Tell us something underrated about your country
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We are brave.
rural villages in the north
Our city centers are actually pretty nice lately. If you go to any American mid-large city there will be a ton of new buildings and it’s more pedestrian-friendly with cool restaurants and things to do.
It used to just be parking lots and empty buildings.
hmm... can't think of anything really
streets as safe as germany
rent prices
Some universities are really competent
Some universities are really incompetent
hummm... eeeeh... we sent a monkey to space in 1969... which is kinda cruel and sad :( does that count?
You also surrendered to the Germans because you'd rather live under fascism than democracy.
btw he came back alive :3 and turned us in the 4º country to send an animal to space and return it alive (after Murica, Russia and France)
You also provided extensive asylum for German officials during/after WWII. Including Hitler.
Can confirm. Even Detroit’s been getting a redux of the downtown to make it more pedestrian-friendly.
This. Spokane's Riverfront Park recently got a HUGE renovation.
>Including Hitler.
I highly doubt that's real
nothing wrong with that
Nice try, Argentinian.
Hello fellow spokanon, what they did to the carousel is unforgivable
I'm not in Spokane but I was there over the weekend. What's wrong with the carousel being indoors?
The building looked really cool by itself and they tore down the outside architecture. Also the music is different.
dude you received 300.000 nazis... you're the first country providing asylum to them, we only got a few
I know, I know. What's worse is that we let them silently take over. But the NSAzis here will tell you this is false and call me a nutjob because they know it to be true and want to keep the public in the dark about it.
Argentinian men have big noses and I love making them nose-fuck me in the ass.
good post
>You also provided extensive asylum for German officials during/after WWII
We had a lot too. There was even a Nazi who was charged with rebuilding the army after the first Arab Israeli war
بتفضحنا يخول يابو زب اتحول
ايه الفضيحة يا غبي انت
A huge amount of the electricity is hydroelectricity, which is green and completely renewable.
Because of this, in most English parts of Canada you say "hydro" to mean the electricity bill.
For example:
>"This new high efficiency clothes dryer will lower our hydro bill."
We're literally the reigning world champions of ice sculpture competitions.
اهو انت
sorry can't think of anything really
Nuclear waste storage
زوبري مش واخد حقه في البلد دي
انا بتاعي اتنين و عشرين, انت تلاقيك سبعتاشر و بتهري
انا بتاعي اربعة سنتي وعليا الحرام من كسمي ضارب 5 عشرات من شوية
We have the largest gay pride parade in the world.
نفسي اتنااك اوي بعنف ايه رأيك نتقابل؟
انت منين يا حبيبي انا نفسي اشوف نصي التاني
من اسوان و زبي طويل اقوي ممنكن انيك و اتناك
حاه زنجي
Don't forget Mengele died here in Brazil.
Canada has palm trees in Vancouver and Victoria
We are the last and only bastion of freedom on planet Earth
the only reason Egypt is staple is that it's very hard to have guns here
و فيها ايه يا عنصري يا ابن الجلنف انت
Mud Volcanoes
nearly all the old grain silos that are scattered around southern australia are getting massive artworks painted on them, so they look somewhat pleasant
Squiggly lines
faggy sounding language
you're using it.
i use english more than you welcom to egpt we wuz kangs
Don't be rude to our Egyptian friend.
The only good thing to ever come out of Eygpt is Yu-Gi-Oh.
[Angry terrorist noises]
we was real china b4
based taiwan, so do you still practice eastern religion ?
Do you mean Hong Kong?
we weren't poor compared to the rest of western Europe before we found oil in -69. lots of danes and swedes conveniently forget this.
we have one of the most beautiful semi-intact roman city ruins
Our beautiful landscape!
we wuz soviet union b4
Here, take this pic for future ignorant swedes and danes.
Literally as soon as we became independent our growth exploded. It was the danes and swedes holding us back all this time.
You are Slavic, ancient soviet weren't Russian.
Our history is bloodbath