>I'm in my 20s and live in the suburbs
I'm in my 20s and live in the suburbs
>I put things that I don't do next to a soyjak so anyone who does those things is associated with a Jow Forums meme
No seriously, living in the suburbs is for idiots
that may be true, but there are better memes to use
not all of us can be 50 miles from the nearest convenience store like you, cletus
>living in rural and suburban areas
False dichotomy. Ideally you'd be living in a city because then you'd have a convenience store right around the corner unlike in the suburbs where you need to commute just to get a loaf of bread
I can't afford to move out of my parents house.
wanna know how i know you're brown?
because i posted anime
>being a c*Tyoid commieblock dweller
Enjoy your insane rents, hearing your neighbours fucking/fighting/renewing/blasting rap/reggaeton 24/7, lack of any garden/greenery, mugging shitskins all around and breathing your NO2-saturated "air"
>but at least I can go le clubbing!
Enjoy paying €7 for your Dutch-sized beer atop your €10 entrance fee while listening to DR1 techno
woah buddy, lay off the autism there.
I'm just saying that a city life is full of opportunity and convenience. While there are downfalls of living in a city, the same can be said with suburban and rural environments. My personal opinion is that urban life benefits outweigh its disadvantages.
shit i did reddit spacing fuck
I disagree
Living in the city sucks.
>My personal opinion is that urban life benefits outweigh its disadvantages
I may have been purposely edgy - but that statement doesn't hold true at least here, cities are usually impoverished, dirty and much more crime-ridden than the suburban countryside here, while in the latter we still have access to all the amenities we need within a 5-10 minute car ride
well the problem is that you're living in germany :^)
Isn't the divide even much worse in Murrica? With city centres being mostly inhabited by the black or mestizo underclass.
Here there are similar trends, with most Turks concentrating in city centre commieblocks, but no place is even nearly as extreme as for example Detroit, which is >90% black within city limits
eh, i dont really care about black people. maybe cause im >le 56%
Living in the city sucks. It's always loud and dirty with no privacy or space. Most American neighborhoods aren't the cookie cutter carbon copies that the Yuros post on here either. Some are, most are not. I'd rather live in a medium size town/city of 95,000-500,000 just within the limits so I can have space, access to the outdoors, modern amenities and easy access to whatever I need such as groceries or whatnot. Pic related is where I grew up, still within city limits, and everything I need is a 5-15 minute drive away.
Well, the focus was on "underclass". Where I live in suburbia (village of 3k), we also have a handful of minorties, but here they're few enough so they can't form a closed-off subculture and gangs, but are basically forced to assimilate - so it works, there's like 2 Turks that drink beer and eat pork, and 2 blacks that don't wear baggy bling bling clothes, also a dozen of Polaks and Italians you can barely tell apart aside from their last names. Even one mestiza
That's why I think city "culture" is cancerous, as it encourages more segregation
I would disagree. See, in major cities with a history, the people of that city flow with the city. We can see in the city of New York as example, what was just a simple small city back then only containing a homogeneous population soon became a multi-ethnic and massive metropolis. The people there have an identity already. Segregation only comes in form of political or crime related, such as gangs or white conservatives and black democrats. But a city with multiculturalism is a good city, where you can experience true Chinese cuisine yet meet your Indian friend, while working along your multi ethnic co-workers. But that is the American city. After all, the USA is a nation of great diversity. We should look at a city in China or Germany. A Chinese city is massive, with a huge population. There are already 6 Chinese mega cities in the top 20 largest mega cities in the world (en.wikipedia.org
China's huge homogeneous population already makes other cultures hard to integrate into, and forcing integration of other cultures into a Chinese city would only result in failure. Chinese cities themselves have trouble comparing with other Chinese, due to the huge population (ex Shenzen and Beijing). So that is what is protecting Chinese cities from multiculturalism, a huge homogeneous population. Meanwhile, we look at Europe. Europe is a continent with many different cultures. But one disadvantage Europe has that the rest of the world doesn't have is a small stagnant population. (en.wikipedia.org
>if I browse Jow Forums and see a meme that automatically means it's a Jow Forums meme
German rap is basically cyberpunk to me
>living in a city
Cities aren't physically or psychologically healthy. It's not natural to live in a concrete environment and breathe car exhaust fumes. You're an organism and you need fresh air and clean water just like a plant does.