How much do you sleep each night? What's your bedtime?

How much do you sleep each night? What's your bedtime?

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3 hours today
8 hours yesterday
5 before that
Insomnia sucks and my bedtime is nonexistent

2 hours, 00:00 - 02:00

4 hours average
I stay up late to do chores and then wake up early for class. Sometimes class'll start late so when I wake up I play vidya first

Go to bed at 3 - 4
Wake up at 12 - 13

8 hours like clockwork
Around 01:00 to 09:00

3 hours when dad beat me up
7 normally

How was it for you?
Mine usually rotan me but he never physically touched me (slapped, punched, etc.)
Mom never touched me to too, she resorted to psychological stuff like lock us in the toilet or not letting us in the house

I can't sleep without masturbating I just get so horny and start humping my bed

Grab hair, punch face, choke nech, whip with metal tip belt etc
What's the point of raya? What's the point of living?

Around six hours, more or less.
I go to sleep somewhere between midnight and 3AM but I always wake up at between 7-7:30 AM.

Honestly one of the few reasons I lean more towards individualism, I just don't want to be involved with family anymore. After all that, I think its better if I don't meet them anymore.

I sleep 8 hours during the day. Work at night.

I go to sleep at around 09.00 and wake up at 17.00

My hours are bit more random. I work as a security guard (Securitas). So hours depend on where I'm working at the moment.

I never realized that was an international gig until just now, let alone based there. Cray dog, cray.

You mean Securitas? It is indeed a Swedish company founded in Stockholm by Erik Philip-Sörensen in 1934.
I didn't know they existed outside of Scandinavia. We both learned stuff today.

Nope, I was wrong it started in Helsingborg. My bad.

No problem. Yeah, I see their trucks and uniforms around occasionally. The Walmart nearest to my house is guarded by a securitas guard lol. Or at least I think so, I may be wrong

I wish we had Walmarts here. Seem like paradise shops with everything in one place.
Now I have to buy food at Lidl or Coop, clothes in one store, electronics across town and booze somewhere else.. I'm jelly on you guys.

It is convenient, not always the best choices of food at them though. So I usually buy food from an actual grocery store (Kroger or aldi) and everything else from amazon

Kys urself

I guess it's just a dream then.
Shut up Pekka. Go sauna or something.


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