Press F to pay your respects for America

Press F to pay your respects for America.

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Nope, America is back. The constitution which you libs have trampled over is finally back.

I would have loved for him to have picked Barrett, but Kavanaugh is a solid choice too.

What's supposed to be wrong with this guy?



Take it to Jow Forums, faggot.

Barrett replaces Ginsburg.



>You libs
I'm actually a right leaning moderate. It's RIP America because his view that a sitting president can't be indicted, his history of favoring big business over consumers and environmental protections, and his affirmation of dark money in politics.

Trump =/= conservatism or the GOP, but your perspective of politics is driven by spite, rather than logic since you immediately start flinging mud with the "you libs" comment. Nice try though.


Barrett has literal black children

>I'm actually a right leaning moderate.
So you're a RINO Never Trumper. Good to know.

>a sitting president can't be indicted
He's right. A sitting president would have to be impeached first. And yes, a sitting president has full power to pardon himself.

>his history of favoring big business over consumers and environmental protections, and his affirmation of dark money in politics.
So you're not even a "right-leaning moderate" at all - you're a flow blown lib.

>Trump =/= conservatism or the GOP,
Except Trump is the most conservative president since Reagan. You just want to cause division and bring down the most conservative and successful president in a generation.




You're not even an American

Remember kids: 90% chance he's shitposting.

Neither are you, lib. Go back to Canada.

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>australian expert in american government

His posts' content confirms your suspicions. Australians really are the biggest shit posters. I thought Americans had that notch safely on their belt, but this is just groundbreaking stuff here. What a time to be alive.

He's not even a con, he's a neo-con. Why are stupid people like you always the loudest? You don't advocate any set policy, you advocate whatever pisses rational people off.

Nope, just advocating what the people voted for 2016. If it pisses off #resist morons like you, then that's an added bonus.

Maybe Trump should choose Judge Jeanine Piro as his next pick?

The people didn't even vote for it, Dems won the popular vote

Finland have become ebin shitposters too.

Votes from dead people and illegals don't count


What cunt wants to take me?

>le popular vote matters at all

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The mad man has done it again!

>Anyone who doesn't lick Trump's asshole is a far left sjw!


What is this I don't follow Amerdecan news