FUCK YOU! Your laws are a disease! Eventually America and Canada will get the link tax and upload filters too. All because you guys won't stand up for yourselves against the EU.
Other urls found in this thread:
We will never be like Europe.
We have zucc to protect us.
>All because you guys won't stand up for yourselves against the EU.
Now, you take a look at the image you post and try to think it over.
>conservatives (including Euroskeptic conservatives) and liberals are projected to be in favour of upload filters
>only social democrats, leftists, greens, and Euroskeptic populists are against it
What did they mean by this?
>Far Right
Shouldn't they wait until their ideology is widespread before trying to put this kind of block? They can only lose from that.
They’re hypocrites. Guess who will be the first to rail against evil EU encroaching on our freedoms? Glad I never vote for the right-wing scum unlike my family. Mainstream and “alternative” media in our country is ignoring this.
All of the non-mainstream people understand why taxing HTML links and creating and forcing the upload filter database onto web services is retarded. The mainstream status-quo folk want it because they know it'll help suppress the non-mainstream people.
Zucc is the type of person to me for this bullshit. He's part of the establishment.
This directive (articles 11 and 13) threatens the tin foil hat crowd and their “media”. I wonder why are they silent. They can definitely stir up a good moral panic.
What do they mean by filters ?
Web services will be forced to inspect everything you upload to them for violations, as defined by a database owned by the EU.
That's just article 13 though. No word on article 11 yet.
EU cucks won't even be able to get on Jow Forums lmao
Pretty much every meme comes from copyrighted material. So. Yeah.
>Let's kill IT, the single most profitable profession in the world for the whole continent
No way it'll pass and if it does then EU is fucked.
So, EU shills, remind how we're the bad guys again?
>those numbers
i'd post patrick bateman here but it's a screenshot from a copyrighted movie-- o wait, i'm not Hroatia
The majority is for it.
>most surveillance cameras per capita
>web history available to many government agencies without any prior court order
>illegal to own cutlery
>literally get put in jail for mildly offensive online comments
this is the british government's wet dream
>People not realizing that anti-migration sentiment, populist and nationalist rhetoric is just a tool by the capitalists to get their interests met
It's been a century and people still keep falling for this ruse.
>most surveillance cameras per capita
>web history available to many government agencies without any prior court order
In the sense that this applies to us, the same applies to literally every country
>illegal to own cutlery
ebin meme
>literally get put in jail for mildly offensive online comments
Again, sadly an issue for every country in the world.
Why are boomers so hell bent on destroying everything they can before they die?
You realize that these the ECR group is mostly made-up of Tories and wouldn't really exist in its current form without you guys, right?
Is this what you people tell yourselves?
That's not even a cope, that's just pathetic.
At least Farage and co. have some principles. Other ''euroskeptics'' should be sent to the gulag.
Holy shit, EU citizens literally will not be able to batemanpost because the character is owned by Paramount Pictures or something.