>Russia is SO based! They will save the white race!
Russia is SO based! They will save the white race!
They are based, not because they will save the white race, but because they will kill it
> tfw no based Russian friend to fuck my sister and keep our lineage WHITE
I saw some guy yesterday call Russians based for not smiling as often as "sissy westerners" do.
What the fuck is wrong with people like that?
It’s Jow Forums autism, forgive them.
Radovane, muh boy, please.
What's wrong with that? Do you really think fake hypocrite western 'smiles' is a good thing?
I agree with you, but the way he phrased it sounded hollow as fuck. "Wow, Russians don't smile!? FUCKING BASED".
I'm paraphrasing it a bit, but you get the idea.
Thanks, now I've got your point.
Maybe that guy was dreaming about Ivan Drago character from Hollywood movie.
You would think it's based too if you lived in a culture that constantly shits on anything vaguely masculine like stoicism. Western culture is a fucking spook.
Jow Forums stopped that LARPing a while ago when they learned they have the most muslims in europe and also a lot of their population has aids and does drugs and shit
>Russia is SO based ?
i am not sure
Dude, Russia is so fucken based...based Putin, my dude...they're keepin it real...not liek the yuropoors
I wonder how soviet-style propaganda still work on soyboys and poltards better than on russian citizens
They don't actually live there and know what it's like.
Some failed sense of masculinity incels project upon the world.
Both are shit. Or you voted for those pakis to come m8?
I don't know who the fuck you're quoting.
>Merkel is a great leader
Yeah because that was a huge secret
weakness showing fake smiling soyaboy vs Stoic autist chad
>fake hypocrite western 'smiles'
>became the richest and most powerful country in Europe during her rule
>waaaah waaaaah
Russia was built on slave labor
Smiling or not at strangers has nothing to do with masculinity, you dont have to be soulless thug to be man
holy shit
Grew up in the Midwestern United States, lived in several different countries since finishing university. Sometimes catch myself wondering what's wrong with Americans and Europeans--bunch of overly-introverted, self-absorbed cunts who feel compelled to stand five feet apart from one another in grocery store queues.
God forbid that you have to look up from your iPhone and acknowledge another human being outside the social circle you keep carefully segregated from all other interactions.
Except Russia is a brown shithole. Brazil is the saviour of the white race.
I feel very bad about brazilian anons, every day I feel like one of the brazil posters gets guroed/raped/sissified/beaten/shot/robbed and statistics only makes it look worse.
Lol, same feeling. Like he will going to eat monkey soup with his parents but get stabbed on the street by nigger.
>by nigger
I wish it was that easy, at least they would have chances to defend themselves... but in Brazil, every race behaves like monkeys sadly.
Dunno. I've seen only videos with niggers. At least they know how to use knife, and cutting head will not take too long.
>took in 2 million refugees during her reign
ah yes, this will certainly make germany strong going forward and isn't just a temporary economic boon
Where's the worst crime ratio: in Brazil, in Republic of Tyva or in South Africa?
Remember when Russians looked white? These days they look like they even have black genetics.
I'll be damned.
well if you love some churka blood
Yes. And your cunt just sold our aircraft carrier to China.
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