What's the most sensitive flag on Jow Forums? My bet is on Pooland

What's the most sensitive flag on Jow Forums? My bet is on Pooland.
The ones on Jow Forums tend to be a bit more chill but the rest are easily triggered, hypernationalists that tend to get immensely butthurt if you don't think Pooland was the greatest thing to ever appear on Earth.

My second choice is Indian posters when they were still around.

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>My second choice is Indian posters when they were still around.
Why aren't they?

Poland is a first world country at every single aspect.

I would say that we're second after Burgers, although I don't lurk on Jow Forums so I don't know how it looks on other flagged boards


Not sure if you're a newfag but they got bullied off here after months of street shitting banter.

They basically got holocausted off the board by poo-in-loo memery back in 2015/2016

I'm not a newfag but I had a period when I didn't use Jow Forums. Of course I remember them getting bullied. Pretty funny that they actually left en masse because of that.

It's interesting how all the nationalities that couldn't handle the banter just left over the years. Of course the most glaring examples are Indians and Poles (we used to have a lot of butthurt nationalists), but this is also true for Americans, there used to be a lot more of them.

We will never leave

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Meh I can't blame them. It wasn't even banter every time they posted the thread just got flooded with POO posts.

Now that I think about it a lot of Turks left too

Of course you wouldn't, you OWN the banter

Now that I think about it, we need to find a way to make Japs leave.

The Turks actually deserved it though.


Japan easily.

Seconding that


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they didn't leave, their government just blocked the site. Same thing happened with all the Iranian posters like six years ago.

The thing about Finland is that everyone including other Finns think we get baited into shitposting. It's a wrong idea since shitposting to Finns is like water to fish. You don't bait a fish into water.

nobody thinks that, everybody just sees you as the court jesters for boards with flags.

grazie ragazzi

>Same thing happened with all the Iranian posters like six years ago.
but chubek was active 6 years ago


You are assblasted all the time mate

Japan and Pooland

Italy, maybe not the most but definetely up there.

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I agree. They are butthurt, dumb, ignorant, but also arrogant.

this, most of their posters are so delusional and annoying
case in point
