Do you like Frida Kahlo? Foreigners seem to love her, even more than Mexicans

Do you like Frida Kahlo? Foreigners seem to love her, even more than Mexicans

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no fuck her her paintings were almost all bad and she wasn't even feminist

It's usually leftist women who like her here.

Nah, I prefer Rivera.
And women painters Remedios Varo and Aurora Reyes are much better.

no fucking clue who she is but this art hoe I used to date was absolutely obsessed with her

no, from what I can gather she was pretentious and a narcissist and also only famous because her husband was mr big dick art critic

Her husband was a painter.
She is famous because she had polio, and suffered some accident so she started to paint, married Diego Rivera, slept with Trostky and was one of the first
unique and different speciall snowflakes with depression to become celebrities. Tumblr irl.

did he never think to ask her to shave her fucking moustache and unibrow

How does it feel to have a national icon being a woman with a monobrow and moustache?

She was a commie

Imagine your national icon being a manlet

all chilangos are

She was "special" and "different".

as if XIX century argentinians were any taller given that your average height is barely a few centimeters taller than Napoleon''s

Trotsky? Who is Trotsky? Weird Mexican name if you ask me

She was a communist, bisexual, artist, disabled, atheist woman. Very interesting life 2bh.

he was a native you racist

Attached: Benito_Juárez,_siglo_XIX,_óleo_sobre_tela.jpg (422x600, 281K)

I looked up their wikipedia pages
her page had 2 of her paintings and 9 pictures of her (and some of things like buildings)
his page had 3 pictures of him and 45 pictures of his work
just a funny detail

her parents were jews

Only her father. From Germany.