The French don't have a word for ''please''

>the French don't have a word for ''please''
>the French don't have a word for ''today''
NO NO NO NO NO AHAHAH why do they even consider this shit to be a language if it lacks the most basic words

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Russians don't have a word for ''to be''

>russians don't have a word for "to smell (something)"

do you mean the verbs?

>*nglos dont have different words for love of lovers and love of friends

yeah. they say ''I student'' for example instead of ''I am a student''

what? I'm not anglo but they do: I like vs I love

They have it in the past and future tense though.

It's called friendship.

If you speak Russian it makes sense though...
inserting 'an' would make that sentence sound retarded.

>"to smell (something)"

Google it, faggot

>te quiero (i love you (friends))
>te amo (i love you (sex partner))
>me agradas (i like you (i could like a complete stranger))


>love of lovers
what? i've never heard of anyone loving other lovers, unless you mean cheaters?
>love of friends
you can consider platonic friends, maybe

literal grug tier

I mean you can say "Ya yest student'" but it's unnecessary and sounds weird, because the verb "to be" only has one conjugation in the present.

this is true, i cant imagine how can you express love to a family member without sounding creepy

Oh never mind. I thought you meant specific words for those two things.

Don't forget how French still spells its words as if their pronunciation hasn't changed since latin.

Foreigners are never polite, faggot
I work in a hypermarket and people who don't speak french always ask me a question without saying "hello" or "thank you", it's the other way around with my countrymen who are even too polite

The Irish and Hungarians don't have words for "to have".

Neither does Russian. They say: ''Of me is this.''

your language is retarded and fuck you for pushing le francophonie meme on us


>They say: ''Of me is this.''
Example please

>Please me please

English is for autistic dummies

"Please" in English is just the short for "if you please", an English calque of the French "s'il vous plaît". Also please comes from the Old French plaise which gave birth to both expressions.
Today follows the same logic as aujourd'hui; to-day, to-day-of-now. By that logic, you don't have a word for today either.

You can't say "I smell the applie pie" in russian. And not smell as in sniffing it up close, but smelling it in the air as you walk into a room, for instance.

could say the same thing for how Meme means self, even and same

In Swiss German to taste means also to smell. And the verb to smell doesn't exist. The nouns taste and smell exist though.

correct if wrong
u menya yest [thing here]
literally translates to "at me there is [thing here]

Actually this.
The other are derivates.

>Angl*s can't distinguish between you and you (pl)
How did they survive for hundreds of years?

Crypto French ruling class.

>you don't have a word for today
>just said today

>You can't say "I smell the applie pie" in russian.
Wrong (Trump style)

Чyю яблoчный пиpoг.

>never heard of y'all

I was following OP's logic. If a word is a contraction, if it is made of multiple words, it isn't a word. So both aujourd'hui(to-day-of-now) and today(to-day) aren't words.

Correct (not as a command LOL)

and btw, english does not have words to express verbs in neutral form

we had it right all along

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For plural you, youse is used in Australia informally.

True story

can some french user tell me the point of formal, informal and that gay gender shit

based and dixiepilled

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A verb+ing serves that purpose kind of.
For example: Swimming is fun.


it's only purpose is purely to be as pompously elitist as possible

How do you spell youse?

It used to be verb + “en”
Tbqh I imaging people started saying “ing” because it sounds similar and adding “en” to make a verb infinitive was dying out.

Le example très autistic

The dog smells (me).

>the french don't have a word for 'impossible'

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It’s literally your (pl.) fault that that’s the case.
Death to France. Thanks to you thou/thu is part of some t-v distinction bull shit

Isn’t Impossible a french word
Is there a joke I’m missing?

It's not considered a real word so it has no official spelling but "youse" is how it's most commonly spelled from what I've seen.

The daily reminder that English speakers are retarded.

We don't have a word for entrepreneur either

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T. Wog

I don't see your flag

I exclusively think in Early Modern English with old English pronouns and ergo retain the singular-plural distinction in second person and additionally retain the dual distinction in first and second person pronouns (git and wit) and ergo I am not retarded.

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se as red?


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>mfw we have the same word for crisis and opportunity

It's used most commonly by bogans actually Island chink.

english has no future tense.

>English doesn't have a word for plural form of you

I prefer the Latin derived “ergo” to the old English Germanic “therefore” when speaking to Germans to trigger them.
Unc English speakers, wit should not put uncerselves down.

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As if we didn't use ergo in our own language as well.

>he can't comprehend 8 grammatical cases

How cute.

>Unc English speakers, wit should not put uncerselves down.
respect the dedication


It does though
It just doesn't have the singular form anymore
(Was it thou?)

>stopping at 8
What are you, a Savage Indo-European?

Are we splitting singular and plural?

Oh, I didn’t know, do you have a Germanic version as well like therefore,
Is it deshalb? If so do people use deshalb more often or ergo? Is it like English where people only say ergo to be edgy?
Thanks, here’s a cheat sheet for thee.
I’m going to revive English to its former glory when I become president, inshallah.
Yes it used to be thou/thu for singular git/yit for dual, and ge/ye/you for plural

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Morrocan French rap is some next level trippy shit

You'se trolling ! Am i not trolling, i am boxxie you see :3

cute post

Ergo is a bit pretentious, but depends on your level of education. Can be used, I guess. Educatelets mightbthink its wierd.

Just to be clear, we use therefore equivalents and ergo.

it's hardly even rap at this point

>they can't comprehend 7 grammatical cases, 14 different verb forms, 3 genders, a plural and singular and several different declensions

Nah mate I grew up around plenty of wogs and they all use it

ooga grammar and autism vocabulary are the best combo

Le latin

It is not used this way like
Я имeю coбaкy и кoшкy.
Sounds retarded as Ukrainian

they say "by me is..." "by you is..."...


kys faggot

Lol, you is already plural. English needs a singular pronoun

It isn't plural anymore, languages change.

>itt a fucking leaf with his small anglo brains tries to understand an actual language and fails miserably at every single turn
That’s kinda funny I’ll give you that


>don't have a word for ''to be''
>while he uses 2 words to express the same thing as well
Canadian post-facts are so amazing

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We say te quiero to both

>Using shit like “is”, “are”, “the”, “am”
Fucking discussing

hi fellow grug

They also don't have words for 70, 80 and 90.

fuck cases tbqh
fuck verb infinitives, too

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