NORTHERN EUROPE Sweden: 44% of children in primary schools in large cities have a migrant background

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Thank fucking god, swedish people are terrible they need to be replaced by based sandniggers

yep disgusting niggers get aryan godess.

And you gook ? *chuckle* nothing personal kid

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OP pic is in Estonia

the point of this pic is not cute both white girls

I used to look a bit like the kid on the left, so I welcome this.

>in large cities
>includes europeans

Faggots who defend this are stupid liberals or sandniggers

I wish they were more detailed

Based and redpilled

My corsican is pure and will be mines thr right

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Why do you care? You live thousands of miles away yet it's as if YOU are severely affected.

why do you care about someone in japan caring

Who is 56% now

She is safe.
But her brothers will put a bomb in your car.

the american argument

why do you care about someone in Saudi Arabia caring about someone in japan caring

Without white people world has a zero value and will die. Don't know why, maybe luck of the information and culture and science will kill the world. Sandniggers can't produce value high information.


everyone already knows stockholm, gothenburg and malmö are fucked

the more interesting news it that the figure is 27,6% for the country as a whole. was expecting a bit worse desu.

desu there might be non-swedish children that can only speak swedish so the numbers might be a bit different

Pretty much this.

Niggers and other subhumans hoping for extinction of whites is like a pig celebrating its way into the slaughterhouse kek

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> pig


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also plenty of western immigrants with swedish as a second language. the single largest immigrant group is still Finns.

Your only chance is for Finland to invade and kill all the shitskins.


How do we make it go past 30%?


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Fingolians are not Swedes


Turn off your proxy

Don't be silly, we won't vanish

>Without white people world has a zero value and will die. Don't know why, maybe luck of the information and culture and science will kill the world.

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Everything about the younger generations is fucked, no news here

I think a lot of those are Finns/Norwegians/Danes though.

there are only 6000 Danes in Sweden

Thank god

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It’s true, nigger. There’s a reason you chose to live in a country built by whites for whites. All the countries built by your kind are shit.

>irrelevant potato nigger

Japan alone has done more technologically wise than any Nordic or East European cunt.

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>migrant background
So they're mostly polacks

Did you watch Attack on titan. Prayers can't change anything

God I wish that was me

Most likely yeah, most of our immigrant population is finland and eastern europe, balkan

Europe missed and neglected every new market and technology in the last 50 years or so.

Have you ever opened a history book? Even you slavs came up with some useful shit
I know this might be something mindblowing to a korean but there are other cultures than european/white

Yeah. People always seem to ignore that the people from other EU or neighbouring countries count in these statistics.

are you ethnic

I guess we should genocide Sweden.

Whatever. Why should I even care about Europe. Most people are drooling leftists who love seeing their culture fade away over the years. Why should I want to change things for them? I feel bad for the few left that still care about European culture, but honestly Europe is already dead. Just focus on becoming somewhat rich so you can afford to live seperately from the subhumans. The rape, murder and filth in big cities will only get worse over the years. Europe will come a zoo and that's that. Just enjoy the ride, it's not the animals coming in that are the problem, it's the zookeepers (leftists) that allow this to happen, and they far outnumber the ones that want to stop it.

After achieving personal sucess working on tribal subcultures could be a fulfilling undertaking. If we become the niggers of tommorow there is future

Referencing a Swedish article.

1/2 of those are probably polacks, finns, lithuanians etc