Why is there so much hate for America on this board?
Do you simply resent the fact that your country is merely subject to America's will?
Do you hate that you will never have a based leader like Donald J. Trump?
Do you hate that you'll never be white?
Enlighten me Y*ropooreans
Why is there so much hate for America on this board?
based and redpilled
Okay, this is ebin
American superiority established once again
>eurocucks, canadians, and the other irrelevants didn't respond
we win, bros
Incrediby well argued on your part.
Damn, how can we Euro-peons even compete?
Don't worry fellow bro, as long as you love America in your heart you will ascend alongside us.
stop bulli americans plz
Most of those posting under the US flag on Jow Forums, are self-hating whites and millennial progressives of the following type:
They desire the transformation of the United States, which they consider the most racist country to ever exist, into a non-white country, and are actively leading the charge to turn it more diverse and multicultural, while marginalizing the white males and reducing their social and economic power. Many of them are members of Antifa, and all of them fully support the protests taking place on college campuses, where they receive their liberal arts degrees. They consider it important to include PoC in all forms of media because it helps people especially in Western countries to make the psychological adjustments that are necessary for the transformation of their countries into multicultural societies.
They despise white America more than the most anti-Americans on Jow Forums are capable of, and are the most eager proponents of its destruction. The leading figures of the anti-American and anti-white intellectual movement in the US, are almost entirely composed of white males. They are united in their belief in and support for the extermination of the white working class demographic in the US. They consider it, just like the extermination of the bourgeoise in Marxist ideology, to be an inevitable step in the creation of a post-racial, multicultural United States, where the power is no longer dominated by white men, but distributed among women, ethnic and sexual minorities.
They are known by many names - bugmen, soyboy, numale, yoga shrimp, incel - in their desire to be recognized as allies to People of Color, women, transsexuals, and homosexuals.