PSA Group (Peugeot Citroën DS) is the second largest automaker. in Europe and has many subdivision as Opel or Vauxhall

PSA Group (Peugeot Citroën DS) is the second largest automaker. in Europe and has many subdivision as Opel or Vauxhall.
The current boss is a portuguese, Carlos Tavares.

Renault is one of the biggest automaker especially with the Renault–Nissan–Mitsubishi Alliance, the current boss is a spaniard, Carlos Ghosn

Iberians stay behind the Pyrenees please, instead to steal big posistions that belong to french.

Attached: portugal-espagne.jpg (1280x720, 120K)

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Bring this back.

Attached: 26fb33a0d5b8c088b8f6dc43c1790450.jpg (736x489, 61K)

But this brand is alive again since several year now

>Carlos Ghosn

He's not a Spaniard, he comes from Venus, the planet.

Attached: 00066297-800x452.jpg (800x452, 49K)

>Carlos Ghosn
>Nationality: Brazilian; Lebanese; French
>Born: Porto Velho, Brazil

Doesn't seem very spanish


aren´t you a white boy too like us portuguese?

Attached: 4b89_portugal_23&0.png (379x349, 29K)

Aren’t these just rebranded Citroens? Also the iconic old DS was a Citroen, their rebranding strategy is cringey af. We all know Citroen/Peugeot and by extension Renault are mediocre brands targeted at middle low class wage slaves.

Not anymore, DS is now a true brand.
Cars are quite expensive tho.

You know Peugeot and Renault have now a large range, New Peugeot 508 is mini 40 000 euros, same for Renault Talisman

Attached: 2017-Peugeot-508-GT-2.0L-BlueHDi-180-Automatic-Review-012-carwitter.jpg (1920x1276, 569K)

only berber rapebabies are white, also g*rmanoid rapefugees can be considered white

proper iberian stock is not white

Time to go back

Attached: (you).jpg (435x387, 963K)

You have to cut on drugs bro.
iberian is the defnition of white..... sad you are not one of us portuguese, maybe on another life.

Attached: portugal-imge4entoMP1cv.jpg (1328x1000, 116K)

>0.2 MENA
Hum sweetie..

here big news to you immg, genetic noise, all europeans mark that, sweeetttt

>0.3 ashkenazi
Sorry sholmo you are not white

You have to go back.

Attached: Picolé_passaporte.png (1280x768, 1.7M)

you have to go back nignog

Back to where?I am Portuguese , and therefore not white, just like you

look again nignogcry harder lel
you have to go back

But I am not a nig nog I am Portuguese, therefore moorish

If you are portuguese then you can´t be moorish(from magreb), it's a genetic, cultural, historic impossiblity. Don´t cry nignog

Attached: pca_f12west12-DNA-europ-fg20.png (1500x1200, 316K)

I not black, I am just a direct descendant of Tariq ibn Ziyad just like you

What is wrong with Portugal

nignog BTFO

No idea my countrymen can’t handle the banter , they start calling me a nig nog and start posting graphs and charts like fucking autists.
It’s kind of sad tbqh

my first car was a peugeot 206, i was really dissapointed
should have gone for a 309 or a 405
my family always drove french cars too (Renault 21, Peugeot 205, Citröen Xsara)

your low iq can´t take the graphs or any basic numbers connection then you start to become confused, it's kinda sad rotfl


Attached: 20161203_162451.jpg (2576x1932, 1.53M)

You will cry when you get beaten by a guinean or cigano in the street, you will ask for our help. I know a lot of nu-males like you.

You know nothing about me, faggot
This is you getting beaten up in near future.

basically this, they never learn,only when reality checks in and even some don´t wake up

Attached: cycl-history01.png (639x768, 390K)

Dude I am just joking with you guys, I’m not an sjw, can’t you guys handle a fucking joke?

>behaves like a sjw or a nignog
>cries because we tell you so

it's a jokee man it's a joke, let me be original a memetize nignog and sjw behaviour

Jesus Christ, you are sad, the fact that you cry like a bitch when you are called a non-white makes me cringe.

that fact that you describe yourself as a non-white is very telling, you are indeed a nignog (immigrant) projecting your own condition on other's, so much common. you don´t wanna be alone, laughable tho

He's probably SIS/PJ agent trying to make the right-wing bad.

I dunno, (((they))) are pretty divided and factionalised nowadays. The GOL is not as powerful as they used to be, this new generation is too mediocre and emaciated to hold the reigns like before.

it's more likely it's just a dumb kid or a plebbit refugee

He describes himself that way because he is a foreignor. it's always.

>((( )))
>Grande Oriente Lusitano = SIS e PJ a perseguir a nazionalizmo - falsa oposição a larpar de direita

Essas teorias da conspiração são uma comédia, ao nivel daquelas que os americanos inventam

bem, há uns anos (acho que foi no 1º ou segundo ano do Passos) houve alguém duma das lojas maçónicas a chorar que havia representação desigual da respectiva loja numa das sub-empresas do SIS

Foi na mesma altura dos mails mandados por engano. Toda a gente ficou paranoica por umas semanas