Do Abos in australia live in big cities among white men and have normal jobs that require thinking or they are all...

do Abos in australia live in big cities among white men and have normal jobs that require thinking or they are all primitive subhumans with monkey faces doing primitive stuff?
are there any famous Abos? like TV celebrities?

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me on the left

>do Abos in australia live in big cities among white men and have normal jobs that require thinking
some yes most no
many abo families are very poor and have problems with drugs and alcohol as a result.

Do they go to special "abo" school or to normal ones with the rest of australians?

What is the ethny of the girl in right ? hapa ?

they go to normal schools if they live in range of them, lots of aboriginals live in remote communities that have their own """"schools"""" which would be made up probably entirely of aboriginal students.


Abos in cities are heavily mixed, more like the one in the right than the fellow abo in the left. Pure abos are about to go extinct and they only exist in the desert.

There are some actors

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wtf race are aboriginals?

>Pure abos are about to go extinct

Not really. Ironically saying a group will go extinct actually makes it worse. See the Australasian policy on mixed race kids in the past.

>do Abos in australia live in big cities
No the majority of abos live in rural towns

t. rural town guy whose town has its own abo community growing on it like a tumor

I thought they were dying mostly

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Can abos usually win in fights against white Australians? They look like they'd have that retard strength.

I don't mean growing like it's getting bigger I mean it's just fucking there leaching off the community

I was on holiday in Australia in Cairns and saw some aboriginals, they never looked very big. Smaller than the average white australian

They're related to melanesians but have become quite distinct over tens of millenia (most notably in losing a fuckload of IQ points)

Did you guy have residential schools for them like we did? They're pretty assmad about that over here.

I need to go to Australia sometime. I want to actually meet some of these mysterious folks.

yeah where i went to school there was some abo day and it turned out we had 30 or 40 but you couldn't tell because they just looked like generic slightly brown people that could have been from anywhere.
And the one chick that didn't looked mixed at all turned out to be from the cook islands.

i thought Abos are related to south indians, the dark-skinned ones

Understandable but I don't think there's any close relation. Australoid was the old name for that branch of people.

>Charles was a victim of the Australian Government's forced assimilation programme which took him from his mother as an infant. He was raised in the Salvation Army Boys' Home at Box Hill, suburban Melbourne, where he was the only Indigenous child and where he was sexually abused.

What is wrong with australians?

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Look up the stolen generation. I think that's what they called that. Other than that it looks just like something that would happen here t b h.

>What is wrong with australians
They're a bunch of sick cunts.

Abos live in the cities, they have muh rights government housing. Especially in Sydney, inner Sydney has a lot of abo housing clusters that have a lot of youth and drug crime.

The ones that get out of that cycle live normally but they are usually mixed(and female for some reason). There's this one unironically 9/10 mixed abo girl that works at my local commonwealth bank who is 5'10.

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Yeah I've seen pics of several attractive half-abos of both sexes. The thing is they're always attractive in spite of the abo features, never because of them.

what makes australians have sex with abos?

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Unironically alcohol.

The intent was to kill abo culture for the males and breeding the black out of the females by putting those girls into all white communities where they'd be the side girl and would raise a mutt who'd then also get bleached and end up having a white-ish looking kid.

I don't know, I wont lie though I've def checked out a couple of the super black abos and had naughty thoughts.

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don't have to wear a dommy lad because if you pump a kid into her the government will take it away to be raised by abuse white priests

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Genetic lotto is so unfair


So for what I see, Abos are to Australia like gypsies to Europe: the lowest range of the society that doesn't bring anything positive.

Racist af m8.

no, that's reserved for british immigrants

Abos are better than gypsies.

> I want to actually meet some of these mysterious folks.
You don't

Why not? What's the worst that could happen?

rude and uncalled for

Isn't Kurtley Beale an abbo? Really like the aboriginal Wallabies kit.

You get the shit kicked out of you for spare change

Does that actually happen a lot?

A bunch of Aussie teens literally punched an American surgeons face inside awhile ago. For no reason as well just cause they felt like it. "Separated my face from my skull"

>Does that actually happen a lot?
In perth, unironically yes. 6/10 times you take the train or bus you'll be harassed be abos/ferals. If it's late and you look weak or there's a lot of them you'll probably be bashed if it's not directly in the City (since there's police/transit guards there).

so far all australian eurovision entrants have been abos

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remove Aboriginal cultures from the male an turn them into a easily abusable and docile labour pool. Basically turn half-blood males into pseudo perma-servants and half-blood female into exactly as you said as well as maids.

