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International #920
“Long time no see dad! I’m finally coming back from working holiday in China.”
Is Japan the Germany of Asia?
What happens here?
Amerindian girls thread
Why do american poltards think that they know about Europe and the european situation better than actual europeans??
Ugly languages
Are they really white?
Spent the last couple of days experimenting with my boipussi, putting a finger or two in to see how it would feel, etc
Guess ethnicity
"Dinner is ready, honey"
Non native english speakers, how did you learn english?
When did you realize you were a boomer Jow Forums...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
All Arab countries should unite as one
Who do you picture when you see a Brazilian flag?
/ITA/ - il filo
Why do Danes try to steal our clay?
Which BRICS country is the best place to live in?
Why do Murricans claim to have invented so much shit that they actually didn't?
Which European ethnicity make for the qtest twinks?
Do you love Mexico City? I do
What do you put on your toast?
Why is Sydney such a festering shit hole?
I'm black. AMA
Do you read manga Jow Forums?
Mythologic creature
What kind of bear is best?
Backpacking through Europe, start talking to guy sharing my dorm
If you´re a EURO BLONDE, please contact me
His country doesn't have a shitton of cows
Unironically being more than one ethnicity
Mexico, any other unironic Holy Death worshiper?
Did you know this is a spanish made up myth?
Will we soon see a Latin America takeoff?
Was life better in the Soviet Union or in modern-day Russia?
Opinions on American popular culture and consumerism
What's your least favourite thing about America?
If they are Catholic why are they so violent?
*solves the border control issue*
'Why Germany?' Trump's strange fixation vexes experts
What thing comes to your mind first?
South american design
*sigh* why are white girls so cute... they're like angels >.<
Fuck white people
/deutsch/ Merggl Ausgabe
Wtf?, I want to move to Panama now!
Have you ever gone to a nude beach / camp?
Calling all /mex/ibros, im planning to move to Jalisco about roughly a year from now...
What is the most hurtful thing someone has said to you?
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
German AFD party leader says "Let's establish the Holy Roman state"
To win the heart of this thicc Chechen goddess, you must defeat her former lover, Rasul. How do you do it?
Pls erupt
Jow Forums's platform: we hate Jow Forums
Hilo latino
How many times in a week do you take a shower?
Is american high school life like in those movies?
Which is the most interesting Slavic country...
Do girls feel sexual desire?
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
OECD. 2017. After Tax payment
Greek media are brainwashing the people they're saying that greeks found out Japan and the New World around 9k years...
Russian replies to my post
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
Koreans shit
God I wish I was born in a cool small american town surrounded by lush green mountain ranges
/deutsch/ Export Ausgabe
Are French Arabs really that bad?
Is the grass really greener in Europe Jow Forums?
Foreign investment in US drops $120 billion, or 32%, in 2017
Norway is LITERALLY the best winter olympics nation in the world
1. Your country
Where were you when Croatia became relevant on a global scale?
Why are german/Canadian/yanks always be ones to force this mutt meme on the UK?
Am I white
Am I the only human who is legitimately disgusted by the anatomy of feet? They look so ridiculous
How do you prefer your pizza?
What is unironically the worst part of your country?
What is the thing your country wishes the most?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Dear USA
Whose side will your country be in WW3?
/Bimbo/ ehemals /Deutsch/ ehemals /Nachtschicht/
How much do you earn?
What is his nationality?
ITT: Jow Forums in 2005
What's the most beautiful girl in your country?
Is your city untouched by foreigners?
What's your country's most useless ally?
Would you rather save a French from the death or a drowning bolt ?
Stop buying gas from Russia
/sino/ - 中文
/Kaiserreich/ ehemals /deutsch/
Countries you'd fight for
Sverigetråden - Gasa blattar och bögar
Pic related. How weird would this be for any of you guys. In case you can't tell, this is Euro truck simulator 2
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Do they know they are looked down by us, Westerners?
What is wrong with french boys? were they raised to be princesses or something?
Why northern americans think that "latino" is a race?
Bavaria doesn’t get its own flag
Why do Americans get so triggered when Brits refer to Indians and Pakistanis as "Asians"?
Why are Nordic women so much more beautiful than other women?
Who do you hate?
What is east Germany like?
