Who do you hate?

Who do you hate?

For me, it’s the French.

Attached: France.png (470x307, 4K)

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It is just absurd how a people can be so patriotic for such a shithole. Also I have to meet one with an iq above 70 and their language sound like shit.

>Also I have to meet one with an iq above 70 and their language sound like shit

Knew two french people in my life
A whore that i ve fucked
And a fag that i ve hit

niggers and benders


we're not patriotic


basically this
and all their turkshit cousins from the -stan countries, too (here we get the shitty landlocked mongoloid mountain turks).
french people tend to leave me never indifferent, they're either pretty cool, or they're insufferable shitholes


Turks, genocidial subhumans who have contributed not a single thing to the development of human kind. Destroyed the Roman Empire and have been tumor in Europe ever since. And now they have the gall to call themselves Europeans cause they still own a speck of Thrace

you are quite similar to Uzbeks in terms of mentality though

in what way

based and redpilled

They both have hatred towards anyone who is weaker than them
And servility towards anyone who is stronger/more influental

No, stijn, our government and old people are
he is somewhat correct in that some old and middle-aged people from small towns like to show-off and brag but hide behind the police and army whenever shit comes their way. It is a very ex-soviet mentality that I think exists in many other countires

they have little princesses for boys

Hate Britain and Sweden.

Eritrea. It has the worst people ever. They are PROUD to be colonized by Italy and genuinely believe that they have a different culture than us. Fucking assholes got us landlocked too. Somalis I just feel bad for. Italy has a cool culture, history, and cuisine. I like Italy.


Stay triggered

Haha oh wow

Chinks. They eat like pigs, with disgusting sounds. Aaaaa, it's horrible

Why do you think I am mad over what Abiy Ahmed is doing? I like the peace deal. The war is pointless as for no side will win. Abiy Ahmed is amazing. You see, if he continues progress Eritrea would let us use their ports or allow for a border adjustment unlandlocking us. I don't care about them as long as we have coast. If Assab is returned then they can continue to be retards without us.

Ethiopia deserves ocean access. If any African nation deserves success it’s definitely you guys after all the work you’ve done to just survive in history.

you slav are asian too,embrace it subhuman cuck mutt

? :(

Lol thanks

I didn't said I hate Asians, obviously I'm not. I'm proud to be non wh*te.

You you even know, where is Africa?

Not anyone by default, except Australians of course. Forced and psychotic multiculturalism gets my guard up though.

What are you trying to say? Sorry for the misunderstanding.

Id have to agree with that. The french and the germans are the worst

I hate everyone who isn't european (that includes slavs but latinos get a pass)

You mean you are jealous of us, jamal?

Why would anyone be jealous of a Sw*de?

I dont understand hating an entire nation

Sure, especially you love Pakistan and India, aren't you?

The Chinese, both their government and their "people" if you can call them that (more like insects)

If you were trying to insult my assumed lack of geographic knowledge you could at least sound smart doing it.

Quiet tatar

You are right. I did horrible mistakes, I feel ashamed. Anyway, >tftp

For me, it's Australia for hating France.

What would i be jealous of friendo

Went to europe
thought I would hate swedes (and scandanavia in general)
Turns out memes aside swedes are pretty cool and not indignant at all. Only danes fulfilled this stereotype.

Fucking mainland chinks.
They are the niggest of all, loud, obnoxious, dirty, they will push your for a photo, will come before your place in a queue, and generally transgress every unwritten rule that well-behaved people abide.
I don't know if the last part of my sentence was correct english, but bear it for me.

i sincerely despise Frogs,not because of football match though,i dont give shit about football at all..Fuck those shitskin Frogs

It was perfect user