Why are all the Africans I meet are super nice, funny, and chill, but a lot of the African Americans are the opposite?

Why are all the Africans I meet are super nice, funny, and chill, but a lot of the African Americans are the opposite?

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There's your answer

Africans are bro tier other than s*malis

Because they have wh*Te dna


There was an African guy on an exchange program back when I was in college. He was super nice but barely spoke any English, and I was assigned to help tutor him in Information Technology since he was struggling with understanding the program.
He was super nice and humble, and told me that nobody in his village knew how to use computers, so he was trying to learn so he could bring the knowledge back and help modernize his village. He eventually grew frustrated with the language barrier in the US and left though. I don't know what happened to him, but I hope he was able to bring something good back to his village.

You're a good guy man, keep going

Not just white DNA: they have the blood of the most ruthless kkkrackas in history running through their veins, like Thomas Jefferson.

Because Africans actually face struggles and appreciate the things they have.

Africans are cucks