1. Fuck you cunt
1. cunt
What makes America be this way? us leafs don't shoot at storms
I hate being Hungarian. At least Russians, Brits, Spaniards or Germans can be proud of their countries
Is it hard to immigrate to here?
/fr/ - Fil Francophone
US mauls Germany over Russia pipeline
Would you rather live in:
Kurva anyátok
How do you say "zitto animale" in your country?
Say your favorite japanese word
Are they a Greek? What other nations are honorary Greeks?
I am... not Greek
Tfw they don't even speak Italian
Would you rather live in:
/ita/ - Il Filo
Any political organizations working to make Poland more liberal?
Why did they ruin and effectively end the Roman Empire?
Why was he so kino?
What’s the worst part of your country?
Say something to the next winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics
Your thoughts?
Sverigetråden - 2Dupplagan
/neets/ ehemals /deutsch/
/V4/+ frens
Hilo /lat/ino hilo /lat/ino hilo /lat/ino hilo /lat/ino
Brown Italian men are saving Europe as we speak... yet you still hate people of color?
What's going through their minds?
Your cunt
Why does everyone hate us on this site?
Is your country OPENING THE FLOODGATES to Irish immigrants?
Do you love Chinese girls?
Ask me anything
Is Brazil the future of the world?
Innocent ameriindians: YEEEAH GENOCIDE'EM
What race/ethnicity is this exactly?
Why are Finns always acting like cynical sons of b*tches?
This is what americans actually believe
What happen here
The pedo aussie
Scientist have discovered what the Average British Person will look like it 2019, and it’s beautiful
Which will be the future of China?
Ancestry Tree Thread
I like Swedish posters
Hey France, nice mascot and all
Innocent US allies
Wait, is this literally her? Is this literally the most beautiful woman on this planet...
90s rap > 10's trap
What countries should germans migrate to?
Is lesbianism accepted in your country?
How would your family feel if you brought home a Swiss girl?
Poland will be a great power?
Shitty moors larping as aryans
What are your honest thoughts on Med girls?
/kiki/ ehemals /deutsch/
What the fuck, Ukraine?
Sverigetråden - Anti sv ho-upplagan
Can't wait for Croatia to finally eliminate England today
Been pondering this question for a while: How come whites are racially superior to everyone else?
/Éire/--Eagrán as Gaeilge
Hey libtards, just dropping by to remind you that:
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2018
How many cats have you met today?
Which country would you like to see nuked and why?
Are you honest with your psychologist?
1.Your ethnic group
Thank you Russia for defeating the Nazis!
Is it true that Catalonia and Spain in general, many girls go to ordinary beach topless? And the fact that in Spain...
1. do you support gays or gay marriage?
What the f**k is their problem?
Do you have a driving licence?
The Japanese laugh at Koreans as " Yayoi. "
I'm going to Spain how can I make friends there should I just approach random people on the beach?
Fio lusófono /luso/ EDIÇÃO CHILE
What happens here?
Who are these globalists and why are they hated by Americans on Jow Forums so much?
Your country
ITT: Trigger the foreigner above you
Perro demonio
France, sort your boys out. they're all effeminate princesses who wear their sister's perfume. Something has to be done!
Guess her ethnicity
What's your breakfast/dinner/lunch, Jow Forums?
ITT: Jow Forums in 1443
Why are americans scared of female breasts?
Discuss about france
/fr/ - Le fil français
Germany, as far as I'm concerned, is captive to Russia - says Trump
Boomer edition
Why cant people here realize america is in big trouble? we are failing on the global stage...
Should I convert to islam?
Sverigetråden - Ehwazupplagan
Can we have a Europe hate thread
How do you say "it's coming home" in your language?
Do you love Japan?
Is any of the japanese anons around an actual hikikomori or has gone through a phase like that?
Senegal gonna win the WC
/romance/ - romantic countries
Why isn't your flag a cross? explain yourself RIGHT NOW
Almost +30 degrees Celcius in a Lapland
I have met her since 2014
How do Russians feel about their minorities
What colour are Jow Forums's nipples?
Why are Italian males so obsessed with MILF porn and incest...
Why are northern italian women so perfect?
What's the most sensitive flag on Jow Forums? My bet is on Pooland
I'd like to become a Finn please
Why is Japanese so inefficient?
Cunts I hate
Redpill me on German bread
/flag/ - /extraflags/
Why do south east asian posters write in English better than Korean and Japanese posters...