>A bunch of Aussie teens literally punched an American surgeons face inside awhile ago. For no reason as well just cause they felt like it.
Not at all surprised desu, M*lbourne is a blight on this country.

They also had period they enslaved Aboriginals by denying them their wages and the government actively participated in it.

so basically hapa


>pay abo men to get vacectonies
>go extinct I 50 years
>no more problems
why doesn't the Aussie government just do this


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cousins of the ancestral south Indian dravidians who lived in that area before any Proto Indo-European mixing

I just realized to create mixed abos somebody would have to have willingly fucked girl on the left... lol

That's literally genocide and there's no way people would do it

For some reason it's mostly Irish who breed with them. I don't understand why. I think they're just fucked in the head

Wait is the girl on the right part abo?

No. She's half Leb half Indian

>be american
>get bashed
they probably noticed his nationality and tried to accommodate his culture but lacked the means (on-hand firearms) so thought a bashing was good enough.

i am sure that the god played same thing we did on dogs

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That was very thoughtful of them!

shut the fuck up street shitter all south Indians arent tamil abos

It's because they are the same race.

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Except she's obviously old and they probably only fuck the young fit ones.

What's her name?


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Sabrina Houssami


Has anyone famous got #metood by an abbo?

They go to school when they're young but most drop out around 10-12 and become druggos.

are there any non-ugly non-mixed aboriginal males?

>pay nigger men to get vasectomies
>go extinct in 50 years
>no more problems
why doesn't the american government do this

Lived in the city for about 8 years now, at least in WA the Aboriginal population is pretty obnoxious and dysfunctional. Extremely high rates of alcohol/substance/child/self abuse and homelessness means there's often congregations in parks where they just harass people and leave loads of trash.

Mixed Aboriginals who escape the putrid downward spiral perpetuated by their family are fine but extremely rare and mostly groomed for the public eye when it comes to celebrities.

When you go up North away from the city the problem intensifies and its hard not to notice the extremely primitive features and behavior.

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>abos are the only people that have the knowledge to successfully maintain the delicate land of australia
>they're all fucked up now
we made a terrible mistake

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Aboriginals are primitive but PC culture means we're going to have to perpetuate that suffering indefinitely. Australians have an expectation that Aboriginals will rob and rape. Police respect decisions by 'Elders' when it comes to dealing with crime to the extent that a man was able to rape (in one case to death) multiple girls under the age of 5. They dominate almost every crime statistic for their population size and incarceration numbers.

We had to invent fuel that doesnt give off fumes because these fucking retards were killing themselves with solvents.

Same in America, mostly the Irish that breed with the blacks. You think its something to do with their culture?

it would just be a class thing


>One of the oldest races
>Wiped out the mega fauna
>No farming
>No organised hierarchy
>Fractured disorganized language
>Female circumcision
>No recorded history
>Primitive genetics
>Primitive features

Only mistake was trying to respect traditional cultures that are completely backwards.

we could have learnt from them and THEN screwed them

>Wiped out the mega fauna

No they didn't, climate change did that with massive shifts in the ocean current. Also many other people did that so why are you bashing Abo's over that, it just seems petty. On top of that you know the controlled burns helped kangaroos proliferate which you conveniently ignored.

>No organised hierarchy

they had a social structure.

>Fractured disorganized language

What does this mean?

>Primitive genetics
>Primitive features

completely subjective

>Explorers in 1788 declared Australia devoid of intelligent life
>Brought their entire culture over with them

The culture was primitive and easily exploited and outclassed, screwing was immediately the only thing of value.

>>Explorers in 1788 declared Australia devoid of intelligent life


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Burning was a hunting tactic not for any other reason, they had no understanding.

Plants benefited from burning from evolutionary adaptation to a dry environment prone to fire

Social structure was warlord like and extremely basic, the oldest man took wives and lead the group, these groups were isolated and had sometimes radically different languages and had difficulty communicating with one another. This was a key factor in the declaration of Terra Nullius, Australia was unclaimed land and unsettled.

>Primitive genetics
>Primitive features
They carry some of the oldest genes we're aware of, they have some extremely old features, use your eyes.

tfw no abo bf

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They declared Terra Nullius on arrival which is different and more for political reasons, but during conflicts Aboriginal tactics were described as being devoid of intelligence.

Genetic is so unfair

The fuck is up with that abo skull?

Oldest genes don't mean anything user

>They carry some of the oldest genes we're aware of, they have some extremely old features, use your eyes.
t. brainlet

They aren't human

user the actually had Bruning taboos over which land you can do burns in and which you can't.

fun fact:
there was trouble in getting abbo women pregnant with native British seed because of huge genetic differences