What's your breakfast/dinner/lunch, Jow Forums?

this is spaghetti arabiata

Attached: IMG_20180711_200645.jpg (3016x4032, 3.4M)

They look nice

i will est pasta today

it was bene
based, what pasta?

salmon pasta

salmon from Adriatic Sea? based


Eggs and Scrapple for Breakfast, Sardines for Lunch, and Soup for Supper

Attached: 114662504_00acb3067f.jpg (500x352, 158K)

norwegian salmon

I've just eaten lasagne al ragù

Attached: 13321cae3113e8104a867b99921a855c_XL.jpg (900x675, 378K)


i ate lasagna a month ago

Attached: IMG_20180610_190049.jpg (3016x4032, 2.33M)

Looks really good, although we don't put potatoes in it

I do

Fine, but the original recipe for lasagne does not include potatoes

don't know bro
here in Puglia we pur potatoes on everything

It's a nice variation. I like your extra spicy sauces.

Foil baked salmon with vegetables

>post pasta
>get bunch of Italian replies
feels so good
bost it

it's not ready yet, i'll sup later


we don't have that much, Calabria makes a lots of spicy food and sauce