Would the world be better off if this psychopathic hapa never lived?

Would the world be better off if this psychopathic hapa never lived?

Attached: Lenin_in_Switzerland.jpg (1200x1527, 212K)

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no, worse. The fall of USSR was the greatest disgrace for mankind

No, it would have been a better place if he'd been born 100 years later. Then he would have said "fuck Russia" and moved to Israel.

Lenin wasn't jewish.


Attached: 1530875593413.jpg (640x640, 78K)

There's a statue of Lenin in Seattle

Attached: 1530724188524.jpg (342x380, 51K)

easy to say that when in fact you have never lived there. kys mario

t. 29 year old

he was a good guy, but Stalin was better, because he destroyed Scatmany

you never lived in USSR either 16yo autist