Just a friendly reminder that sports is a redirection of anger and tension unintentionally designed to keep you servile.
>saying dumb shit doesn't make you smarter
You're a fool if you don't think sports are a distraction and an outlet for stress.
>sportsball is for soyboys
Ree dumb normies interrupt me watching anime with my kawaii uguu~ waifus with their barbaric screams
>panem et circensem
he's right
lmao shut the fuck up you fat retard
I'm baffled that people have the free time and willpower to sit and watch 90+ minutes games. Every fucking day. And these games are uneventful as fuck and constantly interrupted because someone's rolling on the floor and crying.
This is the ultimate soyboy experience. Passively sitting around watching a team of imported negroes kick a ball around and score once per 100 minutes.
Someone didn't get enough sports ball and soy today
Fuck off with your /v/ slang, only chads play sports
People spend as much time watching movies or playing video games. Or worse still posting on Jow Forums.
And only fags watch sports.
oh fuck off you soygentinian loser, chads play video games while you sit there passively guzzling soy and cheering for another 1-1 match extended into overtime
Movies are significantly more diverse and have way more artistic merit than a soccer game lmao. Video games are an active hobby so they're not really comparable.
Legitimately the worst way you can spend your time is passively watching other people partake in an active hobby. Zero benefits to you.
I don't like football either
But World Cup is not just football, you spergs, it has a whole bonding, political sense behind it, it's a world event and if you deprive yourself from it you're literally a legit autist
But yeah following clubs and leagues and shit is really retarded
no, faggots masturbate to traps while watching anime like I know you do, stop being such an autist because you had a shit childhood and no one wanted you in their teams, get over it
You can enjoy those aspects without actually watching the games my ball chasing monkey friend. Like fuck me if I'm gonna sit there for 90 minutes every time to watch this boring shit, I just catch the results and shittalk.
I mean, I don't need to waste my time actually watching this garbage to let you know that you need to fuck off because soccer is about the only thing your country's noteworthy for and you've lost even THAT by this point lmao.
I'd rather a few sports matches than a new balkan war desu.
yeah better waste your time bitching about the sports you dont even watch on a mongolian cartoons forum, get the fuck out you mutilated little dick faggot
Yes, tabbing in to write a 20 seconds reply is the exact same thing as watching 90 minutes of a shitty game.
To be fair, maybe for a third world scum with broken English like you it might take as long to write one, I guess?
That's a lot of projection dude, you seem to know a lot about fapping to traps and childhood trauma.
Right, my autist friend, seems you don't have any family or friends to watch it with you, sucks to be THAT guy
oh my god I knew were gonna say that and it took you 10 minutes to reply
At least I'm not a fucking jew
Were you beaten up by sports bullies? Not an insult but get your test levels checked.
You waited for 10 minutes to see my reply? The fuck dude, get a hobby.