If you have less than 75 points of Atlantic-Baltic admixture and more than 0.0 points of African admixture...
The People's Republic of China
When judo guys from Murayama, Yamagata prefecture came to my city i met a real jomon...
Why do americans say "that's funny" everytime they think something is amusing or funny??
Moved to Israel from Italy when I was 5
Dindu nuffin
What now Muskfags?
Éire/ - /eire/
Kurva anyátok
My psychologist costs $205/h. Luckily I'm not paying
Am I missing out on a lot by being circumcised...
Attempt to bully a f*rstie
What is your job?
What the fuck is wrong with wh*Te "people"?
English Accent Power Ranking
Why do they pretend to be jomon when most of them are just yayoi korean descendants?
Countries with 24/7 electricity
What's the stupidest name for a city? I think that honor goes to Bangkok
He doesn't live near an IKEA
/skandi/ thread
Country name is "[blank] istan"
Post areas of your country that must be genocided
Road repairing in my town
Hilo Latino - /lat/
How do we stop Eastern European women from flooding into the US to marry fat old rich guys?
Any Jews here?
Is this is why Mexicans are ugly?
Abrahamic religion should be purged from this world
Why are Mexicans so miserable?????
Based mum not being a dumb whore
Wake up
Why are Mexicans so subhuman?
/fr/ - le fil de la France qui gagne
Who else /asperger/ here?
Your cunt
1. Your country
Is Algiers the Paris of Africa?
Which one do you support Jow Forums ?
/deutsch/ Nachtschicht
Post your favorite autonomous regions
Why do chinks do this?
Daily reminder
When was the last time that you cried?
I know we don’t normally talk politics here but this is globally relevant in a direct way...
Google vietnam visa
Is this What Brazilians think of us?
/luso/ - fio lusófono
Are you autistic?
The e*ropean union will collapse in your lifetime
I miss him so much lads
Do you enjoy American propaganda?
/ita/ il filo - edizione kirie-chan
How do we stop Russian girls from killing themselves?
Why dont argentinians eat pasta everyday like their italian ancestors?
Ecuador introduces a resolution to promote breastfeeding
What is life like in the border region, specially in the cities, between America and Mexico?
Do you hate Poland?
How dumb are you Jow Forums?
What do you wish your country’s demographics look liked?
How common is suicide in your country?
Why are mexicans do ugly
Question to non-anglos
NORTHERN EUROPE Sweden: 44% of children in primary schools in large cities have a migrant background
Do Americans really have to work 3 jobs to get by?
Thank you Russia
Would I be accepted?
Sverigetråden - Animeupplagan
Are you poor?
Guess what ethnicity she is
Girl on the middle had sex with 10 guys, a her 50yo teacher included, she looks so innocent here
White House announces additional $200 billion in tariffs targeting China
15cm microdick loser here
Non Americans whats your favorite state in the US?
1 your coutry
Are Latin Americans proud of their Spanish daddy or are they angry at them for killing their other ancestors?
Who ruined Haiti?
Nice pics for your country, Jow Forums
Any political organizations working to make Poland more liberal?
Do you want an asian gf?
And y'all thought this was a joke
#Blonde hair
If you could have a gf from anywhere in the world what would you pick?
Hi /int
Post good non english music
How common are bats in your country?
You do prefer Sweden over Finland, right Jow Forums?
Brown people disgust me
Why do most European universities look meh
Why do anglos have an inferiority complex toward them?
What can we do to help Haiti?
You need to be an asshole to get a gf and that's the reason why i don't have one i'm too sane for this world
Do you want to find love in Medellín?
Do you want to find love in Palestine?
Sverigetråden - NEETupplagan
How do Euros feel know our First Lady is Slavonian?
Do you like Mexico?
/rechtsextrem/ ehemals /deutsch/
Why do non whites make better cars?
Do you take baths or do you rather take showers in your country? When and how often?
Whites, what will you do if you were born black?
ITT we thank 'murca
How common are these stereotypical names in their countries?
What was the happiest day of your life?
How is the best Chili made Jow Forums? With or without beans?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Los españoles tenéis el culo muy peludo
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Do you feel safe in your country?
1. Country
5 countries you love the most
/fr/ - le fil de la France
Do Russians look back on the Soviet Union as the good old days...
