Google vietnam visa

>google vietnam visa
>+100 services to get visa
why there are a lot of services to get visa / visa on arrival?
did anyone used any kind of this services?

Attached: Flag_of_Vietnam.jpg (720x400, 36K)

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Interesting. I wonder why.

its a fuckton of sites and people also doing that job

is really that easy to find a aproval letter?

You need visa in advance to visit Vietnam?

>Look up Free Migration on Wikipedia
>Says Mercosur countries (including Uruguay) and associate countries have free migration
>Sweet, that means I can live in Ecuador
>Embassy of Ecuador tells me I need to apply for a visa anyways

What the fuck is this? Is there free migration or not??

Attached: isThisALie.png (1037x239, 41K)

Tell to Embassy, that according to Wikipedia, they should accept you.

This isn't a joke, Vlad

yes, but you can get a visa on arrival

Then why you bother about it in advance?

you need the aproval letter otherwise you wont get a visa on arrival

But doesn't Vietnam have a visa free policy with most countries?

Hotel confirmation is enough. And they will ask for it with 0.1% chance.

yes but not with portugal

not really
you need that letter to get the visa on arrival. hotel confirmation isnt enough

I've been in Vietnam. As I remember, you can visit it for 14 or 15 days without a visa. If you want to stay for longer you are asking for VOA. Nobody ask for any letter.

because with your country you didnt need it

with portugal we need it

Because Tourism is a big part of the economy

Söder, Seehofer, Stoiber, Dobrindt: Böse, alte Bayern wollen mit Soldaten, Stacheldraht und Schäferhunden arme Menschen an unseren Grenzen abweisen. Anders fröhliche Flachlandfrauen wie Angela, Claudia, Katrin: Sie sorgen sich rührend um Arme aus aller Welt, sorgen und jubeln: "Wir kriegen Menschen geschenkt!"

Attached: 11825109_895804690498594_2779523916253132682_n.jpg (932x783, 123K)

I'd recomend you to search Portuguese/EU travel forums on this matter, or visit Vietnamese Embassy.
But I'm pretty sure, it's hotel, which you can book/reserve online, should supply you with this letter.

sure, but makes me feel that anyone can do it

Well, I read a little on forums, it seems you're right. It's not hotel confirmation, it some "Approval letter", and it's just shitton of agencies who provide it. Strange, I don't remember it.

Fuck off we're full

t. sexpat

yeah you didnt needed it

hello english teacher

t.Hanoi. How’s heroin smuggling these days?