lots of zebra crossings though.

The real problem is fucking tourists walking on my cycling lane, I hate them so fucking much.

its illegal and not that many people do it most fags are sheep they really need to learn how to let their nuts hang tbqh

>no idea

It's a crime here.

>The real problem is fucking tourists walking on my cycling lane

that's just in amsterdam though, basically be super careful near the train station or you might run into someone

it's illegal
but everybody doin' it

Attached: images.jpg (600x514, 38K)

What isn't a crime in your country? You can't even wash your car on Sunday.

>What isn't a crime in your country?
Driving with a dutch plate, sadly.

Small cities need to be ruled with an iron fist so that they may prosper and evolve.

in the north you get run over

Forbidden but not illegal.
You can get charged with "recklessness" in traffic if you cause an accident.

Wait really? I thought it was illegal.
No wonder nobody gives a fuck about jaywalking here.

Its only a crime if you impede traffic

I do it all the time

Why do people just accept this life?

Wasted trips.

I actually went to Switzerland by car along with a couple of other students not so long ago. Some police thought they were smart-asses and decided to stop us and check the old car with a Dutch plate for weed.
They just verified our passports and checked the trunk when we rolled down the window and it became apparent we were just a bunch of students.

They should have checked my bag.

Do it all the time, cops dont care as long as you dont stop traffic or cause an accident.

It is the norm, everyone does it.'s8

This desu. It's annoying when they cross in front of you while you are driving.

It is even more annoying when they get angry at you when they were the ones to cross the street when the light is in green.

They can't even give you a fine now if you have less than 10g on you. Above 10g there is a small fine.

So you had a sweat for nothing really.

Happens quite a lot, but people are paranoid about it at least, they don't walk through carefree, but quickly run keeping their awareness. They also get yelled and honked at.

90% of them without helmet and in 2


its fine once you learn how to drive though

see OPs pic