How easy is it for an english speaker who's familiar at best with other germanic languages to learn Danish?
This is the official map of Jow Forums, made by white Americans. Do you agree?
French president with the king of Belgium
Por que?
/ita/ - il filo
This kills the non-German
Where do you see your country in next 30 years?
Russia, where are you?
Carthage should have won
Time to pay, europoors!
Umlauts take too long to write, please use a line like ū instead, thank you :)
What are YOU!
1, country
Tfw 28 and still basically a monolingual cockring
Why do Americans do this?
Sverigetråden - Boomerupplagan
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Are they first world? Are there violent cartels like in other SA countries? Are there favelas?
ITT: Jow Forums in 1976
Asian bull from worst Korea get Russian gf and they go to Korea together. Wh*tes have no chance
That's pretty normal in Brazil. It's common when you're a teen for your sister to jerk you off...
Japanese & Sunglasses
Why are white people so racist online but nice in real life...
Just got back from a vacation, how do brits cope with living in lond*n
Considering moving to Iceland
How they can become friends?
Name words in English with no singular form
Be aztec empire
Tell me again, what was the greatest Norwegian invention ever made?
What do people here think of China's OBOR/BRI?
W-would any Euro countries support an aaliyah-style programs that permits those with immigrant grandparents to come...
/slav/ general
Why did wh*toids lie to us about mathematics?
Go back to your country, Syrian shitskin!
What the average euros think about new worlders larping as "muh heritage"??
Tfw you live at a time when wh*Toid genocide is happening
This is america
Why are wh*te people so bad at sports?
How does this make you feel Jow Forums ?
/deutsch/ ehemals /deutsch/
Fuck 'em
Defend this, anglos
Sverigetråden - SDupplagan
What is your secret nationality, Jow Forums?
I fixed the european union
What's wrong with them? How can an entire continent be dedicated to shitposting and forced memes?
Your cunt
What's the worst atrocity/war crime your cunt ever committed?
WTF is this guy's problem?
Post ur cunt's Tanks
Hey Jow Forums, what are your summer threads?
More culture than Korea or China
My ethnicity
Faces of Jow Forums
/fr/ - le franco-belge
The guardia civil aka spanish police twetted that real men dont pay for sex
You laughed at us... you mocked us... you called us subhuman Chinks. You called us poor and rude
5'6 ugly manlet venting
/ESP/ Hilo español y amigos
Why do Europeans like Donald so much more than Mickey?
I work as a bartender in a touristic place, I have to admit danish and swedish boys are cute af >w<
Why do Spanish people love BLACK bulls so much?
Daily reminder
Lizard people, horrible language, shit country
Tfw I hate jews but I also hate arabs so I can't take a side in the israel-palestine issue
/ITA/ - il filo
I fixed Europe :^)
What the F*CK is wrong with g*rmans
Mexican women are for ______?
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Do you like Andalusia?
Why do nurses treat their job like it's a hens night?
Tfw no Asian gf
Tfw no independence
Fall for the "MED BVLL" meme
/FüBe/ ehemals /Deutsch/
WC Semi-Finals - France vs Belgium
God I fucking hate Portugal - why the fuck can't Spain do as they did with the Aztecs and squash an inferior race?
This is one of the kots from my University. Does your unis or schools have any kots or other cute animals?
/Württemberg/ ehemals /deutsch/
Who wins
Israeli spaceship will be launched to the moon this December...
1. your cunt
/asean/ - merely pretending edition
All 12 boys and their coach rescued from Thai cave-edition
I Prefer Non Japanese Guys... // 外国人男性の方が好きです
Do you want to find love in Japan?
Your cunt
What's finnish culture like?
Sverigetråden - Alizée-upplagan
If doubles A*stralia gets rangebanned
Which do you prefer? Italy or France?
Why are Americans so obnoxious? Snapped this pic of an Amerimutt in downtown Copenhagen...
What happens to Russia when he is gone?
My stupid country is banning plastic bags for supermarket stores. We now have to pay 15 cents for every "reusable" bag...
So Jow Forums?
How does your country get jews
/fr/ - le fil de la France
I fixed Europe permanently
/v4/ + friends
Putting a space before punctuation marks
/hell/ - /gr/
Why is finland so KEKED?
Death toll in japan floods rises above 140
French fries
Why is this moor so racist?
/bunt/ vormals /deutsch/
Average Asian guy in USA
Being a first worlder
Today the Icelandic inventor Nikulás Tesluson would've been 162 years old, go on and say something nice about him!
Why do westerners hate breastfeeding? What is wrong with you?
/éire/ - /eire/
No history
What's your favourite national anthem?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/brit/: 2018 World Cup Winners edition
User, come help me, I have trouble understanding. I've been thinking about this for a long time and yet no answer
Post rich neighborhoods from your cities/countries
How do I learn ancient Greek?
THIS is what Jow Forumsacks unironically believe
Do you love Korea?
Two Chinese tourists obviously having a bit of light-hearted fun while posing for photographs
What did he do?
There are so many jews in this country, and they have become so vocal since israel became a thing...
Elect a conservative
Why cant wh*te peoole identify their own kind?
“Father” in European languages
Kurva anyátok
Explain yourself, Poland
Did I just fix Europe?
The French don't have a word for ''please''
1. your cock
What went so right?
Do you want to find love in the United States?
/fr/ - le fil franco-belge
I just fapped and lost the interest to keep chatting with my qt coworker
/brit/ the glowing man edition
What is it like being thin?
Culture Pals /cp/
Questions for Italians
Socialism is good for Asia
Have you ever seen a Bulgarian person in your country? What were they like?
I want to become gay, is that possible?
Did I just fix Africa?
/luso/ - Fio lusófono
Are you racist, Jow Forums?
Stop feeding the Monster
Why are all the Africans I meet are super nice, funny, and chill, but a lot of the African Americans are the opposite?
Debate me
Finland with lots of russians
Why do Americans buy off road trucks if they have perfect roads and weather?
Post your favourite artist Jow Forums. Pic related
Why do people from other countries hate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches so much?
Do euros not drink raw water
/egy/ مصر
Press F to pay your respects for America
54 people died in Quebec from the heat in the last week
What is your favorite US state?
Why don't they just nuke all the subhuman shitholes below them?
Your cunt
/brit/: true love edition
73% European, 15% Negroid, 12% Ameri-indian
My 13 year old friend said that she's having family problems and wants to stay with me for the meantime
Do you ever think about the fact that every single "extermination camp" that was impartially investigated by the US was...
Love her so much, lads... but i´m not a blonde euro :´(
This is KKKorean television
This guy actually fucking did it...he was legit the whole time
The greatest country on earth
Back from a trip across the entire Iberian peninsula
/Hilo Latino/
Half of brazilians hate USA and love Russia
I just got a brazilian girl pregnant and realized that abortion is banned here
Have you ever dreamed of sucking cock?
Post in thread
There is a huge fucking moth somewhere in my room
1. You’re a country
Gonna kill myself, lads
ITT things in your country you used to think happened in all countries
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum has joined leading Israeli Holocaust scholars and Yad Vashem in criticizing...
My second job is working at a gas station
What race is he?
Your cunt
Are you all Russian bots Jow Forums?
Tell us something underrated about your country
I'm trying to make friends with white people at college but they only want to talk about Friends and The Office
How many calories are in these russian anons?
Who looks more beta and shorter, Native Americans or Asians?
Walk down the street in your cunt wearing this
Why is Jow Forums so vehemently against yellow fever?
Sverigetråden - Mysupplagan
1. Your country
Is this a common phenotype in the US
What's the best country for waifus?
Spaniards destroyed Tenochtitlan and drained the lake Texcoco ;(
U.S. threatens trade sanctions aganst Ecuador over Breast-Feed Resolution
Why are Europeans so unfriendly, arrogant, xenophobic and negativistic compared to Americans and Hispanics?
ITT: Post a pic that summarizes the daily life in your country
Is it true that every person is a little bit bisexual?
531 people have been shot and killed by police in USA in 2018
Why are wh*Te "people" so evil, bros?
Rightful Siamese clay
/ita/ - il filo
This is what your penis looks like when you get boner
What do you think of international relationships?
/mena/ Assman edition
I removed all of the bullshit fake countries
/brit/: borders are fake and gay
Gay = okay
Do Abos in australia live in big cities among white men and have normal jobs that require thinking or they are all...
Do you like Frida Kahlo? Foreigners seem to love her, even more than Mexicans
There was a massacre close to where i live, five people were killed
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship